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Today in the hobby I....


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Today in the hobby waiting for a package , went to mail box expecting it to be there,instead a note saying it was'nt delivered because of the stupid neighbors dogs would'nt let the postal carrier out of her car. Hmmmm sitting here looking at the 12ga.


But instead told said neighbor to leash her dogs or will call the Sheriff .

Edited by deathspectersgt7
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Today in the hobby I played against a team of WAAC players that invaded my FLGW to take part in a friendly tourney.  They were the kind of people who will bring a tooled up Taudar list to a friendly tournament, carefully count the number of models in a unit you place on the board, will string a line of models around a unit near the board edge so that it can't move without being within 1" of their unit (even though that unit couldn't have threatened anything important anyway), and will force an opponent to play another turn AFTER agreeing to end the game a turn early (neither I nor my partner had any desire to continue), just to take a 3 point objective away from them in a game that wasn't even close.

Vengeance was twice mine, though.

First, my Knight (who survived the game completely unscathed) charged a Riptide with overcharged shield generator.  The player thought he would get invulnerable saves, and promptly suffered 2d6+2d3+14 wounds from the Comtesse de Lancet's Reaper Chainsword for his foolishness.

Second, I snuck a WHFB model onto the table, and managed to keep a straight face as the worse of the two players challenged that the unit I had just outflanked had "one too many models," and demanded to know the rules for this new arrival that wasn't on my list.  He had no humor about it, not even a grin.  He just got angry. And it was hilarious.

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In a similar vain to the above post....Today in the hobby I read a new (to me) codex.  After careful inspection, I found that some of the more negative rules for this race had been ignored by one of my usual opponents....Can't wait for the rematch!

Edited by marvmoogy
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Today in the hobby I tabled a Grey Knight with Space Marine allies player with my "inferior" chaos codex. I'll add that Typhus killed a Paladin squad almost single handedly. The look on the guys face when he found out that Typhus has an AP2 daemon weapon with the Force rule. Joy.

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Today I helped a friend carry a few couches into his new apartment and got my right hand squeezed between the damned thing a door frame. No painting on me for a few days :sad.:


On the hobby side I wrote more background for my Imperial Army regiment.

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Today I spent half the day putting paint on Balthazar and tac sgt from dark vengeance.  I think I may need higher quality paints though...when really thinned some seem to get...gritty? 

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Today i started to paint my command squad for my Fifth company of Ultra Marines.    Captain has power sword and combibolter with melta, champion has power sword, bolt pistol and  shield, banner holder has bolt pistol, sargeant has combi bolter/ melta gun and powerfist and apothecary has chainsword and his redactor?  Trooper has a plasma gun   

if any of this is against the rules let me know and i will change it.  My rule book is put away where I can not get to it .    


Thanks Brothers.

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Today, I started painting my first Lamenter. *sigh* And i thought the hazard stripes on my Iron Warriors were a pain.... they don't hold a candle to painting black and white checkers.

Yeah when you get a good method, let me know. I try to freehand them and it's a pain.



Oh, and more resin crack ;)



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Today in the hobby, I phoned FW to request a replacement Conversion Beamer as the other is faulty. Took 40 minutes to get through and was politely told to email them, despite the site recommending I ring. Oh well, email sent with picture of faulty item. Hopefully will get a response soon. Also went here for a nose around, whilst my land lord did some work in the attic (noise was unbearable, and typically when I wanted to do some writing :dry.: ). Pleasantly surprised to find Ravenor returned and an early edition of the 40k rule book (the one with 'Templars on, so 2nd or 3rd edition. I'm not sure as I was out the hobby when it hit). Both books plus another another two (Unseen Academicals and a book on Ancient American civilisations [i.e. Mayan and Aztec history] for further research on my main Chapter) for less than £15 :happy.: Also cleaned the Contemptor Dreadnought (hopefully) of release agent and bought some foam card from Hobby craft (A4 size 50p) to make rubble for his base. On the way home in the car, I thought that I might try to use the foam to cover the entire base but cut out an Aztec symbol of the Sun (the Dreadnought's name is Candidus or "Bright") I'll have to try to draw a couple on the card and see if it works, otherwise, rubble it is! :happy.:


Just need to check that the greenstuff I bought last year is still viable for repairing the clumsy mess I made of the Dreads shoulder guards (kept in an airtight container, but still...), otherwise I'll have to wait until Thursday before I can get some more. Finally, I'm just waiting on bitz for a kitbash (company has confirmed dispatch, so hopefully by Wednesday :smile.: )

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Today I ordered my first Vallejo paints. Heard from a friend who

collects WWII minis that they were great, so I'll have to try some for



Yes, I think you will be very happy with them. I started switching to Vallejo to get the effect I was looking for two years ago and have been very happy. They really help me develop the soft contrast/less bright look I am after.

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Today in the hobby, I saw the new leaked Horus model and wondered to myself after switching between 2 legions already..."Am I playing the legion I really want to?"



Forgeworld makes some dang good models and rules...FUUUUUUUUUUUUU......

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Today in the hobby I primed 6 Swordbearer Bikes a Demi-squad, My RW Lib.and A Hammer of Dorn Captain

Put together a couple Skullbearers,some RW, HOD,and a couple more Swordbearers.


Saw the Horus mini And figured he would look good hanging on my Knight.

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