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Forté's creations: Started Crimson Fists (pg 67)


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The Slaaneshi Spawns here are pretty much exemplars for their kind. Short of obscene R rated material you've managed to make them just as unsettling and disturbing as I think they should be.


Can't wait to see the other guys. Will they be in the same colour scheme as your Raptors?

Cheers BCA.


Was trying to avoid the typical Slaanesh route with the spawn. Partly because I have young kids, partly because it's been done, but mostly because I find it boring to be honest.


As for the colour scheme. These are my Noise Marines. Each one is going to be different and individual. Though I have a feeling they'll be a marmite effect.

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Are you going old school with each panel being totally different colours and patterns?



Maybe ;) Tempted to try and do one like a high polished chrome/metal. That way his victims can see themselves.

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I won't be doing NMM (as I'm terrible at it) but will do TMM using other colours and washes. Believe it or not, I'll likely use a white or grey primer too so it comes out that bit brighter. Highlights using Metallic Medium and the odd dot of pure white here on the sharpest edges and points that catch the light.
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Finally it has begun. Captain Semper's "Call of Chaos"! Which mean I am now allowed to start painting my Noise Marines and Chaos Spawn. First things first though, I have to post pre-painted pictures and now that they are all primed and ready here's the vow and minis I aim to finish before January 15th 2015.

I forte, answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete:

  • 6 Noise Marines inc. Blastmaster & Champion with Power Sword
  • 1 Slaanesh Chaos Spawn

before January 15th 2015. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Pustulant Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul.

Noise Marines





Slaanesh Chaos Spawn




Next post will see some colour but till then, C&C is very welcome and hope those vows are coming along nicely :thanks: :thumbsup:

Edited by forte
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Scary stuff, Forte! Why are you primering some black, some grey and some white?

Colour schemes. The white marine is going to get some Vallejo Fluorescent treatment which needs a white base for example.

This is going to be fun.

This is going to be weird and uncomfortable!



Oh yes, fun, weird, and uncomfortable ;)

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I can not wait to see the completed model.  All of them look great atm, except for one thing:I am not a fan of the head tail on the spawn.  I get an Alien vibe from him, but the head tail does not seem right.  Maybe replace with some hooks or a chemical injector?

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