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I hate the ship and the crew. And I want in soooo badly




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Come along guys, group picture. Crayfish-guy, you stand further in front. Yes, yes, a little more together on the sides there. Peeeeerfect, now, cheeeese! :D

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Did you perchance pick up the Heresy revision of the Necronomicon as written by the Mad Alaskan 1000Heathens? tongue.png

Possibly laugh.png

In all seriousness though, this topic is full of ideas and awesome touches that all involved should be proud of smile.png

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To perdition with Helicarriers, it's Furious Abyss for us. Now just don't let depthcharge go near the reactors with any meltabombs.



I think we keep him and Jeff as far away as possible


Silly depthcharge in Russia melta bombs throw you

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Most of us have been extremely busy the last two weeks with finals or work or visiting family. I haven't been home for the last week on a transpacific road trip. No time or ability to work on anything and even if I did I'd be too exhausted to. Please be patient and we will have something up when we can.
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Most of us have been extremely busy the last two weeks with finals or work or visiting family. I haven't been home for the last week on a transpacific road trip. No time or ability to work on anything and even if I did I'd be too exhausted to. Please be patient and we will have something up when we can.

I understand busy. It's that time of year. I was just shifting back to something on topic. biggrin.png
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Good guy Kol_Saresk. Me, I'm just a bandwagoner. ;) 

Anyway - I understand busy as well. I use the B&C as a refuge from my essay that keeps staring at me whenever I open my laptop. So I am busy as well. Just not taking it very seriously. And that is why I will fail. Probably. 

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::::Recovered recording:::Data-Stack VB-2993-34::::Noospheric interface complete:::::processing request::::::Granted:::::


[Pict Capture DX/91-00-342-3] Vox-Brother Crowder (Sapper)


[Pict Capture DX/91-00-342-3] Vox-Brother Louin (Tactical)


[Pict Capture DX/9-00-221] First Sergeant Jaen Imnaha (Tactical)


[Pict Capture DX/778-41-22] Lifeguard Kalkida (Command)

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Oh my, Lifeguard Kalkida is just fraggin awesome. Love the layered armor look. Where's the scabbard from? 

The scabbard was a Catachan sword, sheathed. I just cut it down and shaved the edges until it looked more like a heavy gladius. Thanks, man!


The little sine wave on Louin is fantastic. Can't say enough good things about it. I need to work on some HH Alpha Legion this weekend (got one done the other day!)



+2 interwebz for noticing that, man! :tu:

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The Lifeguard Kalkika, Heathens that dude is awesome. And so are the others, but that guy is just brutal.


That word, more than anything else, makes me feel like I did a solid job. Thank you. I wanted Kalkida to be singular of purpose, a living fortification for Master Phelan to brace his heart behind, and know it to be solid. The simple shield, the TL bolter, the unadorned and heavy gladius, all intended to be a visual representation of that purpose. Focused brutality, upon two pillars of ceramite, centered upon a heart of tempered iron.


Kalkida is the living vision of a loyal Iron Warrior, to my mind. His loyalty to Mahdra, his charge and master both, is the Iron Within and Without.


Glory to the IV.

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Heathens I don't know where it comes from but you just seem to get Astartes. I infinitely prefer your gritty, deeply characterful super soldiers to the two dimensional Hallmark Space Knights/Romans/Vikings/Vampires that GW seem to be cranking out with each new codex. Superb stuff once again mate.

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First off, while I do admit too having a deep fondness for the "insert-fantasy-trope-here in spaaaaace" concept, your Iron Warriors are utterly fantastic and a huge inspiration both fluff and modeling wise. Indeed, your IV alongside Warsmith Danitoch's awesomeness managed too push me over the edge and onto the ship.


I must ask, though, how on earth did you manage too shave the power fist and head off of Vox-Brother Louin? I have that model sitting on my desk as we speak, begging too be converted into something awesome, but I can't see how too remove the arm/head without destroying the model.

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I used a hand held, cordless dremel similar to this one:



The bit I have is one of the smaller, rounded bits, a bit like this one, but smaller:



It's one of my most heavily used tools when I convert my models.

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