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The art of sisters


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Source, which I find to be a cute story so far







At least it's not porn, or depictions of "naughty Sisters". :dry.:



That's probably Heresy.



And this is DEFINITELY heresy.

Looking on the bright side, both Ryuko & Satsuki would make excellent Sororitas (provided they don't try to "modify" their uniforms in any way), they've already shown considerable fighting skills, and drive to prevail against even overwhelming odds. Ryuko might have that anti-authoritarian streak but give that girl a blade and hot-damn she can give Khârn a run for his money in terms of bodycount, plus she's not bad at rallying the troops. Meanwhile Satsuki is shown to be a fiercely charismatic orator and leader, with a great talent for strategy, I mean, replacing/coating her left big toe nail with the same alloy as her sword in case she's ever captured & disarmed? Holy :cuss , that's Batman levels of crazy prepared, definitely Canonness material.


Source, which I find to be a cute story so far

This was funny/cute (once I figured out the correct order to view them in . . . derp).


Edit: yeah, I actually find the comic strip one third from the bottom to be the most disturbing/heretical

It's Applejack's human version in the grim darkness of the far future.




Femshep's little sister. That's what I meant. :ph34r.:

GAAAAAAHHHHH!!! I googled Applejack! I didn't bring enough promethium! Avenge me my brothers and sisters! *is dragged away screaming prayers to the Emperor*

A different kind of art...


My first painted model in probably 13-14 years. I know I need work and have some things to touch up, and I know I need some finer detail brushes, but I appreciate any criticism/comments you may have.





As for the detail work, I need some smaller brushes (like a 00 or a 0) before I can do the detail work justice (thus the bit of silver on the right leg and the robes). I'm also not happy with how the hair and left shoulder pad turned out. I was originally going to try black hair and am lacking some of the lighter grays to do a proper highlight - as well as something akin to Nuln OIil for wash - so ended up doing brown instead. Think I got it on too thick in some places. The shoulder pad is a combination of lacking a good detail brush and watering the paint down too much before applying it.


As for the color scheme, I was inspired by the picture back around page 32-33 of the Hospitaller. This was probably my 4th experiment into the scheme, using different primer coats and base coats. This one is primed black, based with olive drab (Deathworld Forest), then a layer of Kabalite Green overtop. The robes start with either Doombull Brown then a layer of Mournfang Brown (or visa versa, went brown to red-brown). Meant to highlight the robe Mephiston red but got a little too much on there so ended up doing a layer instead, but you can still see some of the brown underneath. Face is Doombull Brown, then a layer of Kislev Flesh followed by a an Agrax Earthshade wash then a highlight of Ushabti bone.

Entire model was washed in Agrax Earth, though some places a Nuln Oil would have worked better if I had it to use.

"The Order of the Emperor's Day Pine" :tongue.:


Looks nice. I see you haven't tried to paint each rivet a color different from the surrounding armour. Probably healthy for your sanity. I should know.


On the other hand, it DOES look pretty cool . . .


Man, an army painted up like that would be a sight to see. How would you paint up the Exorcists (because you can't NOT have Exorcists).


On a different note, I'd like to try painting a model in a brown scheme, but I'm worried about avoiding the fecal matter comments.


Something like this . . .

sister 1.php


Or this, to invoke the color of ash . . .

sister 2.php


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