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http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad165/Liamgregg1988/Night%20Lords%20WIP/temporary_zps796f3590.jpgHey guys, just uploaded pics of the changes I've made to my Praetor Lord. Can I get your opinion on if he needs a cloak/cape to complete the transition to make him look the part.

Well, with the shield/flayed corpse, his visual does lean pretty heavily to his left. A right-flowing cape could do the trick.


What if, instead of a true cape, it's shredded rags that cling to his right pauldron, painted up to look like the removed skin? You could still flare it up a bit, maybe to fill in some of the empty space between sword arm and body (but perhaps behind both). Not enough to be a cape, but enough to seem like he overdid it with the purity seals, from far away. And then he gets closer, and the screaming begins.

Well, with the shield/flayed corpse, his visual does lean pretty heavily to his left. A right-flowing cape could do the trick.


What if, instead of a true cape, it's shredded rags that cling to his right pauldron, painted up to look like the removed skin? You could still flare it up a bit, maybe to fill in some of the empty space between sword arm and body (but perhaps behind both). Not enough to be a cape, but enough to seem like he overdid it with the purity seals, from far away. And then he gets closer, and the screaming begins.

Perhaps something like Boba Fett's shoulder cape? But torn apart as you suggested?

Call it what you will; The Murder Duel, Sanguis Extremis, Third Blood, or whatever your legion calls it. This is how disputes are settled and your mettle tested.

step into the cage!


What you require: Dice, fraternal honesty, the ability to judge your peers justly when called upon


The rules: players using the Centurion entry or appropriate consul must choose their arms.


basic statline: ws 5, s 4, t 4, w 3, I 5, ld 9 sv 3+ bolt pistol ccw


Consul options (if desired): chaplain: power weapon, zealot. Legion champion: one master crafted selected weapon, ws 6. Librarian: up to lvl 2 mastery, force axe sword or stave. Forge Lord: servo arm, artificer armour (2+ save). Primus medicae: narthecium (feel no pain), needle pistol. Vigilator: cameleoline, bolter, may take scout armour (4+ save), may Not take thunder hammer, boarding shield, power fist or lightning claws.


Options non terminator: exchange ccw and/or bolt pistol

Heavy chainsword

charnabal sabre

power weapon

power fist

lightning claw single

lightning claw pair

thunder hammer


swap PA for artificer armour (2+ save)


May take One of the following

combat shield

refractor field

boarding shield


may take terminator armour (2+ 5++) or cataphractii (2+ 4++)

You gain power weapon and combi bolter, which can be swapped for:

Power fist

thunder hammer


lightning claw (single or pair)


Once gear is selected, players roll 1d6. Highest goes first.

Psychic phase if librarian selected. Powers chosen from combat applicable options on the relevant tables (up to 2 plus force), warp charge 1d6 + mastery level (1 or 2). Opponent rolls 1d6 for charge if not a librarian for deny the witch. These are successful on a roll of 6.


After this phase any legion wargear affecting combat is rolled ( eg trophies of judgement fear test [unmodified ld test taken on 2d6, anything over 9 is a fail])


Combat ensues: player with highest result goes first. Any initiative modified weapons (power fist, power axe, thunder hammer, servo arm etc) strike in order, ie later player turns (10 fastest, 1 slowest). Choosing how many attacks to apply to each weapon a player rolls according to the hit/wound chart, applying modifiers (+1 attack for extra weapon, 2 x special weapons, strength adjustments). Player 2 gets to then roll appropriate saves (1d6 per wound). If iniative is the same as opponent, player 2 gets to roll their attacks (you can be theoretically dead at this point, but for a text based internet game, this is how we have to play for now). Assuming the players havent gloriodly wiped each other out, remaining weapons (i1 weapons for example) can be used, and assuming players have wounds left, the process starts over from the point: combat ensues. Keep going until one or both players lose all 3 wounds. This means the match can end in a draw. Shake hands or start over! Winner gets bragging rights, loser takes hisor her loss on the chin. For now..


right this obviously requires mod approval, some potential revisions but hopefully it enables forumites some fun distraction/ debate settling ability.


