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++ AUGUSTUS b'RAASS ++ pre-heresy BRASS SCORPION p.247

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Lord on Jugger with PF, Sigil, and Axe of Kor'Lath

10 Khorne Marines + 2x Meltagun in a Dozer Rhino

10 Khorne Marines + 2x Meltagun in a Dozer Rhino

10 Khorne Marines + 2x Flamer + Combi Flamer in a Dozer Rhino


Gore Pack Formation

5 bikers + 2 meltaguns 

5 bikers + 2 meltaguns 

3 bikers + 2 flamers

10 Flesh Hounds

5 Flesh Hounds
5 Flesh Hounds
This list looks good, do your captains (of the csm squads) have an power weapons? 
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Feeling a lot better today, I'm back on the hobby track. 

With the 1850 KDK list, There's a good chance there'll be two Bloodthirsters on the table - one from the Axe of Kor'Lath, and one summoned through blood tithe points. But I only have the new Bloodthirster and as you know I like variety. So I had to get me an alternative. 


Now, there are plenty of third party otpions out there - but they're all pretty pricey in themselves, and also they're third party, which will bar me from both GW tournaments and to play at their shops. I was already looking at converting a Daemon prince when Lo and Behold I found a metal 1998 one online. It had a horrible 1998 paint job to go along with it, but for $22 I wont complain. I used StMarc, a paint remover, to scrub it mostly clean of paint. Only in the deepest of crevaces and around where the paint mixed with superglue is there still some left, but I can live with that. So here's my next project:



I've also painted the three containers from GW I built last week. They're really good quality terrain pieces. If a little pricey - but you also get a ton of scatter terrain to go along with it - 12 crates and 9 barrels - making this a pretty good purchase. 



Additionally, my second order from Puppetswar came in. There where two dragon's teeth missing from the previous order adn they were very helpfull and replaced them, and even gave me some additional ones to spare! Great company.


Thanks for looking!


@ Noctem Cultor: Haha 'dental job'. Thanks though. I should start painting it, actually. Perhaps this weekend.


@ Hushrong: I really hope that they see how popular those TS mini's are right now, and decide it is worth it to upgrade the Khorne Berzerker kits - and perhaps get some plastic Plague Marines too. With the new TL rules for Death Guard, I bet Nurgel armies are gaining in popularity again., 


@ Thousand Eyes: Thanks buddy! Yeah, it's fairly competative, fluffy, and great fun to play with, as everything moves 12". :D :tu:


@ Sagentus: The Champions do not have power weapons. PW aren't worth their points, IMO. I rely purely on weight of attacks with them. The cool thing is that no unit in this army poses any more of a threat than the others, without any unit being weak in any particular front. This makes target priority a very big issue for your opponent with this list, and that gives it the greatest advantage. 

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Oh man! That is a classic mini and I cannot wait to see what you do with him! Are you going to mix and match some new plastic bits onto that relic or keep as-is?


The terrain looks nice too. That box set is tempting to pick up just because of the scatter terrain to lay around.


I'm a bit ashamed I haven't picked up any new tzeentch stuff. I started up a Tzeentch force but they and a bunch of other crazy projects are on hold until I can finish my main army...and one, just one side army. I lack a lot of hobby discipline. New cult troop boxes would be great but I would lose my mind if they made a new, good plastic set of standard CSM/Chosen marines. *slightly toast to that idea with my morning orange juice.

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Jugger Lord is looking good buddy, id personally go for a power Fist over the Blood Fist, I think the slightly open handed PF from the CsM box in a similar palm up pose to the BF would look really good with the chain.


The crates look good as well as all the dragon teeth, I enjoy making and painting terrain from time to time. I find it quite therapeutic not having to worry about painting warp damned trim on EVERYTHING! :D


Looking forward to the Mauler updates.

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The maulerfiend is amazing the new pose and the fangs add a lot to the model !

