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Let The Galaxy Burn! Balefire Legion: 40k again!


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so i meed more bits for the en reslut and a friend had a vacuum and pressure system i could borrow, so unable to resist trying that and learn some new casting skills i made a test mould






so now i am pretty happy with the results, but also learned a bit about the mould how to make the placement and the sprue channels.


i want a final mould to cast 10 complte bodys and a 2nd mould for weapons and accessories, atlest thats is the plan

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They look epic! Crisp clean details on them and you got to learn something new too!

thanks! it turned out pretty good, the first cast didnt fikk all the way ( the top left of the picture) but 2nd cast was better(learning)



Those cultists look great.


thanks hoping they be even better onve finished and painted.



That's amazing, you've made your own multipart kit. Can we get some close-ups of the results?


well only half and its not even near the end goal yet, im planning new and better moulds and have to finish sculpting and customization of all the bits needed.


but im working on it, and i’ll post sone detailed pictures for you

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now if i am to get these cultists ready anytime soon i’ll need to get started on the trophy rack.



now i been pondering changing my original design, the goal is always for the end result to look cool! but maybe it should be a different kind of cool then originally planned.


here is what im thinking my original idea was to have a square pack on the back with some long spikes branching outwards and held together by a band curving between the spikes there 3-4 of them.


now now i thinking maybe i should combine some practicality and tactics with the design.



you might remeber thse guys







these are what we could call mk 1 cultists back from 2015. when i finally gotten around to building them, but i wasn’t all happy with them, just not cool enough needed more chaos.


so it evolved a bit since then.


anyways...... tangent over what i was getting at was the trophy racks on the picture is pretty much how i imagined the champion has the kind i meant, but now im thinking if it was smaller it would make the models easier to store and with the new rules not make them so easy to get line of sight on, so i was thinking same idea 3-4 spikes with a curved connection but not as long, half lenght maybe a little under half, so it’s visible but dosent stick out over the head



so very important what do you guys think? would it look better or not? am i nuts? is the original idea better?



hopefully i get time to build tomorrow, would like to hear any feedback as soon as possible

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Yeah, long and thin is a storage and/or snapping or bending risk.


Shorter is less risk. I mean looking cool is great and all, but snapped painted models don't look cool and are disheartening. I'd agree that there needs to be some balance towards practicality. As DuskRaider said we remove handfuls of them (which I have to do when I play), which to me means there is also the risk those trophy racks tangle up as well.


Isn't there a chaos space marine bit that is like a quarter circle with 3 spikes coming out of it? Do you stylistically man something like that but short enough to almost be like a halo just above their head from behind (although it would need a plastic rod(s) as a mini-banner pole)?


You've got me thinking now about adding some racks to some of my champions just so I know which one in the hordes of 40 man units to remember to remove last.

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Most impressive work, brother. It's nice to see so much care and attention put into Cultists... even if they are removed from the table by the handful :D

everyone needs canon fodder you know



Yeah, long and thin is a storage and/or snapping or bending risk.


Shorter is less risk. I mean looking cool is great and all, but snapped painted models don't look cool and are disheartening. I'd agree that there needs to be some balance towards practicality. As DuskRaider said we remove handfuls of them (which I have to do when I play), which to me means there is also the risk those trophy racks tangle up as well.


Isn't there a chaos space marine bit that is like a quarter circle with 3 spikes coming out of it? Do you stylistically man something like that but short enough to almost be like a halo just above their head from behind (although it would need a plastic rod(s) as a mini-banner pole)?


You've got me thinking now about adding some racks to some of my champions just so I know which one in the hordes of 40 man units to remember to remove last.

i dont know what bit it is you meant off the top of my head, but i did some testing and would love some feedback











so toughts? okay still as cool shorter? or horrible?

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Heads seem's an little bit big but it's still really cool :D ( Following your work since an long time, your BL is one of the most stunning i ever seen :) )


thank you very much, not had any complaints about the heads before, but lets have a look.



Look cool. Cool and safe from the horrors of transport :)


I normally have a problem with DV weapons snaring, and the hood champions axe in particular.


i balme my lack of sleep for not really understanding that sorry



The heads are way to big. Everything else (including the design of the heads) is fantastic.


hmm i thought i had them in scale


i lined them up next to standard guardsman heads just to compare.


what do you think?



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a bit out of the ordnary but i need some help identifying this head, what kit is it from? anyone?




This reminded me alot of this dude...



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Those cultists/renegades are insane Thamier, the concept is soooo cool, and it's amazing that you've actually made a "kit" of them. Also I think that your actual length of spikes is spot on, unless you plan on adding trophies like skulls and such, in which case you might need to make them longer...

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Hoooooooooooooooooly crap. That's incredible work. Great Chaos Guard!

thanks for the compliment, very glad people like them.



a bit out of the ordnary but i need some help identifying this head, what kit is it from? anyone?http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/7043D905-D974-4ADB-99C5-58C346752115.jpg



This reminded me alot of this dude...



i see the resemblance i might try making something like that



I think it's just the fact that it's a good over a helmet that might make the heads come across as big. They look fine to me at least, didn't strike me as large earlier at least


i think you are right, they are wearing the skull helmet then the hood ontop off that, and without the arms the heads seems bigger.


Those cultists/renegades are insane Thamier, the concept is soooo cool, and it's amazing that you've actually made a "kit" of them. Also I think that your actual length of spikes is spot on, unless you plan on adding trophies like skulls and such, in which case you might need to make them longer...

thanks traitor, i was worryed about the spikes, i dont think i add any skulls or other bits to the spikes anyways. i like the reactions of the “kit” the plan is to make a actual kit for myself with one or two moulds with enough bits to build a complete squad of 10 cultists/renegade guardsmen.


I'd buy those cultist :O they are awesome

i dont think that the base bits i used are unique enough for it the be legal for me to sell, the plan was to make them for myself, didn’t think any would want them too

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something a little different, wanted to show you all the place I been doing the casting, borrowed the equipment and room from a friend, it’s mainly for painting but worked well for casting, so the compressor set up under the table then wacum pump for degassing then switching lids for pressure, still need to cast more bits for step 3 and 4, making mould for step 2 its half done, then i get bases to make more trophy racks.



















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