Not even the option of a chainglaive? Are we not the VIII Legion?


Report to Flint's crucible of correction immediately or be judged before the Kyroptera

See this is why i need eyes to proof read. I'll edit in a section on legion specific wargear. Didnt want to explicitly state chainglaive as i'd like everyone in the b+c to have a go, and if i put in chainglaive, the WE for example would have to edit in all their cc gear and so on. Not excluding the use of chainglaives or trophies of judgement. As long as its relevant to hand to hand its a go

There are a couple of virtual dice roller/blogs we could use.  




This one lets you create a blog for just you and assorted buddies so you can keep everything straight and see each others moves/rolls. Could be useful for "official" murder-duelin'

@Conn And Kol


Thanks for your advice guys, im very happy with my Praetor Lord Zaqar now, the small shoulder cloak became swept to the back (magnetised model meant I had to compromise). But he now looks the full part!



The Huntmaster is now reminded who is the boss :biggrin.:

Slipstream vs flint in a shade of sevatar vs sigismund? :tongue.:

I assume if it were to happen that I'd use Night Lords rule right? Cuz if not I'm abusing the ever loving :cuss: out of our Solarite Power Gauntlets and Vigil Pattern Storm Shields :P


Slipstream vs flint in a shade of sevatar vs sigismund? :P


I assume if it were to happen that I'd use Night Lords rule right? Cuz if not I'm abusing the ever loving :cuss: out of our Solarite Power Gauntlets and Vigil Pattern Storm Shields :P

I'd take a precoged Sevatar or Librarian over the most jazzed up Imperial Fist Praetor you could throw down. Especially in 7th Ed when Sev's Ld.7 doesn't make a big difference for getting that sweet sweet pre-cog off.


Sev vs Sigismund is a different story though. He's about the only thing in the general points range that will consistently kill Sevatar. It's all about that damn Eternal Warrior *and* the force re-roll of invulns.


...still gets me that his bolt pistol is master crafted when the Black Sword isn't though :D



Slipstream vs flint in a shade of sevatar vs sigismund? :tongue.:

I assume if it were to happen that I'd use Night Lords rule right? Cuz if not I'm abusing the ever loving :censored:: out of our Solarite Power Gauntlets and Vigil Pattern Storm Shields :tongue.:

I'd take a precoged Sevatar or Librarian over the most jazzed up Imperial Fist Praetor you could throw down. Especially in 7th Ed when Sev's Ld.7 doesn't make a big difference for getting that sweet sweet pre-cog off.


Sev vs Sigismund is a different story though. He's about the only thing in the general points range that will consistently kill Sevatar. It's all about that damn Eternal Warrior *and* the force re-roll of invulns.


...still gets me that his bolt pistol is master crafted when the Black Sword isn't though :biggrin.:


Only reason the Black Sword isnt MC'd is because he gets to Re-roll to wound and to hit due to Legion and Personal Rules in a Challenge. Would be a bit overpowered if he could re-roll almost everything.


Also, too bad we cant take book 4 relics. I'd totally get that 3++ Melta Cloak since it confers Eternal Warrior :p

Helter, is there a Points limit we should abide by?


And if moi and mme Flint are truly going to duke it out, I'll edit this post with 2 possible Characters; a Night Lord and an Imperial Fists in the event that we keep this...within the Legion for simplicitys sake.


Sorry for the Double Post :x


Night Lords Primus Medicae 


-Needle Pistol

-Volkite Serpenta

-Artificer Armor

-Jump Pack

-Refractor Field


-Frag & Krak Grenades


Imperial Fists Primus Medicae 


-Needle Pistol

-Tartaros Pattern Terminator Armor

-Vigil Pattern Storm Shield



Bring it.


I'll murder-duel whatever legion you want to throw at me.


Also, I have almost figured out how RollD20 works.

I'm still in the process of kinda-figuring it out myself @_@


I'll keep it within the Legion then. Use the Night Lord. MAY RNGESUS GUIDE MY /ROLL MACROS!


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