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Bravo sir. Bravo.



When or if I do a Pre/heresy era force one marine will be named Crixus...too much of a bad ass


Great thread brothers.

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Brother Tyrax: Joooooin usssss.


Heathens: freaking unbelievably good. would like to read more about the fates and eventual Deaths of the other firstborn. Vall is looking murderous.


Part of the ship, part of the crerw, part of the ship, part of the crew, part of the ship, part of the crew, part of the ship, part of the crew, part of the ship, part of the crew, part of the ship, part of the crew.

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Get the :cuss off this forum. Seriously. You need to be writing for BL. By the time they tackle the Unification Wars and the Great Crusade, we'll all be spoiled by the escapades of Phelan Mahdra, and the official fluff will fall flat on its face. BL books written by you need to be on our shelves. Can any of you imagine a full novel written by this madman? I can feel my brain start to seep out my ears at the thought of it.

GO GET HIRED, I love you


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Get the :cuss off this forum. Seriously. You need to be writing for BL. By the time they tackle the Unification Wars and the Great Crusade, we'll all be spoiled by the escapades of Phelan Mahdra, and the official fluff will fall flat on its face. BL books written by you need to be on our shelves. Can any of you imagine a full novel written by this madman? I can feel my brain start to seep out my ears at the thought of it.


GO GET HIRED, I love you



Need. More. Likes.
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Get the :cuss off this forum. Seriously. You need to be writing for BL. By the time they tackle the Unification Wars and the Great Crusade, we'll all be spoiled by the escapades of Phelan Mahdra, and the official fluff will fall flat on its face. BL books written by you need to be on our shelves. Can any of you imagine a full novel written by this madman? I can feel my brain start to seep out my ears at the thought of it.

GO GET HIRED, I love you




He is truly a god amongst men in fluff.



Someone grab ADB. Usually saying his name summons him like Bloody Mary

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Get the :cuss off this forum. Seriously. You need to be writing for BL. By the time they tackle the Unification Wars and the Great Crusade, we'll all be spoiled by the escapades of Phelan Mahdra, and the official fluff will fall flat on its face. BL books written by you need to be on our shelves. Can any of you imagine a full novel written by this madman? I can feel my brain start to seep out my ears at the thought of it.

GO GET HIRED, I love you




He is truly a god amongst men in fluff.



Someone grab ADB. Usually saying his name summons him like Bloody Mary


Aaron Dembski-Bowden, Aaron Dembski-Bowden, Aaron Dembski-Bowden! *pauses* Nothing? Damnit. Kol! Depthcharge! Go grab some hobos off the street! Looks like we'll be needing some sacrifices...

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Umm, about that. I may or may not have cleaned out the local area of hobos.........


Same here.

I cleaned the hobos out of the tri-state area, it's a good sign of a veteran of the hobby.



Hmmm I must invent a machine to clone hobos...ADB REQUIRES MORE SACRIFICES!!!

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Fething hell. I want the Firstborn to be a thing, now. Like an actual thing, just something slipped into a timeline in a Forge World book. "XXX.MXX  Experimentations begin on the Firstborn."


Something so small, so inconsequential, that would blow our freaking minds in a way that could only be duplicated by finding out that Heath Ledger is still alive, is the Joker, and is in your neighborhood.


I am also considering shamelessly stealing it for the glory of the XVII Legion. Okay, more than considering it. Fully intend it.

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Thank you all for your kind words and support. It really means a lot to me. :)

I am also considering shamelessly stealing it for the glory of the XVII Legion. Okay, more than considering it. Fully intend it.

Wanna hear a secret? Mathaeis was originally supposed to be XVII, not IX. It was late, my pain meds and nerve killers kicked in, and I slipped up.

The other secret? He was for my other project.... devil.gif

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Thank you all for your kind words and support. It really means a lot to me. :)

I am also considering shamelessly stealing it for the glory of the XVII Legion. Okay, more than considering it. Fully intend it.

Wanna hear a secret? Mathaeis was originally supposed to be XVII, not IX. It was late, my pain meds and nerve killers kicked in, and I slipped up.

The other secret? He was for my other project.... devil.gif

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Thank you all for your kind words and support. It really means a lot to me. smile.png

I am also considering shamelessly stealing it for the glory of the XVII Legion. Okay, more than considering it. Fully intend it.

Wanna hear a secret? Mathaeis was originally supposed to be XVII, not IX. It was late, my pain meds and nerve killers kicked in, and I slipped up.

The other secret? He was for my other project.... devil.gif


Did.... did I just leave Kol speechless?

It's a post-Christmas miracle!


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I think the firstborn should be official and heathens you are the true heart of this forum, without you the heresy wouldn't be gaining the momentum it has.


I'm honoured to have seen the firstborn and can't wait for more

Hear hear! Hail 1000Heathens, architect of the BnC Heresy!

All together now; part of the ship, part of the crew, part of the ship, part of the crew...

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Just went through all of this again after missing so much in time away from the Board and I am utterly floored by the fantastic and mesmerising work made here from everyone! It gives me serious tingles to see snippets of the Siege of Terra given life, from the gut-wrenching opening with the two VIIth to where we are now with everyone's progress. The added fiction is absolutely out of the top drawer too, on par with BL's stuff in my humble opinion. :)


One thing midway through this thread also gave me a serious case of the happiness seeing the We Are ODST video included for background atmosphere. Although it's spoken terribly in my native tongue, here's what the lyrics mean in We Are ODST (just to make that post all the more awesome from 1000Heathens):


Yn Gymraeg (;)):
"Gafflwn Dihenydd, o'r fuddugol yn wiriol sydd. Ni fydd neb yn ein drechu. Falch ydy ni i drochu, traed o flaen i'r Annwn, mewn y gwybodaeth fe godwn ni!"
In English:
"We cheat Death from his rightful victory. No one can defeat us. We are glad to plunge feet first into Hell, in the knowledge that we will rise!"
Keep up the fantastic work gents! Can't wait to see more!
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