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Night Lords "Tenebrous Winter" (GREY KNIGHT 08/12)


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@daemonclaw: Thanks, man! Yeah I really like how they came out. Muted metals with brighter highlights seems to work well for chaos, giving it a dirty but sharp look! 


Due to the new Grey Knights 'dex (of which I shan't opine here :tongue.: ) this thread may find some new grey knights making an appearance at some point too! More to come!

Hey guys! Back from a long Holiday weekend and got a little bit done on this guy! Not much, but it is the tedious main colors before the more fun detailing can be done and give him a bit more life :smile.:


I'm also working on retro-fitting my Grey Knight terminators (because halberds are :censored: compared to falchions, now) so they may very well be making an appearance :tongue.: More to come! Any and all C&C warmly received; these guys are so early in the building stage I would be very open to ideas! Thanks! :smile.:

@Demon: Thanks! I don't see what you mean about them looking similar :wink: I just like my dark blue, what can I say! :smile.:

Well I've been threatening this heretical log with some Grey Knight posts for some time now so I better make good on it:




This guy's left arm ended up becoming a bit overly dramatic because there was no way to lower it without it running into his chest :dry.: I'm pretty happy with how it ended up, though:



And a picture of my hammer guy who runs with 'em (but I was too lazy to dig out for the group picture :tongue.: ):


So basically I've had these models for a while but with the new GK 'dex felt I needed to get rid of their halberds and replace em with falchions! It took quite a while to paint that many power weapons (with a brush, not an airbrush :wacko.: ) and I'm pretty happy with em! All C&C welcome! Fear not, there are many more heretics soon to come :biggrin.: Thanks for looking!

Hey ya'll! So I made a couple changes to one of my knights; the one with the overly dramatic arm :tongue.: I went through my bits box and lucked out, finding a GK terminator arm that fit! So I promptly painted it up and fixed him and I feel a lot better about his final look:


And I went and wrangled em all up for a proper, everyone included, group shot:


And, some progress on the Night Lord front for those heretics amongst you :wink:


I'm really loving how these Night Lords are looking these days. Sorry for the crap picture on him, but I was in the process of painting his lightning :smile.: There's a big ol' hole on his left leg (that you can't really see in the picture) that I drilled out to pin his sheathed combat blade into. I need to get some guys with drawn blades in here because I just bought GW's "Blood for the Blood God" and am aching to try it out :tongue.: More to come, fellas!

@Recon: Almost, except I cut a highlight out, actually. So it's Kantor base, followed by Macragge and then Russ on the edge!

Finished up the 2nd member of First Claw:






I'm pretty pleased with the Forgeworld NL heads; I kind of bought them on a whim because I really wanted the Forgeworld pre-heresy raptor heads, but I'm not about to shell out $50 for 5 heads so these had to do and I'm extremely happy with the results :biggrin.: The shoulder pads are incredible (sort of goes without saying) :wink:

I'm gonna slap the next guy together here in a little bit. I'm hoping to get a satisfactory pose where he has a blade of some kind because I'm dying (pun intended) to try out the Citadel Blood for the Blood God! We shall see how assembly goes, however :tongue.: ONE OF THESE DAYS I WILL! C&C most welcome guys. Thanks for looking! :smile.:

beautiful looking grey knights! although i personally loved the dramatic over shoulder arm of the termie before you changed it.


I also love how you've painted that night lords helmet, the mask just screams terrifying.



Thanks guys!


@Anver Cassiel: I liked that pose as well, but it kept bugging me that I had to insert a small spacer between his arm and shoulder so that it had enough room, but it just looked too spaced out to me then. So I went ahead and changed it :tongue.: That 5-man squad ended up being a lot of trouble since I ended up fully painting halberds for all of them some time ago, then scrapping that for falchions because of the new codex, and then the one guy had to have THREE LEFT arms (total) painted because his left halberd holding one didn't fit and then I found that the replacement one (the one with the spacer) didn't tickle my fancy either, but of course that was after painting it! So then I painted another to get him where he is now :wink: I'm happy with the end result though :smile.:


@Anaziel: No problem, and thanks man! The brass/gold is pretty easy; I paint it all Runelord Brass, followed with an Agrax wash. Then I go back in and highlight the edges back up with leadbelcher. Done! :smile.: In my opinion Runelord seems to have the best gold/bass tone when you wash it to shade it. The highlights just really make it pop; just don't go overboard on them because it can look too silvery really quick.