Haaaa the old school bloodthirter looking forward for him ! Always loved this model and with your skills it's gonna be even better !

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Hey buddy, excellent work on that Maulerfiend! It looks much more feral that way, which is excellent! The open maw is something I really wanted to do on my own Forgefiend before chickening out -- kudos for going through with it! ;)


The jugger lord has a great sense of dynamism and aggressiveness, although I think he really, really needs something to actually bring him into 40k, as he basically looks like an Age of Sigmar Chaos Lord right now -- so a power fist might be a good first step anyway (that being said, maybe you could keep the design from that Blood Fist for the back of his power fist?). I also think you should replace that gaping maw on his belly with some cabling, as that would be a great way of making him look just a bit more SciFi.


Anyway, always looking forward to your next update! :)

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Hey guys and gals! Been a while since I commented. Balancing recovery from my back injury and getting back to work (especially the 45 minute drive it takes me to get to and from there), prove to be quite a challenge that eats up massive amounts of energy - for the first time ever, I feel like I'm getting old. Dammit. :p


Anyway, to rejuvenate my spirits I set to work on doing some hobby work. I had a massive amount of projects in progress and lying around, which I realized were becoming a bit of an obstacle. Here's a list of things I have started, but have not finished:


Imperial Fists:

- Typhon (build, basecoated)

- two Drop Pods (build, ready for basecoat)

- Command Squad on bikes (30% build, need tons of work)

- Assault Squad (build, needs different legs though)

Khorne Deamonkin

- objective markers (build, ready for paint)

- Juggerlord (partially build)

- Maulerfiend (build, ready for basecoat)

- Bloodthirster (cleaned, still waiting for an order of brass rod for pins. Started work on his 80mm base)

- 10 Khornate Marines (in various states of build, from ready for paint to still on sprue)

- 3 Bloodcrushers (need rebasing)

- 30 Bloodletters (need repainting and rebasing)

- Khârn the Betrayer (build, ready for basecoat)


- Promethian Relay Pipes (build, ready for basecoat)


You can see how this had starting to become a bit overwhelming. So I sat myself down today and started working on it. I manage to do a lot, actually! I finished rebasing the bloodcrushers, finished painting the Objective Markers and the Relay Pipes, and am now halfway through painting the Drop Pods.

I'll get good pictures of the pipes and the objective markers when it's light out, but for now I can show yuo the progress on the drop pods:




Thanks for looking!


@ hushrong: Thanks! The BT will be just the stock model, but I will repose him slightly. About the containers set: indeed! The scatter terrain is very nice to have! And I get what you're saying re: a possible new CSM release vs just converting them. I advice just going through them. Chaos miniatures are always awesome to paint. ;)


@ Eldrick Shadowblade: Thanks, yeah I thought so too. PF it is!


@ Biohazard: Cheers. Power Fist it will be! I'm going to use a stadard closed one from the SM kit - I like how its simple style breaks up the ornate effect of the rest of the model. TRIM SUCKS!


@ malcharion: Cheers, buddy! I can only hope the BT and Maulerfiends will look half as brutal as your Charcharodons. :tu:


@ KrautScientist: That's great advice! I totally agree he looks way to AoS right now. I'm confident that a Back Pack, the plain Power Fist, and a holstered bolt pistol on his right hip will convey his 40K nature. I agree his belly mouth adds to the fantasy style, and agree that cables would convert that to a definite 40K vibe, but I love that belly mouth so much! I'll take ictures of him with the backpack, pistol and power fist, and I hope you'lll let me know if he's 40K enough. ;)


@ Teetengee: I know, right? That maw is so cool!

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Sweet! That's quite the to do list but looking forward to seeing those checked off. Best of luck with the recovery! I've only pulled muscles in my back but it always sucks. For me it was getting in and out of my car that's killer.
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Promised pictures of the things did yesterday:


FINALLY the Objective Markers for my Khorne Daemonkin force are finished!




