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Today I got an insane eBay deal on Age of Darkness,

plus a land raider proteus

plus 20 extra marines

plus a heavy weapons box

plus Liber Astartes

plus Liber Hereticus


I’m absolutely buzzing … but I promised my wife I would wait until my birthday to actually open it :sad:

@TheArtilleryman Sounds like a good deal. So you're going be going into the HH then. Lucky man. 


@utahraptor232 nice models dude


I played the 40k dlc for Powerwash Simulator. It was good. It was nice to see a Land Raider all wet and soapy and spray liquid all over its hull. 

TITHI started assembling two Titanicus Reavers after painting it in sub assemblies.


:cuss: my :cuss::cuss::cuss:! Even with a copious amount of test fitting when assembling, the four ankle plates on each leg just would not co-operate with the foot armour. I’ve ended up snipping armour panels down and I’ve rubbed off loads of edge trim paint.


I seriously lost my temper at one point. I’ve spent weeks painting these things up and :cuss:.


Anyway, today in the hobby, I have finished the leg assemblies for two Titanicus Reavers. For the sake of my sanity, I’ll do the touch ups tomorrow I think :facepalm:

I don't have the pics, but I just finished building 5 wraithguard.


It's been a building weekend- yesterday I finished a farseer and 5 rangers; Saturday was 5 Wracks and 5 Dire Avengers.


I'll post all the pics tomorrow. Twenty one models in a weekend. Wish I was as good at painting- I still have 32 minis committed to but not painted from last year. Still felt good to build something though.

… started work on the old style Cadian Defence Force I nabbed off eBay for just forty(!) quid a few weeks back.


I started by building the Leman Russ as a Vanquisher. Yeah, I know they aren’t exactly “en vogue” but I’ve always liked the look. However, the turret you get in the kit just isn’t long enough for my liking, so I kitbashed it together with the standard Russ turret to extend it. It looks a bit rough right now with all the glue but once primed it’ll be smooth enough.

I also had to kitbash a pintle mount for the storm bolter, because the CDF doesn't give you two and I need the pintle in the box for a heavy stubber on the Chimera.




Oh and I also kitbashed a platoon commander, because the box was incomplete and didn’t come with a command squad. I used the tank commander, spare infantry legs and power fist, and a 2nd edition space marine plasma pistol.

All in all I’ll be able to get the Leman Russ, a Chimera, an infantry squad, HWS and command unit out of this box with a little help from some of my existing spare parts.

Edited by TheArtilleryman

Today I finished the 2 colour test models for 2 of my custom Imperial Guard regiments (the 3rd is half done).  Expect to see this poor painting in some Index: Astra Militarum entries soon...





TITH I (partly) broke my vow not to start any new army. 3 times (partly):

  1. I ordered the KT Nightmare box, giving me acess to the NL squad and Mandrakes. The CSM might "perfectly" stay as a KT and not call for more units. But the Mandrake scream out (psychicaly as they do not look like they have mouths) at min for an Ynnari extension to my Aeldari... Seep striking Ravager and Raider are appelling too... hum
  2. I ordered a GSC Patrol before it is replaced. The 20 Neophites and the Truck will be eprfect for tooling up a home made regiment for the Imperial guard armoured fist and make the deal attractive per se. Head swapping with all these Skitarii Vanguards bitz probably. But once you have Abherrants and Acolytes with this Mago, it will be tricky not to succomb to the call of the 4 armed Emperor... After all, they went out "gratis" or almost vs. buying individually 2 boxes of Neophytes + the Goliath. Valid as an excuse?

Unless the unused sprues remain in my Pile of Shame until they are traded or swapped with other fellow gamers (this is how I convince myself that it is (only) a partial violation of my objectives..). But I am a weak mind...   :facepalm:

Currently working on my Eldar Avatar. I was a cheapskate and bought one somebody else had assembled. This was a mistake in hindsight as you really want to paint this guy before adding things like the loincloth and even some of the armour pieces. 




That is an amazing looking Avatar. It is such a great model.

Took everything I painted so far to my local GW for New Year, New Army. Didn't have room for the Dreadnoughts though sadly. 


Bought a box of Hellblasters last week as an early birthday present to myself, got half of them assembled.  Today, I got my magnets and ferrous sheets in the mail, so I've been gluing the magnets to bases and getting my Duncan-style army boxes squared away.


It's finally warm enough and dry enough here that I feel safe to spraypaint, so a lot of stuff is going to be getting a basecoat soon.

No photos, but yesterday me and a bud took 2nd in a 40K team tournament -- Ultras & Iron Hands.  We lost to Orks & World Eaters by like five points, but then beat Orks & Votann by like, seven points and Necrons & Death Guard by three.

TITHI processed and assembled some printed parts for a RT Rhino! I still need to decide what I'm going to do it up as, but I am very happy with the thing, some slightly dodgy supports getting fused to the tracks aside (which was my fault). Torn between a Chaos Rhino, Chaos Predator or a Sisters Immolator.RhinoPrint1.jpg.4346a177fcbb003c5a2c2347ea68f293.jpg


(Shown here with a WIP original plastic Mk. 1 Rhino)

It's a new day, technically, so it counts!

TITHI did a lot more work on making this Chaos Predator. Most of the components (anything in that denim blue colour) are printed resin. The skulls and commander are GW plastic, and the spiky bits (which will be done as welded on steel spikes rather than anything more esoteric, as I like the idea this is Mad Max/Pacific Campaign style improvised anti-infantry defences as much as a declaration of faith to Chaos) are cocktail sticks. I'm going to paint a Korean War style scary monster face on the front glacis, which should have this thing looking properly freaky!


6 hours ago, Evil Eye said:

It's a new day, technically, so it counts!

TITHI did a lot more work on making this Chaos Predator. Most of the components (anything in that denim blue colour) are printed resin. The skulls and commander are GW plastic, and the spiky bits (which will be done as welded on steel spikes rather than anything more esoteric, as I like the idea this is Mad Max/Pacific Campaign style improvised anti-infantry defences as much as a declaration of faith to Chaos) are cocktail sticks. I'm going to paint a Korean War style scary monster face on the front glacis, which should have this thing looking properly freaky!


All it needs is some cheese and some pickled onions :)

5 hours ago, DemonGSides said:

Today in the hobby i accidentally purchased the Solar Auxilia box, two more Leman Russ Assault tanks, and some other assorted goodies.

Apparently I'm expanding the guard.

Have you contacted the help desk? I heard the GW site is having cart issues, but that's ridonkulous.



6 minutes ago, The Yncarne said:

Have you contacted the help desk? I heard the GW site is having cart issues, but that's ridonkulous.




IF ONLY I COULD BLAME THEM!  Unfortunately all of this "Accidental purchasing" came in a late night bout of "Hey man I've got some good deals".  Layer on some late night vice-imbibing, and, well, Solar Auxilia, here we come.

TITH I have been applying decals to Cataphractii terminators.


Currently awaiting a second coat of Microsol before getting matte varnish and the remainder of the colours blocking in. The varnish at least should happen tomorrow.


There’s still 10 Cataphractii still in bare plastic as well. I might try and prime them tomorrow too.


TITH I started sketching out and building parts lists to change the look of the chapter in my signature. I've got a harebrained scheme to treat Phobos armour as Mk IX power armour, and create a standard Tactical Squad, including a lascannon and a plasma gun, but using the Phobos units as 'true-scale' marines.


I don't suppose anyone has a Phobos marine and a Devastator lascannon they'd be willing to do a comparison shot of for me...? :sweat:

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