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Great question! My associates at work all chipped in and got me a sizable gift certificate a my favorite LGS- I want to start getting some bikes (I am supposed to be a White Scars successor, after all...) but as I mentioned earlier, you can't get the 3-pack locally anymore. So it will cost me an extra $5 for every 3 bikes having to buy them singly...


I have 2 Rhino's, so I am thinking a Razorback and Landraider next. A whirlwind is definitely on my list- I have decided I really like missiles! My army's slogan is "we are the lightning strike"- I have decided that means fast bikes and missiles! :-P


Here is the total of what I have, painted and unpainted both:


2 x 10 Tactical Squads

2 Rhinos

5 Terminators

5 Assault Terminators

10 Scouts w/ sniper rifles

5 regular Scouts

5 Vanguard Vets

1 Stormtalon

1 Landspeeder

1 Chaplain in Terminator armor

Parts for a Chaplain on bike


+ my one "test" termie and test bike- they are painted, so I guess they should count.


Any suggestions?

Hmmm for the price you would pay for a LR honestly an extra buck or two would give you access to FW versions much more sound of an investment.


But I'd even consider some jetbikes and speeders rather than solely bikes

If they have the dark angels ravenwing battleforce, I recommend grabbing that. you basically get the attack bike for free, plus a bunch of alternate helmets and saddlebags to upgrade your force with. It is a really good deal.

If they have the dark angels ravenwing battleforce, I recommend grabbing that. you basically get the attack bike for free, plus a bunch of alternate helmets and saddlebags to upgrade your force with. It is a really good deal.

Does everything have the dark angels icons on it, though? Or are those added on?

A lot of it is extra to be glued on. The helmet symbols are pretty easy to file away. The bags have some icons on them, but they are pretty generic.


You'll get three total of these frames in the RW Battleforce box: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat860013a&prodId=prod900139a


The fact that you will get six assault cannons and heavy bolters that could be used on other things if creative is very nice.

ok! 10 Scouts finished-- or at least as finished as they will be for now.


Why 10 Scouts with sniper rifles? Well, because I screwed up the assembly of the first 5... if you look closely, you can see 5 of them have the wrong legs/torsos matched up, so I have awkward poses and power cables that don't go anywhere... d'oh! I hate to waste an assembled mini, so I just painted 10. I will probably only use 5 at a time, but hey, you never know...


Boy, those close up shots sure do show the flaws! Yikes!


Highlights for me-- I like the way the camo cloaks and the camo affect on the guns came out. Pictures don't really do them justice, IMO-- I have to figure out better lighting. I am also happy with the lenses on the scopes, and the choice to go with yellow lenses for the head gear. I did that to balance the composition and bring more of the yellow color in (along with the power cable striping). I wanted them to be dressed realistically as scouts, so I figured a minimum of shiny metal, and the less yellow the better, etc.-- but I still wanted some.


Not happy with the faces-- out of practice and all fine smaller brushes have seen better days. Anyone have any great brush suggestions and where to get them? US, preferably?


Comments and critiques welcome! I have already become a better painted over the last 2 months thanks to this site!











Cheers! And Happy New Year!

Lookin good Geektom.


Winsor and newton series 7 are fantastic brushes. They actually come in a miniature range with shorter bristles. They're not cheap and you'll probably have to buy from uk, but they're well worth it. They last with care too. I love my w and n's.

Hey- side note: I really like an organized space while I am working. I have plenty of nooks and crannies to put stuff away when I am NOT working on a project, but things get pretty cattywumpus while I am in the middle of something. My Uncle built me this awesome shelf set up so I have plenty of places to put things while I am working. Stoked!



Those are some nicely painted scouts you have there !  Loving the cloaks and camo'd up rifles.  But oh boy is that white armour so pristine by comparison.  I can't help but want to dirty it up a little, but then you'd spoil the nice paint work :)

infyrana- I hear you!


I can't decide if I want to dirty up my guys or not... I love the way it looks when it is done right, but I think it just looks sloppy when done wrong. I am torn!


I think for now I will keep painting them the way I have been been and work on a few test models to get comfortable with the techniques.


I bet there are some good tutorials here on the site somewhere...

Good paintbrushes are proof that you get what you pay for. If you want a really nice detail brush, you're gonna need to spend some cash.


I get dang near all my supplies through The Warstore. Might be worth checking out.

So the Storm Brothers had their first battle today! My local game store was having a doubles tournament, so I teamed up with an Eldar player and we both brought 750 points.


We won 1 game handily, lost one by a thin margin, and got blown out in another- so a good learning experience!


My list was the following:


HQ: Chaplain in Terminator armor

Troops: 10 x tactical squad w/ missile launcher, sgt. w/ power fist + rhino, 10 x scouts with sniper rifles w/ missile launcher

Elites: 5 x assault terminators.


Here are my observations/learnings from my first game:

Objectives are important

Movement is critical considering the impact placing critical models too close or too far away from something can be.

10 snipers is actually not overkill- in fact, they were a very effective unit.

Assault termies on foot are very, very, very slow- note to self: learn about deep strike and get a drop pod.

Once they get there, and get a charge, oh boy!

Combat Squads is an awesome feature of SM armies- the ability to decide each game to deploy 10 man or 5 man squads is a major plus.


Had big fun- now I just want to keep painting and playing!

Hey- side note: I really like an organized space while I am working. I have plenty of nooks and crannies to put stuff away when I am NOT working on a project, but things get pretty cattywumpus while I am in the middle of something. My Uncle built me this awesome shelf set up so I have plenty of places to put things while I am working. Stoked!



this makes my work area look like a garbage heap by comparison. seriously, i could have a rat living my pile of junk and never even realize it. Kudos on the clean table.

Hey everyone!


I decided to give weathering/battle damage a try on a test model. Seems like everyone is split between "clean is good" or "Shoot 'em up!", so I at least wanted to give it a go and see how I felt after doing it. I used my test Termie from a couple of months ago-- I figured if he was good enough for the color scheme test, he is good enough to get his paint job wrecked :teehee:


I guess part of my reason for not doing damage up to this point is that it feels to me like it goes against the fluff a bit for Loyalist Marines. We hear so much about how all the armor and weapons are "precious artifacts"; I have a hard time picturing them being allowed to get so beat up unless it was literally in the middle of a battle.


What do you guys think?



Edited by geektom
Light battle damage, chipping, scorchmarks, etc, is all pretty standard for Marines during campaign I'd imagine. Being a fan of both cleaner paint scheme and fluffy armies, I must say that "test" is the perfect compromise IMHO.

Thanks, Tonal- it is interesting. As I was dong it, I noticed that, to be effective, you have to commit to a certain amount of damage or you might as well not bother. Too little, and it just looks like a few mistakes that got missed.


I have a feeling it will be easier to do it on the light colored armor than on my purple bits.. I am trying those next.

Main thing will be sticking to your guns with the battle damage and the right areas. Boots, shins and knees would get it the worst.


Looks like a successful test run though :tu:

Very balanced color sceme you chose,they fit well together.There are many ways you can go with battledamage,you can paint white chips on the yellow parts to give the effect that the yellow paint is worn off and the underneath is showing.If you aim for true battle damage i would suggest a very dark brown for the scratches to compliment the bright colors highlighted in the bottom,or pure black on the purple parts.Just some ideas!Your test model result looks good to me.

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