Also finished rebasing the Blood Crushers:


more pics


And lastly, the promethean Relay Pipes, which are cool looking scatter terrain pieces in and of themselves :) These are not glued, so I can actually mix and match them according to the battlefield needs. :tu: I love this stuff - so much so that I decided to relent to GW, give all my home made terrain to the local games club, and buy two sets of Secotr Imperials to go with my Basilica piece. That, along with the stuff I already painted the past two weeks, should give me plenty of terrain pieces to play over. Yay!




Anyway, there´s also some progress on the pods! Dammit, this is why everyone hates these things. I spent at least four hours painting these today, and all I got done was to wash the yellow details with Agrax, mask and spray the hazard stripes on the inside of the doors, and paint the outer panels black. I mentioned I ploughed through, but honestly it doesn´t feel like much. Luckily all that remains is some more black, the metalwork, details, and the fun part where you get to hide all your stupid mistakes: weathering.



So three items crossed off my list. I'm going to continue to do this until all is crossed out - I feel like it will give me more focus! :D

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Imperial Fists:

- Typhon (build, basecoated)

- two Drop Pods (build, ready for basecoat)

- Command Squad on bikes (30% build, need tons of work)

- Assault Squad (build, needs different legs though)

Khorne Deamonkin

- objective markers (build, ready for paint)

- Juggerlord (partially build)

- Maulerfiend (build, ready for basecoat)

- Bloodthirster (cleaned, still waiting for an order of brass rod for pins. Started work on his 80mm base)

- 10 Khornate Marines (in various states of build, from ready for paint to still on sprue)

- 3 Bloodcrushers (need rebasing)

- 30 Bloodletters (need repainting and rebasing)

- Khârn the Betrayer (build, ready for basecoat)


- Promethian Relay Pipes (build, ready for basecoat)


Thanks for looking and feedback welcome!


@ Black_out: A bigún today! Hope you liked it. :)


@ hushrong: don't get me started on the car, dude. Everything about driving sucks at the moment, which sucks a lot, because I like driving. Oh well, I have to bike everywhere local again, which is good for the booty. :p


@ The Traitor: Thanks buddy! Three down, ten to go!



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Great looking bloodcrushers, the black bloodletters with blue blades are a very good idea, hadn't noticed them before. Also this "list" idea of things to do is kind of inspiring, maybe I could do something similar... Keep on, someday you'll cross everything out (and with your speed it might be sooner than later...)!

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Yes!! Now these are the updates I've come to expect from you Augustus! Great stuff! Thinking I need a set or two of those relay pipes too after seeing yours...hmmm Edited by Black_out
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Thanks guys! 


A day of painting... and the two Drop Pods are finished. Huff huff. 


They don't together fit in my lightbox while opened, hence the seperate pics. :)












And coincidentally (or not) one drop pod fits exactly in the crater hole of the craters I bought from Puppetswar the other day!http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d185/mkruijff/Imperial%20Fists/temporary_zpsfznlhjoh.jpg


Aaaaand they get stricken from the to-do list. :D :tu:

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List date: February 6th, 2017

Imperial Fists:

- Typhon (build, basecoated)

- two Drop Pods (build, ready for basecoat)

- Command Squad on bikes (30% build, need tons of work)

- Assault Squad (build, needs different legs though)

Khorne Deamonkin

- objective markers (build, ready for paint)

- Juggerlord (partially build)

- Maulerfiend (build, ready for basecoat)

- Bloodthirster (cleaned, still waiting for an order of brass rod for pins. Started work on his 80mm base)

- 10 Khornate Marines (in various states of build, from ready for paint to still on sprue)

- 3 Bloodcrushers (need rebasing)

- 30 Bloodletters (need repainting and rebasing)

- Khârn the Betrayer (build, ready for basecoat)


- Promethian Relay Pipes (build, ready for basecoat)

