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Today in the hobby I....


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I ordered the Forgeworld IA 9&10 books today, it seems that most of my interest lately has been with Chapters involved in the Badab War. Later tonight I am going to start painting some heads for my 1st Howling Griffon Tac Squad, as well as doing some assembly and prep-work. If lucky I may do some priming.

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Today in the hobby, while back home for a family funeral and helping my old fella get something from the attic, I found my old WD mags from no. 152 (aug 1992) to no.191 (nov 1995) an tHE 1994 SPACE WOLF codex. Necromunda, blood bowl and Epic battle reports I am as happy as the proverbial "pig-in-s### ".

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While painting the outline for the black portion of hazard stripes, I told myself that I need to put a mark in the section that I intend to paint black so that I don't mess it up later, as I proceeded to mark each section, forgetting to skip every other box....


Sounds like you're painting narrow gauge hazard stripes now!


Today (yesterday) I converted  a chaos terminatos, and improved an old conversion from black reach terminators.

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Today in the hobby I...


...picked up my special order of Mr. Hobby's  "Mr. Surfacer 500" and although I've only been tinkering it with it for a small part of the evening; I am quite pleased with the gap filling and surface smoothing it is achieving.


I am less than enthused about the ungodly smell it has though.   I might have to sit outside and work with this stuff so I can get proper ventilation- not a pleasant thought considering it's going to be in the 30s for the next few days.  

Edited by The_Chaplain
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Today I worked on my Storm Raven -> Fire Raptor Conversion


Just need to pin the turrets, which move via magnets, and attach the third fin.


Oh and clean up the wing attachments.


Edited by Nusquam
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Today in the hobby I...


...continued the long work on my Spaceship X set (the biggest option with twelve sets sent to me in a very big box). All the corridors of 2 squares or longer are built, ready to be sprayed black, then brushed, etc., etc. Next, is a somewhat tedious chore of scraping all the little wall pieces, then sorting the different types to wall up the cross-sections, t-junctions,and bends, as well as the 1-square walls.


One day, I will lead Terminator squads to death or glory in this stunning 3D environment, against the truly alien threat of Genestealer invasion.

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Went halves with the wife on Horus Heresy Volume One and the Badab

War/Imperial Armour Volume Two bundle, along with an airbrush.


Huge win there. I just love the Badab books, they are instilled with copious amounts of awesome sauce.


Today in the hobby I started building a 10 man assault squad with combat shields, from the IA10 Badab Vanguard Siege list.

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Today in the hobby I played in two connected Apocalypse games against the Tyranids.  After successfully pushing the Tyranids back in the first game, my remaining troops rushed to the beleaguered capital world as reinforcements.

50 brothers of the Deathwatch (kitted as Sternguard and Tyrannic War Vets) drop podding in to save the day in a storm of hellfire rounds was a glorious sight, let me tell you.

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Today in the Hobby I got absolutely smashed to pieces by Eldar and Guard in a triple threat Relic match to shake things up. So, outflanking Wave Serpents with Scorpions inside are basically ridiculous with their bloody jink and serpent shields. This is the 8th game in a row my melta guns have failed to hit or wound/pen anything. I've also decided Psychic Shriek can go die in a fire. Poppycock. 

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Got about a third of the way through building a Dark Angels Army Builder in Excel, just cause I wanted to try and make one. Got the HQ choices all sorted and working well - hopefully the other army sections should be a fair bit simpler.


What - I like doing stuff in Excel! :)


Edit: Troops done now - was a lot less involved than HQ.

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