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++ AUGUSTUS b'RAASS ++ pre-heresy BRASS SCORPION p.247

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Cheers, gang. 

Work continues on the Pyrocaen Lord, but as I am waiting for new stuff from Zinge, I can't show anything substantial as of now. So I painted the slaves for the Slave Guilders!



Mr. Hive worker who seems to be cooperating in a begruntled, yet complaced manner.


Mr. Crazy Hobo who is definitely NOT cooperating



Aaand the whole gang together as a team. 


Note that I did some neating up the contrast with extra highlights, and I also wrote stuff on the parchment of the purity seals - or in this case Legal Papers I guess?

Thanks for looking.





@ Dragonlover: Done, and done. :tu:


@ Noctus Cornix: Pictures or it didn't happen. In your thread, I mean. Also, peer pressure can indeed be a strong motivator - I've embarked on a whatsapp group challege with 10 buddies to train and do 100 pushups in a single sitting with no brakes by mid-May.  


@ DuskRaider: Maybe, but my idea is to create a servo skull toting the gun. And yes. Challenge. Khorne Berzerkers. 


@ BCK: hey, I learned that lesson form the best. 


@ k0nahrik: Don;t worry about the arms and as I've said; the head will be changed as well. :tu:


@ Hungry Nostraman Lizard: Well thanks! Also, you will be HNL from now on. I'm tired of typing your name! :D

@ BadgersinHills: Go get them - the detail is amazing!


@ Viridia: Thank you, mate! That's high praise and I appreciate it very much :)

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Alright, I did a little more work on the Pyrocaen Lord. 

Mainly I sculpted his cloak, made an armature to serve as the basis upon which to sculpt his sleeve; created a shock stave for it, started his head and his left arm, and -most importantly- the book he is reading. I also filled in the SoB names to appease some people. ;)







All patchwork held together with poster buddy, but the beginning's are all visible. Let me know what you think. 

Thanks for looking and your feedback!






@ DuskRaider: Why yes, yes I am. Do you accept, or do you continue your baseless (see what I did there?) slander?


@ BagersinHills: Thank you :tu:

@ Bjorn Firewalker: Cheers buddy! Glad you like them. :)

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I absolutely love everything on the last couple of pages, great to see you do necromunda stuff! The pyrocean lord is coning along great, good call to start over. Very cool.


And new berserkers?!? Yay! I hope you keep the color scheme from your old guys, I really liked that tone you used. Can't wait:)

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Would it be weird for a Power Guild lord to have his book surrounded by melting candles?

Yes it would which makes it super 40k and a sweet idea.


Looking ace Augs and the do over it paying off even though the first go was also sweet it's looking so spot on now.

Only real question I have is do you plan to make him a bit chunkier like at art as he's opulently sitting on a floating throne.

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Wow, that dais looks really cool. I'm not feeling the hand on the club, however. It may just be where you cut it off and it will look better after you sculpt the arm but for now it look like Mickey Mouse's glove. You've gotta cable up that glorified book stand, that would look so cool. I like where you're going with it, bud!








Let me see what I can do. I just dropped a grip on Titanicus terrain. Something Khorne related would be a welcome reprieve from Nurgle 24/7, though... especially since I haven't done anything Khorne related in about a decade, lol.

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And work continues on the Pyrocaen Lord. 

I sculpted both his sleeves and the back of his head (which will be covered by a sculpted hood in the future so doesn't need to be accurate) and I fixed the bulkiness of the book stand's mechanical arm (thanks go to Frater Majkhel for pointing this out)


Also, here's another piece of artwork I use as reference (not my copyright):


I cannot work any firther because I'll have to wait for a Zinge Industry delivery of posable wires. But he's close to finishing now!









I also create his servo gun skull - which will function as a placeholder for the fact that the unit has a laspistol.  







Let me know what you think. Thanks for looking and your continued support and feedback!




@ Llagos_Tyrant: Thank you - he's not finished yet, but close to it.


@ jaxom: Absolutely not - and I can guarantee you he will be covered by them!

@ ElDuderino: Thank yu but alas, no. I'll start over with the original 30K colour scheme of white and blue. 


@ Mejkhel: You were absolutley right about the book stand begin too massive. Thank you very much for pointing it out. I fixed it! What do you think?


@ Mechanist: Yeah he's going to be far bigger than in the artwork. My Pyrocaen Lord is very high up in the ranks, so that needs to be reflected in the opulance of his dias, wouldn't you agree?


@ BadgersinHills: Thank you! I'm still contemplating adding some wiring or cables coming out of his head. What do you think about that idea?


@ DuskRaider: Do you think I fixed the Mickey Mouse hand? Also, I'm glad you appreciated my joke ;) I'm looking forward to our little Berzerker-Off! Don't worry: bunny ears aren't mandatory!

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Yeah, you've definitely fixed the stand, Augustus.


The fleshed-out Lord is really starting to gain presence. I like how dynamic he feels despite the sitting pose. Combination of the massive Goliath mask, the mace, wide spread arms and flames at his back already give him vitality and gravity.

Give us more :)

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Now THAT looks awesome. Is he going to be bald?


Edit: Oops, I forgot! Let me see what I can do about the whole Berserk-Off thing. It would be a real downer to go the same path as you, although you've picked the best bits for it. 

Edited by DuskRaider
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Great work on the slave boys, and I love your take on the Prometheum Guilder!


Also need to say .... I think I'll have to steal your idea of doing (Guild-)specific Servo Skulls! Almost as cute as Gang (or Guild!) specific Ogryns :wub:  

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Thanks for the comments, guys and gals. 