Hope you like! Thanks for looking and commenting :)



@ The Traitor: yeah dude, you should try it. I find it very motivational and to have a disciplinary effect on my hobbying to work towards a goal. It's why I participate in almost all events in which I can with my armies, here on B&C. :D


@ Venomlust:  Thanks buddy! For all my armoured black I use AP (Army Painter) Matt Black (WP1101), airbrush highlighted with VMC (Vallejo Model Color) Grey Black 70.862, Edge highlighted with GW Eshin Grey, and then a corner edge highlight of GW Dawnstone. For the skin of the deamons I use the same recipe, only with Skavenblight Dinge as the only brush highlight. :tu:


@ Black_out: Haha, yeah, I'm back (?) The relay pipes are a joy to paint and really easy to do, actually.


@ Biohazard: Yeah I had them on 60mm before, but the oval bases just look so much better, IMO. :tu:

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Sweet stuff! Everything looking good as usual! The pipes look good and they are terrain I have been wanting for zone mortalis. Rebased bloodcrushers are also looking sweet! Also the drop pods are sweet and I am happy seeing objectives get crossed off.


I must say my favorite things are the objective markers. They fit the theme of the army and I love scenic little displays. I need to find some slaaneshi bits and bobs to make some new objective markers for my army.


I normally have nothing against bicicylist but I live in Austin and they all seem like the hipster cyclist from Portlandia...

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Wow, your KDK objectives are awesome! Make mine look waaaaaay shoddy :D


Also thumbs up for the terrain, love a nice bit of terrain. I have plans for building a Necromunda table and gang later in the year so have been really paying attention to to terrain recently.


Finally, your pods rock, though I would expect no less. They are normally pretty boring, but not yours which is no surprise. Great painting :tu:

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The pods, Crushers and everything looks great nice work. 
Now if your playing with the GW terrain I can definitely advise looking at this website.

He has some sweet necromunda terrain and stuff that's great for 40k, also most importantly he has some good tutorials with many suggestions to make the sector impirialus stuff go much further.

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The pods, Crushers and everything looks great nice work.

Now if your playing with the GW terrain I can definitely advise looking at this website.


He has some sweet necromunda terrain and stuff that's great for 40k, also most importantly he has some good tutorials with many suggestions to make the sector impirialus stuff go much further.

That is really cool, cheers for that!!


As said previously, Augustus your stuff is very impressive as ever :)

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Augustus has Brass. ;) What I mean to say is: the 1,5mm brass rod I needed to pin my metal bloodthirster together has arrived, and I've assembled it and did some primitive sculpting to close the holes left behind. I'm not a great sculptor by any measure, but I'm hoping it will suffice. There's also an 80mm base with a lot of skulls on it :)

Here's some pictures:










I hope you like him! Now, how to paint this guy. My other, modern, plastic bloodthirster is black skinned with red armour, and fleshy coloured wings. I'm tempted to reverse the colours of the skin and the armour, and to make the wings black. Any thoughts on that would be most welcome. :)

Thanks for looking and for your advice/feedback/criticism. :)


@ ranman8: Than ks buddy! It's just Averland Sunset shaded with GW Averland Sunset with a dab of VMA Hull Red :tu:


@ rednekkboss: Are you doing an Imperial Fists army too???

@ hushrong: Thanks buddy, I appreciate it. I agree on the objective markers. They really finish an army off, don't they? :) About the cyclists: you should come to Amsterdam. There are (quite literally) more bikes here than there are people. We've had to build a three story ponton in the canal across the Central Station, which is filled and emptied every day by commuters

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@ Midnight Runners: If you're going for Necromunda, I can totally recommend Battle Systems' Galactic or Command Centre sets. You can be a late backer now. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1621774283/battle-systemstm-sci-fi-ii-terrain/description


@ Mechanist: That's some really cool terrain right there. Makes me harken back to the 90's where all terrain was self-made. :)

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