@Demon: Thank you! I'm workin' on assembling the next duder as we speak! :tongue.:


Should have some pictures to post here in not too long; still working on seeing if I can get a satisfactory blade on this guy (as it turns out my life revolves around getting a blade on this guy). More to come! 

@Chickenleg: Thanks man!

@Anaziel: No problem! I was actually really worried at first that the loyalist legs and arms would detract too much from his "traitorousness." I actually quite like the look of it though! The Forgeworld helmets really help bring him back to the dark side, though :tongue.:

@Candleshoes: Thanks so much! I must admit I've had a fair amount of practice in navy blue (hmmm lets see... Crimson Fists, Alpha Legion, Pre-heresy Alpha Legion, now Night Lords... I can't even think of more navy colored loyalists!) :wink:

So I got the third member of First Claw assembled and I'm happy to say I reached my (stupid) goal of modeling him with a knife!


You probably can't tell in this photo, but he has a Night Lord head that I think oughta look pretty cool! I also decided to break out the knife-wielding hands that come in the Mk. IV assault pack from Forgeworld and I think it should look decent on this guy; the main thing I worry about is the bolter/arm holding it placement but I think it will work once it's all together. Anyways, more to come! :smile.:

Thanks man! For sure the silver is very easy but I think looks great. Model is primed white, then given a thin layer of Runefang steel. Then wash the whole thing with Drakenhof Nightshade pretty heavily. Then just paint it back up with Runefang Steel! That easy! The brightness of the silver gives it a nice natural highlight; just make sure you thin your paints because it makes the final effect even glossier and smoother. :smile.:


More to come!

Hey-hey guys! I'v been a little slower painting the past couple of days due to work stuff but here we go :smile.: Managed to finish up my third Night Lord:





So, some of you may notice he doesn't have the knife wielding hand I originally modeled him with. That would be because I ended up disliking it :tongue.: I painted it up and, despite LOVING the GW blood effect, I just didn't feel like the angle of the knife showed it in a good light (the small amount of uncorrected unevenness/warping in the resin was amplified by the angle it was held at). So I ripped that hand off and added an open hand (I think from a Grey Knight kit), which I also feel makes him look unique enough for a bolter marine :smile.: Anyways, thanks for looking guys and more to come! All C&C very welcome! Ave Dominus Nox

Sneaky backpack conversion there? Or am I just going crazy and seeing things again? Really liking the blue, nice and smooth and dark. The lightning forks also really stand out nicely and you are not flooding the model with them. 

Awesome work brother! The only nit-pick I have is the lightning, it looks too 'flat'. I'd start with a thin line of really light blue and then finish it with a thiner line of white through the middle. Kind of like this...




Keep doing what you're doing :)

Thanks a bunch guys!

@Marqol: Good eyes, man! :smile.: It is indeed a chaos marine backpack with the "arms" shortened to a normal length; I really dig the CSM backpacks, I just personally don't like the extended exhausts as much.

@Forte: Rest assured they are now trapped within my display case by the most holy of binding agents: fear. :tongue.:

@Kizzdougs: Completely understand what you're saying, but I actually kind of like the starkness with which this "less blended" lightning stands out (at least on infantry). I may look into that though when I get to my drop pods :wink:

@Fulminata: In the case of the lightning I have definitely been finding that less is more. It's really easy to go overboard on but it seems to detract some if you do.

@Mitchell Marine: Thank you sir! :smile.:

Got a fourth guy assembled last night but was too tired to post the pictures (he has since been primed and I am working on his armour):


So I broke out a bare head for this guy. I'm hoping it ends up alright. I'm still debating the skin tone to give him; it will either be really pale (like ghostly white as seen in my post-heresy Alpha Legion thread) or a more pale, but distinctly more human, tone. Anyways, more to come soon! :smile.:

Hey guys! So a managed to finish up the fourth, helmetless, member of First Claw:





As mentioned, it was a bit of an internal debate as to which type of skin tone to give him (either ghostly-pale or a more natural, human pale). I ended up going with a more human hue but it still looks fairly unnatural, as it should since he is not only a space marine but a Night Lord :wink: I also went with some (receding) hair stubble on this guy to give him a bit more life :smile.: Also, because I am obsessed, I gave him a sheathed blade; it just seems too fitting for Night Lords :tongue.: I'm quite liking the loyalist legs on these guys; the subtle changes to the tactical squad legs released last year seem to make them much more proportional/less squat. Anyways, all C&C welcome! I will be away until next week some time so won't be updating until then but I will certainly be thinking about the next squad member. More to come soon! :smile.:


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