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Today in the hobby I....


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Today in the hobby I finished assembling my Death Company. Only five and a half Tactical marines to go and my force will be ready for painting!


I've also started chopping arms apart and repositioning them. I think the evil cackling is a good sign.

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Today in the hobby, I managed to get the Chosen Chaos Space Marines and Helbrute base coated and received my Drycha model for my Dark Mechanicum Magos counts as Warp Smith kitbash. Still trying to work out what to use for her Mechadendrites...
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Today in the Hobby I spent a good deal of time placing buttons in my vice and filing their loops down. The reason being that I painted a small plastic mushroom a while ago and my mother made an offhand comment about how I could paint her one for Christmas. So I'm making a box with mushrooms all over it.


The buttons are to become convex caps and I've sculpted a few conical ones using this tutorial. I made a bracket fungus by cutting a large, flat and wide button in half and sculpting the gills underneath with green stuff. I've also used a furniture tack with its nail bent to have a mushroom growing out of the side of the box.


The box itself is made from a tin that held Marks and Spencer's 'Curiously Strong Mints'. As a consequence all of my work so far has been carried out with exceedingly minty breath.


I wouldn't have known where to start on such a project if I hadn't been part of this hobby. It's nice to know I have learnt a skill or two from my plastic men!

Edited by Zincite
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Zincite Rhys funny because I just made a Christmas present for my mom too- a plaque for her office door which reads "dragons lair: kids eaten free". If I hadn't had experience free handing from hobby related stuff, the lettering would've turned out pretty badly (it's funny how bad my hands were shaking at the end, then I realized I haven't picked up a brush in a year!)
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Ahhh. If we hone these skills enough, maybe we can recoup some of what we've paid to GW by giving and selling customized gifts!


Your sign reminds me of one I saw last week.


'Forget about the dog, 

Beware of the Wife -

And be very frightened of the children!' 

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Today in the hobby I had my first game ever against 6th edition Eldar... And got completely steamrolled by what appears to be an army chock-full of AP2, constant 5++ and 4+ saves on vehicles, constant insane mobility (his autarch dude was jetbiking over my aegis defense line, shooting twinlinked meltagun into my tanks, then 2d6-ing back to safety during assault phase, all in a single turn, all while having a rerollable 2+ cover save) and lots of str6+ shots on every unit. I don't think his list was optimized at all, he basically had one unit of everything. Still have no idea what I could possibly do to beat that. 


I had great dice during the first two turns, too. 

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Learn to fight better Mon-Keigh; the new codex puts the fear of the dying race back into 40K.  There is a bit of a change to how you play and what you take, but with practice comes perfection. 


Just do NOT play the Relic mission against them unless you:

  • Are playing Eldar.
  • Are playing Death Korps of Krieg with the standard fare of barrage weapons or Imperial Guard with far too much.
  • Are playing Tau.
  • Are playing mounted Dark Eldar (webway lists have a much harder time of it).
  • Are playing on a table with no terrain.
  • Can deep strike very heavily and hold your position afterwards (drop pods and maybe Deathwing with storm shield spam)
  • Are confident that you can table your foe.
  • Are facing someone who does not have Guardian Jetbikes.

Why do I say this?  Well, Eldar break the Relic mission and then laugh in the faces of the Mon-Keigh afterwards.  A Guardian Jetbike is a Troops choice so it may carry the Relic.  Not bad you say?  Well consider this: in the mission no unit may move the Relic more than 6" in any phase, not turn, but phase.  So they pick up the Relic, move 6" in the movement phase, move 6" in the shooting phase, then move another 6" in the assault phase.  That means they can grab the win and run with it.  On a table with normal 25%+ terrain, it means you will likely see the Relic on turn one and then futilely chase it for the rest of the game. 


Dark Eldar can keep pace with Raiders and Venoms all over while Reavers harass and their aircraft aid (perhaps a few Craftworld allies will even help out for lols).  Tau have the long ranged firepower to keep pace in lieu of other units while advancing to secure.  Krieg has plenty of "forget your silly cover and line of sight blocking nonsense foul xenos scum," while Codex Guard can take enough barrage to pretend to be as awesome.  Drop pod heavy and Deathwing heavy lists that can come right in on turn 1 might be able to hold the Relic for the rest of the army to advance on it, but you will want storm shields on those Termies and/or loads of Marines with plenty of cover nearby to weather the worst of it. 


There are a few ways to lessen this problem.  If you can add more objectives, such as Krieg's Forlorn Hope or Archaeotech mysterious terrain being rolled as such, then you might be able to win off secondary objectives as well, but these options are either limited to specific lists or are too random to count upon.  Other than that you will need to use aircraft and other faster units and deep strikers to take out the jetbikes ASAP or corral them into killing grounds and hope the slippery Eldar do not escape your traps (which they probably will).  Either way, Craftworld Eldar ruin that mission and take great delight in it after the last couple of years of using their old Codex.

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Today in the hobby...I accidentally knocked over an entire pot of Agrex Earthshade.

Ouch. That hurts. Was it on the carpet?


Fortunately not, managed to contain the spill with a bit of kitchen roll :smile.: Still well annoyed with myself though, especially as last week I did exactly the same thing with a pot of Lamium Medium. :blush.:

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Today in the hobby...I accidentally knocked over an entire pot of Agrex Earthshade.

Ouch. That hurts. Was it on the carpet?




Fortunately not, managed to contain the spill with a bit of kitchen roll :smile.: Still well annoyed with myself though, especially as last week I did exactly the same thing with a pot of Lamium Medium. :blush.:



If I'm using one particular paint or wash etc for a prolonged amount of time, I usually put a blob of blutack underneath the pot to reduce the chance of knocking it over (One day, I might go without an incident of some kind, be it cuts, spills or accidental gluing of digits :dry.: )
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Today in the hobby...I accidentally knocked over an entire pot of Agrex Earthshade.

Ouch. That hurts. Was it on the carpet?


Fortunately not, managed to contain the spill with a bit of kitchen roll :smile.: Still well annoyed with myself though, especially as last week I did exactly the same thing with a pot of Lamium Medium. :blush.:

Did you buy the Weeble brand paint pots again?

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Today in the hobby I painted a slave girl mini I bought on a whim because it amused me. So I used her as an exercise in painting flesh tones, I couldn't find my ogres so I had to make due, really proud of how my blending came out, looks very natural. skin's quite fun to paint once you find your rhythm.

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Well I have been back home for a week form college and I completed so far

Preparing/building 12 pre heresy mk 3 tactical squad, a rogue trader predator(cutting metal is horrible), and display board for the lot.  Completely painted a salamander Ven Dread(forgeworld), prepare some scouts and painted one tactical marine.  Non power armor miniatures were 4 spirt host, 1 banshee, 1 wraith,1 corpse cart , five dire wolves and 27 zombies for my vampire counts.  I also spent about $50 for the new technical paints, and love them all, except agrellan earth. 

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Today in the hobby I made new friends, and enjoyed a holiday party complete with foodz and Secret Santa gifts at my FLGW.  Also, I finished painting a Deathwatch Space Wolf with ridiculously red hair, aptly named "Fafnr Firebeard," who will later serve as my Wolf Lord in my eventual Space Wolf army.

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