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++ The Murderers' Call - A Night Lords Community ++


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See I didn't mind that considering the wanton slaughter he comitted all over the place. UE was a difficult one for me, coz bits I did enjoy and chunks I didnt.

I hold the opinion Curze is a really good primarch to write for, he's a killer descending into madness, step by bloody step. And still through it all he's been near enough right. You will never hear me complain of his portrayl. Just the primarchs around him.

I think Abnett has done a phenom job with Kurze. His one man terrorist assault in Unremembered Empire just feels so *right.* Leaving trip wires everywhere, grenades under not quite dead bodies with just enough life in them to pull in others to attempt medical aid, rigging a major temple to blow even if it meant possibly taking himself out too. Plus the taunting, madness and spite infused dialog. It all felt pretty much perfect to me.


Abnett also wrote possibly the coolest line ever penned of our Primarch when the kill teams were attempting to track him down.


"The dark smiled back."

As long as it isn't worse than Balthamal's, you should be good on lore. :biggrin.:


Note: Just a fun prod to the ribs.


Thanks for the vote of confidence :D


I'll get around to posting more, all my writing time is taken up by Deathwatch at the minute though for obvious reasons

Also, we're assuming Guilliman doesn't know there are Night Lord prisoners up there. The astropath girl never said where they were going, only that they were leaving the Invincible Reason.

i'm not sure where exactly, but i think it was in UE, the Lion says something like: "i have the bastard Sevatar up there" when he and Rob share some of  their secrets.


and i agree on the Night Lords being better represented, because of the authors. the Dark Angels have had bad luck with that, if you ask me :biggrin.:

Hail brothers and sister.

Not quite sure if this qualifies but im currently working on our Lord the Night Haunter, and once he's done im going to be doing my own 30k interpretation of first claw from some book you all know well lol. building up to a "full" 10th company.... Im gonna be so broke hehe


Ave dominus nox!!

Hail Brother.


Keep us posted, im hesitant to buy/paint Lord Curze it feels like sacrilege so I get my fix from seeing others doing it and condemning them. 

30k 10th Company 1st Claw sounds good, the flash back with the Lascannon guy made me want a Devastator Legionary in one of my squads.

@Flint why thank you very much ill take a large beer and a small family if thats ok


@helterskelter theres not much to show atm bud just managed to get him primed and a quick blast of grey to get the highlights planned. Hoping to at least get him base coated tonight, failing that i gotta week off work next week so should get him finished then

And Mercution didnt? For shame!!! Best last words ever... "Try running now" lol but aye Sar Zell will be making an appearance as well as Ruven and SGT Vandred in all their 30k glory :smile.:

Most of the time I forgot that Mercution was a Devastator/Havoc, he was a great Character just Sar Zell loves his weapon and thats how your write a Devastator :wink:


Noctem, man up, are you a murderer or a mouse? Heh, he's a joy to paint

wyvern, show show show! I've done a version of him and I'm gonna be uber sad when he's finished, coz he makes one awesome model

More of a Snapping Tortoise? I have alot of Midnight Clad to paint (both for practice and because my Warband stands in Silver Basecoat not midnight clad on a whole) before I can do our Lord justice. I am jealous of those of my brothers like you whose talent for painting allows you to dive straight onto a model but hey im a converted first and painter second. I have to admit Sevatar on the other hand is more likely to be bought and painted straight away just because!

Hey dudes and dudettes i have finally finished my Night haunter and have done a showcase video (link below)


I'm working on the tutorial as i filmed the painting process. If any one is interested in seeing it when it's done let me know as i didn't want to spam on here. Hope you guys and gals like

See this is what puts me off, I'm cynical and spiteful you know the good traits of our Legion.


elstonation your on my list of talented Brothers who may be murdered to help me rise in our Legions ranks.


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