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+++++++ EDIT +++++++++++++


So, with 30k storming my hobby space, and the campaign that we ran stalling out, I figure I'd make this more of a general painting and hobby log for whatever I make over time. Mostly this will be Space Wolves, home-made Mechanicus to play in 30k and as Necrons in 40k, and some terrain. Hopefully I'll manage to keep it up this time. 


Expect painting/building progress, some battle reports, pictures from events or battles that I participate in and some other random posts. 


Hope you enjoy it. Below is the original first post, but this "new beginning" starts at page 4-5. 






+++++++ END EDIT ++++++++++

Hey guys. I've been a lurker of sorts on the forums for quite a while now, not posting that much. Hoping to change that now, so here are some WIPs as I build, paint and hopefully finish some of my stuff. Oh, and if the pictures suck they are taken with my iPad or iPhone. I'll see when I can get my hands on a real camera, but for now this is what I'll use. First a broad WIP of some SW and some of the terrain I made: http://imageshack.us/a/img842/44/3dw4.jpg Closeups of the Wolves. I call them tabletop done, but there is a lot to do still. But playable at least. http://imageshack.us/a/img62/4019/8w2b.jpghttp://imageshack.us/a/img197/7570/04nv.jpg And the work-space pic: http://imageshack.us/a/img17/1076/jfin.jpg I have most of my bitz and paints and such in different boxes and plates for ease of transport, so I usually dont have that much out at a time. Unless I am doing some terrain, 'cause then it all comes out of the hobby-room and into the real world =) I'd be happy if you commented if you like it, hate it or have any suggestions at all. I'll be back with some WIP terrain and more wolves and maybe some WIP inquisition next time =) - Natanael

@forte - thank you. Hopefully I'll be able to put some more pictures up tonight. Studying all day, but tonight is free. 


@deathspectersgt7 - thanks. The bases are simple peices of pressed cork that you use to have under your pans and such when putting them on the table (oh how I hate when you have to explain the work because you dont know if there is a word for it in english :P)


@Excessus - Hello =) I figured that since you have a log, I should too =) 

Quick update since the wife wont let my play with my tiny army dudes all night ;) 


Did a rhino for my GH pack, and started a WG pack leader with power fist. He'll get a combi-plasma in due time, I think. Or maybe a combi-melta. 




Since noone want to reply, I'll try with some new pictures. 


I made a new photo set-up today, making a light box to see how that changed my pictures. Here it is, together with a squad of WIP Long Fangs. Mostly flesh to do on them, then they are done. 







Sometime in the future they will get another member with a lascannon, but it's quite a way down on the list. I also painted some dudes for my IG/Inquisition force, and hopefully I can show some pics of them later. Depends, as always, on the wife ;) 


Oh, and I would really like some C & C. It's always good to know that at least someone is looking at my pictures besides me =) 


- Nat

Hey ppl. 


Small update. I did five guardsmen/acolytes for my IG/Inquisition army, as stated in my previous post. Here they are.


With this army I am just washing and aiming for a TT standard to get them on the table and be able to play with them. I like the inquisition, but I dont like painting them for some reason. So I recycle all my old minis into that army and paint it quickly. =) 



I like those =][= troopers though the hafts of their weapons seem somewhat bent, and the knife on one is a bit off too.

The middle guy is, however, awesome.


An excellent idea using those WHFB minis (if they are the ones I think they are).

Yeah. I have another 5-6 guys primed and waiting for paint. The hafts are somewhat bent, I know. Being metal they are kinda hard to striaighten out in a good way. The knife will hopefully fit better when the rest of the guys are done, since they have similar bayonets.


Thanks for the feedback.

Alright. Part of the ship, part of the crew, kinda. Being dragged into the Horus Heresy-thing. Since my Space Wolves already have the right paint scheme for the Legion, so... Today I started some shields for a breacher squad. Here are the shields, and some of them blue-taced to some marines just for size. 






We'll see how far this project goes. I have always wanted a Legion Fellblade for my Wolves, and with Escalation I might have the incentive to get one for games that are 40k as well. 


Thanks guys. I'll be going to the in-laws for christmas, so unfortunately there won't be that much done until I get back home. Making the shields are real simple. I'll see if I can get a good description going tomorrow. Gotta do one more anyway. Also - any suggestions for the armament of the squad? I'm thinking dual plasma guns, but I have no idea what to arm the sarge with. So any suggestions from 30k or 40k are most welcome. :)

Meltas, why? I was thinking of adding grav guns to them, since I can play with that in 30k and have them counts-as in 40k if I want to use either meltas or plasmas. 


Also - just had a look through the Horus Heresy - Betrayal book army list and got really motivated. Too bad I'm gonna be gone for the next 6 days or so with no hobby time. Anyway, I figured I'm gonna make a praetor, a seeker squad and then my favourite unit of the book: the moritat with destroyers. So you can expect some more HH Space Wolves coming along quite soon. I have some 15-20 marines just haning around right now. 10 of them will be breachers, but with the addition of another box I can easily make the rest of the guys that I want. And then; bam! Horus Heresy-force kinda ready =) 

So this is bye for now, and merry christmas or whatever you celebrate this time of year =) I'll be back in a week with an update on the breachers and a tutorial for the last shield. 



  • 3 weeks later...

Well. A little longer of a hiatus then planned, but today I managed to get some hobby time in. Well, and yesterday. =) I have painted the boarding shields, (but forgot to take a pic of them) but more importanly I've started work on some semi-Mk III legs for my boarding marines. Since I dont have that much money and a lot of marines just hanging around my bitz box I started trying my had with some GS to get Mk II and Mk III. Here are some pics of the first 10. Also a pic of my soon to be Wolf Guard and possibly Praetor for 30k or Logan Grimnar för 40k (2nd from the right). Hope you like, and hopefully I'll soon be able to start a squad of seekers, a squad of destroyers or whatever the name of the cool guys with the chem-weapons is, and a Moritat to go with them. I have most of the minis for that already, as well as a converted LR Redeemer, so progress should be quick if I can get some time to sit down with it. 







Comments are motivating, so please talk about whatever you want =) 

Since the last pictures suck I'd like to show you what is diverting my attention from painting and building Space Wolves. I present the front cover of the campaign I'm working on for our gaming group:




I'll post the rest of the banners as well as the campaign descriptions of the planets as they get done. =) 


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