Unfortunately my Zinge Industries ordr hasn't come in yet, so I'm stuck on the Pyrocaen Lord and cannot do any more work on him. What did come in was a special package from my Eastern neighbours. They say that whatever you do, do not mention ze Germans, but shucks to that: KrautScientist sent me an INQ28 care package!


As you can read he calls this 'not that big of a bits drop' - but he's far too modest as this is huuuuge! HUUUUGE! There's all kinds of amazing stuff in there, from a plethora of knives and swords in scabbard to laurels, chests, books, weird iconography, and some nice Skitari weapons. It's pretty amazing!

And it inspired me to work on another guild I've been planning: the Water Guild or Mercator Nautica. Now, you might be familiar with Necromunda Guild Represntatives, but just for those who aren't; they're miniature warbands that fight independently to but as allies for your own Necromunda gang. They all consist of a Leader or Guild Procurator, a Icon Bearer or Guild Factotum, and one or two bodyguards. 

Now, the Water Guild consists of a Master Nautican (armed with a needle pistol and stilleto knife) as a Procurator, a Syphonite (armed with a Needle Rifle as a Stilleto knife) as a Factotum, and a Subnautican (a brute armed with Open Fists - the same as the Goliath 'Zerker brute) as a bodyguard. FW pic for reference:

Hidden Content


So I set to work. Here's what I have so far. 

The Subnautican 
By far the simplest conversion of the three - it's basically a FW Charonite Ogryn with power fists instead of those scary weapons. 




The Syphonite
The first guy I worked on a couple month back, I bought a box of Atalan Jackals just for the helmet bit! I've been holding him back from here because I wanted to do one guild at a time... I'm not too happy about him yet though, so I am going to change a lot about him - especially his Cult Icon. 


And lasy but certainly not least...

The Master Nautican

This guy I'm super proud of - I extended the plasticard skills I learned form working on the Pyrocean Lord's dias' bookstand and created this scary guy:









Pretty nifty, wouldn't you agree? The syphoning needles are not attached with glue yet but with poster buddy - I will glue them in palce as soon as the Zinge wires arrive and I can fix them to his backpack with cables.

I'm super stoked to have aquired the skills to create my own miniature mechanical arms - and will be sure to use this skill A LOT in the future! It's actually not even that hard to do - it's just made of 1mm, 2mm and 3mm round and 1mm squared plasticard rods and superglue - all I used was that, plastic glue and a scalpel for sharp, straight cuts. It's super fiddly to do, but once the glue is dry it's actually a pretty strong construction!

Thanks for looking and please let me know what you think! 



@ BadgersinHills: Cheers for the encouragemenbts - will do!


@ Mechanist: Thank you very mucho, buddy! I hope they arrive soon enough too. 


@ Majkhel: Thanks, I agree! Glad you like it. Your comment about his being dynamic despite the sitting pose made me wonder what you meant untill I studied the pictures more closely - and I see what you mean. It gives him a sense of restrained power, wouldn't you agree? 


@ DuskRaider: He's not going to be bald - or maybe he will. In either case, it doesn't matter, because most of his head will be covered by the hood I will sculpt for him as soon as the Zinge Industries wires come in. Our Berzerker-off will hopefully inspire and encourage you and I to make the best of our available bits - and I'm sure yours will look fantastic!


@ Atia: Yeah, go for it! Creating Servo Skulls is a lot of fun!

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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I saw the master over on Facebook and was blown away the other guys work a treat alongside him.

The Icon dude is possibly a little static I can see why your not happy. The pose reminds me of old 80 models with the slight crouch and nearly 2d positioning.

Have you got any other stealer cult legs to try out? The helmet is a great idea.

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Cheers, gang. 

I decided to redo the Syphonite. 






I didn't like the icon one bit - it only added to the staticity of his pose - which I purposefully chose. I want him to stand his ground and pose, so to speak. So I found this lantern bit and an image entered my mind where I saw this old lighthouse warden walking around the lighthouse in a storm with a lantern - and I found it immensely a propos to give it to someone associated with the water guild. I also redid the muzzle of his Needle Rifle into something that resembles that of the Master Nautican's Needle Pistol, and I gave him a backpack with a mechanical arm with a syphon - just like the master. I really love the guy now. 

Here's a group shot of the Water Guild Representatives so far!



I can'te really do any more as I have to wait on my ZInge order for the cabling. After that, it's giving them a couple Purity Seals and parchment and I think they're good to go. Man, inspiration has struck!

Do you guys and gals have any more ideas on what to do with these Water Guilders? Let me know, I'd love to source some ideas off of you :)

Thanks for looking and ommenting - it keeps my motivation - and this thread - going!



@ Atia: I knew you'd like them!

@ noigrim: Cheers, buddy :)

@ Markus_: Thank you! I love the project. I hope the inspiration stays, as he's far from finished. I'm waiting by the door for the ZInge order to get in! I agree on the CHaronite hands - they're crazy!

@ Mechanist: Ooof - I should really keep my discipline and post here first before I share anything on Facebook. Re: the Syphonite - I noticed your critique was mainly regarding the staticity of his pose, which isn't really a problem for me, but I see what you mean. Do you think the new Syphonite is also hampered by the 'standing' legs? I'd love to hear your thoughts (as I've been thinking about giing him a pair of Scion legs. I know I have a pair somewhere, but frustratingly couldn't find the bit this morning.... 

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