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One thing I have learned in life.

When the old dog starts calling in favors...censored.gif about to get real.

Beautiful stuff as always.

Really enjoying the faith in the Dragoon's storyline heathens.

Demus has beautifully summed up my own feelings on your latest update Heathens. Every time you post a new conversion I am amazed by your ability to combine such diverse bits into amazingly cohesive looking individual marines. I'm also loving the Faith component of your fiction. I love short stories and would pay cash money to read yours in a serialized version like BL did with "Scars." You should seriously consider submitting some stories to them.

I think that any soldier who has fought at Mahdra's side would heed his call to war. I hope we see a few more of his allies before you finish this project.

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@heathens- I figured it was an IG power fist. I've been looking for bits to make a power fist that trades in strength for speed, and that looks perfect. Thanks!


Also, when are we going to see some big guns? ;)

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A new year has come, and with it, some steps in the right direction.

Legionaries Adelmar & Herlus get some paint!

++ First Sergeant Harlund Versteeg ++ - (mock up)

This week I'll be working on finishing the two Marines I've started, aside from decals, as I need to order some from FW.

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You know what guys?, I can't quite put a finger on it, but for some reason I'm getting the impression that 2014 is going to become a very memorable year for this hobby...


*looks at those gorgeous, eye searing yellow Imperial fists marines*


Yeah, 2014 is gonna rock. 

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You know what guys?, I can't quite put a finger on it, but for some reason I'm getting the impression that 2014 is going to become a very memorable year for this hobby...

*looks at those gorgeous, eye searing yellow Imperial fists marines*

Yeah, 2014 is gonna rock.

Thanks. Hoping this year is a good and productive one, too!

Also, this is what the yellow looks like before the oil wash stage, which tints the armor and tones it down a notch.

Mustard Yellow never looked so good biggrin.png

MkIV looks awesome on the fists

Thanks, braj!

Great looking update Darth, I love the use of the MK IV armor. How did you achieve the pose on Versteeg's arms? Did you use tactical or reaver arms on him?

Appreciate that, Mik. The arms are actually from the new(er) Mk. III Legion Weapons set, as is the sword.

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This thread is consistently great both fiction & models. On the other hand, I'm trying to make up fiction for my dudes & I'm regretting choosing the Alpha Legion...


Think less CIA, and more Special Forces. Deliberate Operations, dynamic command kills, etc. The secret squirrel stuff will make you go insane, bro. Kill things instead.

I completely agree! Besides, even the Alpha Legion needs rank and file. Omegon's little shenanigans isn't their only asset...

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I've been following this thread for a while, but it's past due time I comment, and lavish you with praise.

I'm not exaggerating when I say this is my favourite thread on the B&C. The combination of fluff and awesome models, is just, well.. drool.gif.

You're all making it so very hard for me to resist starting a Heresy-era army.

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You're all making it so very hard for me to resist starting a Heresy-era army. 


Then.... Don't Resist.....build a heresy army.... join the XIII Legion, stand by your father Upon Calth, Macragge, Armatura.... Don't Resist...


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You're all making it so very hard for me to resist starting a Heresy-era army. 


Then.... Don't Resist.....build a heresy army.... join the XIII Legion, stand by your father Upon Calth, Macragge, Armatura.... Don't Resist...





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Also I kinda need my 'heathens fix' hehe we must see more... And that 1st Sgt is looking great :)

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I've been following this thread for a while, but it's past due time I comment, and lavish you with praise.

I'm not exaggerating when I say this is my favourite thread on the B&C. The combination of fluff and awesome models, is just, well.. drool.gif.

You're all making it so very hard for me to resist starting a Heresy-era army.

Just read the whole thing from the beggining. I'm gobsmacked!

Came here to say this.

I read through this thread today after having meant for some time to give it some proper attention. I've gotta say, you guys are doing great things for the hobby. I don't know if you remember, heathens, (no reason to think you would, It was a while ago!) but your Marines Malevolent thread was part of the reason I signed up to B&C to start my own in the first place.

Anyway, the four of you have done magnificent work. The writing, the characters, the miniatures, everything about this thread is what I find so good about the Heresy era. I'm both stunned and inspired to carry on with my own stuff. I'm sure you don't need me to tell you, but keep it up!

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I keep thinking that I'll do some Heresy-era stuff, probably World Eaters, and I get all enthused about it, grabbing inspiration from everywhere I can.


 And then I see a thread like this.


And know that I cannot match it.




 I am awe-struck, overwhelmed and depressed in equal measure.


Dear God, this whole thing from all the people contributing is just incredible.

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I keep thinking that I'll do some Heresy-era stuff, probably World Eaters, and I get all enthused about it, grabbing inspiration from everywhere I can.


And then I see a thread like this.


And know that I cannot match it.





What's that saying? "You never know if you don't try"?
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