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Noctem Cultor, on 27 Jan 2015 - 1:40 PM, said:


I thought she ordered us not to call her that or meet with a painful death...

Run Run Now!


You know, I hate "queen," but I'm slowly coming around on "Princess of Crows."



I like that it implies sisterhood to Sevatarion as opposed to that suggestion of "Bride of Sevatar" which doesn't work for half a dozen hilarious reasons :biggrin.:



I now picture the Princess of Crows sat on a throne overlooking the corrupt Convent of Sevatar. The question is when did ladies man Sevatar visit said Princess and influence her on the path of to create the Chaos Sisters Order of Fear?


Minus the Mutation and icons.

In all fairness 'Bride of Sevatar' was the weakest of the nomme de guerre I came up with... My lady card holder has her Hammer Horror Movie collection on a shelf in the living room and my eye fell upon 'Bride of Frankenstein' whilst typing. She doesn't completely understand my obsession with the plastic crack but she does come into stores with me. 


I quite liked 'First Huntress' but have decided to withdraw the 'Domina Prime' suggestion as 'Ave Domina Nox' doesn't quite translate as intended...


Maybe Flint is the heiress to the Night Haunter - maybe the Corona Nox was a Tiara rather than a Crown... Perhaps Sahaal was jealous when he decided to take it for himself...


I quite liked 'First Huntress' but have decided to withdraw the 'Domina Prime' suggestion as 'Ave Domina Nox' doesn't quite translate as intended...





It translates to hooker.


+10 points :D

*installs drain into floor, preps the pressure washer*


Hey Flint, where would you like me to set up the torture table?


Kidding, lol.


Although it is kind of funny how it goes from "Lord of the Night: Nobility" to "Lady of the Night: Street Corner" just because of an "a".

*installs drain into floor, preps the pressure washer*


Hey Flint, where would you like me to set up the torture table?


Kidding, lol.


Although it is kind of funny how it goes from "Lord of the Night: Nobility" to "Lady of the Night: Street Corner" just because of an "a".

*stops midway into installing torture-tool rack*


...Oh great, you want me to rip this all out now?!?


First Lady would be easy, but, you ain't no Presidents Wife (the easiest conclusion/parallel to come to/make)

Or go italian with Prima Donna :p


or Simplify it even more and just go with "Prima" aka First.

Hey guys and gals, 
I gots 2 questions for ya. 


1st. Im in need of conversion ideas for centurions, to make them night lordsy, Im doing up a full kit bash night lords army but using the space marines codex(blasphemy i know.) So far its going good(ill post pictures of what i got so far tomorrow)

2nd: Brother Heinreich uses these severed heads on one of his models theres 2 being held by their hair. What kit are they from so i can ebay for that. 


A MK III Command Squad champion, give him the Flag Bearer's chest, a Night Raptor helmet, the Night Raptor power sword, and a Mk IV FW NL Shoulder pad. Yeah, I wish I got pictures of him before the pieces disappeared.


I'm just going to wallow in my misery in that corner over there.

Greetings against my brothers and sister, I am back into my Night Lords project after being delayed several weeks. Yay! After some hard thought and contemplation I have decided to cannibalize an old marine army who are taking a nice bath to strip what was painted as I type. Some how I think my night lords will be rather pleased to have been created by corrupting and cannibalizing loyalists....and roll lots of 6s for me.


That said, originally I was going to run loyalist rules (blood angels) to represent a night lords drop podding force....however my list of models being prepped to be midnight clad makes for a more mechanized armored spearhead. As of right now everything I currently own is:


Power armored HQ

Termy HQ

10 Assault termies

2 Dreads

30 Tactical marines

3 Rhinos

Land Speeder

2 Land Raider Redeemers/Crusaders




Now I could still till them as loyalist rules as I really want a purist (non or super limited daemonic) force....but not going for pods leaves me thinking there is no reason not to run as chaos like they should be.


Now we come to my call for aid amongst my fellow 8th, I am at a real loss I how to run these guys on the table.... Without daemon support I feel I am really shooting myself in the foot. I have no problem picking up a purchase or two for the army but would like to keep the cost down for now. My best list idea so far has been something like Khârn, 9 berserkers in raider, 5 slaanesh claw termies in raider, 2 three man termicide drops, 3 units of 5 marines in rhinos, las pred and vindicator. Sadly this seems terribly ineffective but I could be wrong...another idea was to drop Khârn and marine unit for juggerlord and several bikes/spawn. But again, very unsure.


Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas for running a heavy armour themed Night Lords list? Or maybe run one themselves.


Thanks all, really appreciate it!

Hi Armornar, welcome to the dark.


The midnight clad fluff is not really into the wall-to-wall heavy armour theme, but don't let that stop you.  However, the Chaos Codex does not have LR Redeemers and Crusaders in the list, so much depends on how accomodating your opponents are.  Alternatively, you might still have the side sponson lascannons (or can search/buy some bits), add some spikes and repaint?


Spikey bits, wings and other decorations can be found if you wish to bling them up a bit. Not averse to adding bits of loyalists as decor too :biggrin.:


I'll leave the experts here to give proper guidance.

Thanks for the response Psykic_scribe, I did make a few bits purchases to prep for the change over to chaos rules. Hoping their bath loosens up those raiders for lascannons and a heavy bolter. So far I have about 4 ziplock bags of bits raided from my collection including some spikes, skulls, heads, chaos, blades, and more for guys and for the tanks. My dark eldar were most generous in thier fitting donations to the cause. Also have a few special bits that I plan to use but those will remain secret until they get attached and I upload some picture. O:)

So I've got some cataphractii terminators on the way but I was wondering if I should hold off assembling them and wait for some NL specific termie parts/shoulder pads or even an upgrade kit perhaps?


Does anyone see this happening in the near future or ever for that matter?


It doesn't look like it, there is so much that they still have to do and we don't have an entry for a NL Terminator unit. It was something I have tried to figure out myself, but I based my plan on a Terminator in a Sevatar image.


See how the Winged Skull is on the pad, pop a mini version of Sevatars Lion on the other pad and your golden.


It doesn't look like it, there is so much that they still have to do and we don't have an entry for a NL Terminator unit. It was something I have tried to figure out myself, but I based my plan on a Terminator in a Sevatar image.


See how the Winged Skull is on the pad, pop a mini version of Sevatars Lion on the other pad and your golden.

Ugh that picture is amazing


A winged skull motif shouldn't be difficult to figure out....any suggestions for the Lions head? Maybe butcher some astral claws pads?


also found it frustrating the Atramentar weren't included in the army list considering how often they appear in writing AND most other legions have exclusive termy units *sigh* old gripe is old


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