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Forté's creations: Started Crimson Fists (pg 67)


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I think the second is heading in the right direction maybe lessen the shadow on the rim so it isnt silver and black once its down to size the edges should soften anyway :smile.: Cool idea did you do the F yourself?

The font is Vivaldi for the F ;)

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Woo hoo!! I almost forgot what painting in daylight is like. Even two hours felt great. As you can see my lovely wife printed me off some backgrounds (cheers for the idea Semper & thanks as always to the Massive Voodoo crew).


Sorcerer is getting close but I'll be doing the gold on both models at the same time and as you can see the fiend isn't quite to that point.


I attempted an OSL look to the rune but am not totally sure on it so I'll look again later.

Thank you for keeping me going on this too. For those in the Chaos Faction in the ETL3, it's time to start completing those first vows (me included) and getting those second ones in (realistic ones you will finish), especially those with Soul Vows.

As always C&C is always welcome. Got to learn and improve somehow :thumbsup:

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Looking GOOD!! forte:tu: , Take your time:P .

Trying not to thank you ;)


Nailed the OSL bro - great stuff.

Not sure it's that good. Does the job but I am to do some like GuitaRasmus and Thamier.


coming up very very very nicely together

Many thanks :tu:
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Great stuff the slaneesh symbol looks badass and the faded cross on the black templar is really well done :)

Cheers. The BT cross is a decal and sponges white paint. Simple but works ;) Pretty happy with the Slaanesh symbol too :D
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Just being honest but I don't think the rune looks particularly like OSL, however it does look really good as a big, bright Slanneshi style focal point for the model.  The Fiend just looks fantastic overall, really impressed.

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Just being honest but I don't think the rune looks particularly like OSL, however it does look really good as a big, bright Slanneshi style focal point for the model. The Fiend just looks fantastic overall, really impressed.

Any way to change it a little? I've not really done OSL so it's very much experimenting. I do know I'm not a fan of how you usually see it airbrushed.

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I'm not really one to give advice on OSL as I rarely try it myself.

Don't get me wrong, I do like it and think it suits the model well, but I don't get the glowy vibe from the symbol. I think maybe the recesses should be brighter to give the impression the symbol is giving off light and illuminating the areas immediately surrounding it. I don't know. Hopefully someone who knows OSL can chime in.


Don't let me discourage you though, the Fiend does look fantastic so far!

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@chaplainmikey. No problem mate. I actually enjoy getting honest input from other painters. And your models do have that ultra clean and well finished look to them. And I agree...the glow look just isn't really there but I'd rather not experiment to try and add it as I don't want to mess it up and have to start again ;)
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@chaplainmikey. No problem mate. I actually enjoy getting honest input from other painters. And your models do have that ultra clean and well finished look to them. And I agree...the glow look just isn't really there but I'd rather not experiment to try and add it as I don't want to mess it up and have to start again :wink:

I can understand that, I'd be the same in your position. :P

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For the glow effect I would paint the rune bright white, and have the fleshy surrounding (the recessed area) practically white, maybe with a pinkish glaze, then the surround of that (where it is raised) the strong pink/purple fading away. Does that make sense? You will have to forgive me as I am on my phone on holiday with the kids chanting at me! The rune and the surrounding should be the most intense for it to look glowing, it is just a bit too dark immediately around it. Wish I could help more but I myself am no expert.


Anyways, they are both most impressive pieces an exude essence of the Dark Prince. Big kudos :)

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Sorry Forte didn't realise you where going for an OSL effect, I quite like how it looks now almost like pulsating flesh with a huge brand being burnt into it. 


I did find this tutorial it sounds the business but I've never really dabbled in OSL 


I cant seem to embed it so here is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKf6nvnsqBI#t=988

Edited by Squeaky
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Sorry Forte didn't realise you where going for an OSL effect, I quite like how it looks now almost like pulsating flesh with a huge brand being burnt into it. 


I did find this tutorial it sounds the business but I've never really dabbled in OSL 


I cant seem to embed it so here is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKf6nvnsqBI#t=988

great work forte ,though i agree with squeaky that it looks like slaanesh burned a brand into it ,which fits the profile even better for me:wub.:

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Thanks all for the input and comments.


The original idea for the rune was to try to make it look like some kind of strange daemonic bone pushing/burning its way through the surface so I suppose it kind of is. That and the more I look at it the more I like how it currently is.


The OSL tips and the vid (which was pretty good and he mentions all the things I hate with OSL too) and there are a few other areas which would suit it a lot more.


Going to have to push myself to finish these by the end of the week really.

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Ah Yeh the bone sounds just as good :) but anyway mate glad the video gave you help I may give OSL ago sometime when I feel brave enough. Good luck finishing it all before the weekend
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BTW - the new photos are looking MUCH better. :thumbsup:


The paint's pretty good too. :wink:

Cheers. Got to thank the wife for having access to a colour printer, Semper for pointing out backgrounds, ans Tommie Soule for his Photoshop pointers (crop and auto level only. Nothing more I promise).

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