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Forté's creations: Started Crimson Fists (pg 67)


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Sorceror looks great, though he needs a little contrasting color somewhere perhaps?


The overall blue tint to your pics - do you have a slightly blue light, or blue walls or ceiling where you're taking your pics? I only ask because I have the same issue in my house with yellow walls tinting all my pics yellow - to fix it I go into iphoto and 'fade' the image once or twice, then up the contrast a little, it's not perfect (Photoshop would be better) but it does the job.


Some lovely conversions earlier in the blog.

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Sorceror looks great, though he needs a little contrasting color somewhere perhaps?


The overall blue tint to your pics - do you have a slightly blue light, or blue walls or ceiling where you're taking your pics? I only ask because I have the same issue in my house with yellow walls tinting all my pics yellow - to fix it I go into iphoto and 'fade' the image once or twice, then up the contrast a little, it's not perfect (Photoshop would be better) but it does the job.


Some lovely conversions earlier in the blog.

Cheers Lamby. The cloak is going to be white but I always start from grey, and I'm trying to get a blue coming through in the shadows too. There's also gold, silver, and a few other colour to go in too.


I think a part of the issue with the pics is that I want to get them taken when I stop painting. Which is often around 2am so most of the light is from my lamps so far from ideal. I'll have a play with the settings next time I take pics.


Setting the white balance on your camera (if it has that setting) would fix both of your issues with color cast.

Its currently set to auto but I'll have a play. Was going to try the ISO settings too (though it is only a HTC phone).

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Yeah. Set the white balance to manual and put a nice white sheet of paper (or I use plasticard/styrene) under your lights for it to measure. That sets the point at which something should be "white" (RGB 0,0,0). From there, it's usually just a matter of playing with your exposure compensation to adjust for the amount of light. Looking at your pics above, you are using two different setups, one where you have a nice flat background and others with various workbench parts in the background. If you're using the same lights in each then the white balance will fix both. If not, you would have to save a preset or recalibrate each time. It's easiest to always use the same setup (like a lightbooth) then you don't have to worry about it.


Years of writing mini painting tutorials for the web taught me a few things. ;)

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Many thanks. Would love a set up but I'd be lucky to have my painting set up the same each session. The joys of having young children ;)
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Your paints make me feel a little sick to the stomach, which is good because it is Slaaneshi! Looks good, love that sorcerer!

Thanks for the compliment :tu:

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Woo hoo...update time. And with slightly better quality pics ;)

First up, Mr smiley


The white is nearly done but plenty more work needed.

And now the fiend



Much more colour on the Forgefiend but still more needed. For a change ;)

Not even going to guess at how much longer these will take but hopefully they'll be done by mid June.

Cheers for looking. C&C greatly received :thanks: :tu:

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@lamby. Cheers. It's drybrushed from tin bits to brass to silver. Then chestnut washed. Lastly, stippled with red, blue, and purple washes. Still trying to decide whether to try some osl in places on them too.


@Darth Mustard. But I thought you liked them bright ;) Don't forget too; not everyone paints as slow as I do.


@Jimmy101. Cheers. Do like your stuff too :tu:

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+++ETL3 UPDATE 7+++


Had to do some work on him. Mainly shading the face and backpack. Basecoats on some flesh areas and the staff too. Just to keep things moving.

I'll have a look at my phones camera settings as I don't like the pics it's taking so I'll play with the settings. Hopefully get some less washed out photos next time.

Cheers for popping by. C&C greatly received :thanks: :thumbsup:

Absolutely in love with that sorcerer.

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Absolutely in love with that sorcerer.

http://www.atomicblueproductions.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Geek-Out-Freak-Out-Light-Blue.png:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:  yes I did...many thanks :thumbsup:

Good luck with your BA. The build and base is looking quality.


They look absolutely fantastic at this stage. Can't wait to see them finished, mate :thumbsup:

Me too. Just happy the robes are coming together.


The sorcerer is really coming to life.

Cheers...I really should name him something fitting.

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The best sorcerer I've ever seen and quite possibly the best model I've ever seen, end of

Now I know your kidding. Though the Ahriman model is still amazing considering how old it is.

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The modelling on the hands/claws/flippers and the head not to mention an incredible paint scheme makes it the best sorcerer I've seen. Hands down

But I've done no modelling on those parts. The head comes from the Fantasy Chaos Warrior Chariot



And the staff which has the funky hand attached is from the Daemonettes



The only modelling I did was to make the head area bigger to fit the new head. Change the belt to a stretched face. Alter the book a little. And add some flayed skin. Otherwise, it's Ahriman in different colours.


I am very honoured though. Thank you.

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