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Night Lords "Tenebrous Winter" (GREY KNIGHT 08/12)


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@Caprera, Forte, Nemac Vradon: I will do my best but like I said there was a ton of fumbling around trying to figure it out hahahahahaha! It will come eventually though!

@Chickenleg: oh man I know! I'm gonna be ordering a big ol' bag of skulls for that purpose later!

@Dorns fist: I've seen your Scythes man and they look amazing! You've definitely perfected painting yellow!

@Daemonclaw: thanks so much man!

@caprera: I'll try to put a picture tutorial together when I get home this week! If it doesn't pan out I can at least throw a text step by step together!

@argent aquila: haha thanks so much, dude!


I'm getting frustrated at how long I'v been away from my precious VIII! More to come soon!

Hey guys! So it isn't any overt progress on my plastic duders, BUT while out of town I managed to pick up something I'm am extremely excited to get to after finishing up First Claw:


So, these are going to be converted to astartes bikes; I just really like the more slim-lined scout bike model more than the blockier, normal GW space marine bike. So there will be some of these coming after I finish up the remaining 6 guys for this squad! Anyways, it was only a small update since I can't do anything with them at the moment, but it gives ya an idea of where I'm headed next. Thanks for looking! :smile.:

@caprera: I'll try to put a picture tutorial together when I get home this week! If it doesn't pan out I can at least throw a text step by step together!


Thanks Alan, much appreciated. If it wasn't for your model I wouldn't be planning any bare heads at all :D

@Caprera: You bet, man! It's awesome to hear how some of my stuff inspires others to paint! I'm just a dude who loves painting :smile.:


Speaking of which there will be more of that to come in a few days (Saturday) once I get home from this Emperor-damned work trip! 

Hey guys! I'm finally back home so can get back to work on my Night Lords! So I did some on the current guy:


He's coming along but is definitely still very WIP :tongue.: I've noticed that with the 'new-ish' raptor models that the heads seem to be somewhat larger than I was expecting, almost seeming like they are designed for a slightly larger scale. I'm pretty sure they look this way because of the vox-speakers on the sides of the helmets, making them look slightly wide. It's not bad enough that I don't want to use them or anything, I just wasn't expecting it! I think they work fine with the Chaos models though since the larger, bulkier pads tend to offset the slightly-larger head. Anyways, more to come tomorrow; I'll hopefully finish him up then but if not I'll get close. Thanks for looking! :smile.:

Thanks, Flint!


Haha thanks, Fire Golem; I've always been a bit torn on the basing as whether or not to add snow flock around the edges (the exposed base) and I've gotten people supporting both ideas. I personally kind of like the "personal plinth" sort of look on these bases, but I may still add some snow to the upper, rock portion since snow looks great in contrast to the blue I think :smile.:


I just finished washing the metals on this guy so more to come! 

Finished up the fifth guy!





So he officially marks the halfway point of First Claw's completion! :smile.: I was initially worried some about the helmet, seeming both a little large and perhaps being too ornate for the rest of the model, but it turned out fine I think! I have to admit, the raptor and warp talon heads seem excellent for Night Lords in particular. And of course I threw a knife on him because I just can't help myself these days :tongue.:

More to come! I'll get a new guy together tomorrow once I figure out how I want him to look! All C&C very welcome :smile.:

@Flint: Haha! Thanks so much! I have been meaning to vox the AdMech about my finger-painting attachments...

@Dorns Fist: Thanks, bud! It came out a lot better than I was expecting :smile.: The new kits are really well detailed!


So I got the next guy assembled! He's gonna be in a reloading pose, just to break up the normal bolter-armed marines. He's also rocking the "unique" Mk IV helm. The thing about playing out of Codex: Space Marines like I am (because of drop pods) is that tactical squads can't take multiple special weapons, so I end up painting an extra bolter guy per squad and it feels a bit more mundane. But I've almost gotten to the more exciting parts! Maybe dreads, or bikes, or predators... hmmm.

More to come! :smile.:

@Anaziel: Yeah man! I was worried about that as well but the shoulder pads really help to tone it down. I think part of the illusion of it looking big stems from the fact that many of the raptor heads hang over the front of the chest piece, making it look odd. 


@Argent Aquila: Hahaha thanks! 


I had a bit of a primer issue but I think I resolved it okay. Serves me right for trying to prime a model on a day the temperature fluctuates by like 35(f) degrees :tongue.: More to come!


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