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Today in the hobby, I continued assembling (with sticky tack) a squad of shooting Company Veterans and a squad of close combat oriented Company Veterans, as well as swapping out a couple of metal Veterans to my Command Squad because I realized their configuration wasn't valid for Company Vets.


After this, my final Tact Squad for Strike Force Furael and then on to the Dev squads.


I keep telling myself I'll actually pull my paints out again too.

Gave up all hope of finding cheapish minis >_> 


eBay yielded nothing?


Today in the hobby cleaned and undercoated shoulder pads made by shapeways to see if the detail would come thru .Huuzzzah!!! Hammers of Dorn coming to a WIP thread near you.


Most excellent. Have been thinking of picking up some 3D modelling skills to use Shapeways. I'm quite interested in how their plastic 'feels', and how well it cuts and so on.

Most excellent. Have been thinking of picking up some 3D modelling skills to use Shapeways. I'm quite interested in how their plastic 'feels', and how well it cuts and so on.


Quite soft and bendy. Have a mate who's using them and he's worried the orange plastic they use won't take well to painting at all.

Today in the hobby...


...Having received one of my xmas presents early, and the "surprise" ruined, I was told to go wild with my new land raider crusader!  As one of those people who cant help but tinker and fiddle with a new kit and its shininess, the temptation proved too much and I set to work....


....I have been swearing ever since at the person who redesigned the assault cannon turret for not making the barrel holes!  You had one job dude, seriously! Bolter barrels are one thing, but one mistake on an assault cannon and you're :cuss   


Oh, and maybe its because I'm jaded, having started my love affair with 40k in 3rd edition; but the new hurricane sponsons are some fugly, high tech abomination to me.   I'm slapping some old school hurricanes on this bad boy in protest.  40k Doesn't do pretty, shiny and new- we cobble things together until it works, claim its a lost STC,  douse it in holy oil and slap some skulls on it.

40k Doesn't do pretty, shiny and new- we cobble things together until it works, claim its a lost STC,  douse it in holy oil and slap some skulls on it.

Praise be the Omnissiah.

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Today in the hobby I assembled, cleaned up, undercoated and basecoated my first box of the new Tactical Marines. I've had them sitting around from the day of codex release when I got them!







Edited by VoteForPedro
Today in the hobby I stopped by a local primarily model and R/C hobby store that has a small bit of GW stuff. They have decided to stop stocking GW stuff and are selling everything at 50% off. I got the Reclusiam Command Squad, Devastator squad and Sternguard box for half price. I only went in to get magnets! I never figured I would get the Reclusiam squad box. There isn't anything else I want left there, unfortunately.

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