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++ AUGUSTUS b'RAASS ++ pre-heresy BRASS SCORPION p.247

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Love them! The lamp fella is excellent, the lamp really makes him better. The old Aquila he had is lovely though, would look great for some Emperor's Children. The mechanical arms look excellent, the already creepy looking mini made even creepier. Charonite conversion is excellent, might have to get some of these now! :) 

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Wow, you're on a roll! :yes:

These new guys are fantastic, each figure just clicked into place and fits there. The mechanical arms are great. The Ogryn is just the kind of thing I'd imagine myself. The lord is tall and gaunt and all spindly-spidery. The deep-dive helmet on the icon-bearer is super-thematic! I can easily picture those in the middle of a dark, wet, eerily illuminated place similar to the cthulu feel. 


About the icon bearer - I think his bent legs are good considering the massive thing he has over his head. Or maybe he's mutated and twisted under this heavy suit? Lots of possibilities that need not (and perhaps shouldn't) be explained :wink:


About the pyro-lord - yes, that is what I meant :smile.:

Edited by Majkhel
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DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG. Those Guildmembers are sweet! The plasticard work is also awesome! It looks great and definitely adds a ton of awesome detail to the miniatures. Are they pretty sturdy?

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Alright, team, I need some feedback. 

Zinge has still not arrived, so I'm stuck with working on improvements instead of finishing the mechanical arms and the Promethean Guild's Pyrocaen Lord.

So here's what I did;


The Syphonite's gun had an uprgade of its barrel and has gotten a sight. The icon got a purity seal.


The Master Nautican got a purity seal. 



The Subnautican got syphons under his fists, which I imagine he uses as a Space Marine Apothecary uses his drill. And he got a putiry seal. I know, he's supposed to get wet - -but purity seals make GrimDark 40kishness and it looks cool!


Now, here's what I need your feedback on. I also crafted him a mechanical arm with a syphon at the end - as I wanted to tie him in with the Syphonite and the Master Nautican. Does this work or not? I'm of two minds on it. On the one hadn - it very much ties him to his brethren - on the other, it looks kinda awkward like this - and that really is the only place I can attach the arm!

Soooo.... what do you think? Servo-arm on the Ogryn/Subnacutican Yea or Nay?

And lastly, I gave one of the Coin Guild Grovelers a bionic eye. I'm super excited about how well it turned out. And now I'm thinking of giving him a FW resin servo skull that I found hidden in one of my old bits boxes...




What do you think? Servo skull Yea or Nay?

Let me know! Thanks for looking and until next time.



@ Doghouse: Thank you! I'm pretty excited to have learned this skill - it's given me a huuuge boost in inspiration and confidence in my plasticard skills. 


@ Mechanist: Facebook pfff it's such a gaudy medium. I'm still not feeling it with instagram thoug - that's a weird app to use. The desktop version isn't as user friendly as the mobile version and I hate being on my phone all the time. Re: the alternative legs. I had a looksee around all the most likely bits boxes I have and just couldn't find it. Alas! I agree on the hunched over look and that it is weird - I'm very glad GW is getting over it but thought this Syphonite could be a homage to it? I don't know. It's a bit too late to change his legs now, although a guy on cough Facebook cough did show me his version on the Syphonite and i almost did. 


@ Kriegsmacht: Hey buddy! that's a long time ago since you posted here - good to see you're back for a visit :) To answer your question; no - they're just regular marine power fists - fom the vanguard sprue for the right hand and I believe the devastator sprue for the left. 


@ BadgersinHills: I know right? It's a cool icon - it was constructed from two Knight Aquilas. I'm glad I removed it though. And seeing as I have a :cuss ton of Emperor's Children sonic weapons stashed away for a future Slaaneshi project, I will take your idea into consideration!


@ Majkhel: Well, thank you! You're proving to be an excellent source of useful feedback, by the way. I relaly appreciate your visits and commetn son thjis thread. Thank you for that! And re: the pyro lord - good. ;)


@ Sagentus: Well thanks! I try 


@ +Chaplain Matthias+: START NECROMUNDA! It's such a good game. For all its flaws in production, it's one of the best systems to get you painting and converting without feeling overwhelmed. 


@ noigrim: Alright, well... agree to disagree on that? :)


@ PeteySödes: haha thanks mate. I don't recall you ever posting on this thread so thanks and welcome!


@ hushrong: Thanks buddy and yes, they are surprisingly sturdy - the thin with polystyrene cement and styrene is, it really melts the plastic and fuses it together. I dropped the subnautican and although yes, one arm clipped off - what broke was the superglued joint between the plastic base of the mechanical arm and the resin containter - the actual plastic arm was absolutely fine. I just had to clean off the superglue residue and reglue it into place and done. I expected it to be sturdier than it looks, considering the fiddly bits, bit I was positively surprised by the actual bonds. 


@ KBA: Thanks, KBA!

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Good stuff! 


I think the mechanical arm on the former Charonite looks good, but I feel it takes away from the brutal simplicity that the initial mockup had. Coin Guild looks good too, the eye is very nice and I'll steal that some time in the (grim and dark) far future. :) 

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That's awesome to hear about the plasticard. I need to learn me some of those skills. The servo arms you made on these guys just knock it out of the park in terms of cool factor and styling. It makes the old Iron Warrior in my heart envious with how tech savvy your guys are coming out. :)


As for the subnautican I like the servo arm. It def ties him in with the gang and I am just a big fan of your work making those. The my two cents would be make it a little bigger. The dude is a behemoth and I could imaging him using the smaller variants of construction excavator arms with ease as an extra servo limb. Maybe do something similar to an excavator but skeletonize it, have those servo-arms as it's hydraulics, and run some tubing. It would be sweet.

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Thanks Augustus i've been debating on what Ogryns to get to fit in with my Hazardous Environment army. Bullgryns was going to be my go to until I saw your Ogryn. :)


I like what you're doing with these guys. The servo arm is a nice addition to the miniature. Probably minor but the arm looks thin to me for a guy this size especially near the end. I feel like if he winds back to punch he's going to dent the thing with his elbow. 


Yes to the servo skull! Everything should have more servo skulls. Also Cherubs anything to add to the creepy factor of the setting. :thumbsup:

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I like the idea of a servoarm on the brute but I think it looks too spindly and frail on him. Maybe have it folded together on his back like its not in use at this moment? Like Kriegsmacht said it could get easily in the way in a fight and get damaged. Especially for a fight like him who would propably use his whole body as a weapon.

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Oh mate, you're knocking these out at a frightening rate (I'm not jealous....honest).

I have to apologise for leaving it so long before replying. I keep forgetting about the WIP section and just look in the Necromunda section (and then get miffed that nobody has posted anything Necromundan and bugger off). You'd think I'd get used to the forum by now, wouldn't you? I mean I've only been here since day one :blush.:


The Subnautican may be a simple conversion but it works beautifully. I hadn't seen that model before and I'll be adding one of those to my collection when the Lockdown lifts. I would drop the servo arm on him altogether. As others have said it looks too spindly for the model and I don't think he needs it. I assume you'll be adding some cabling/pipework to his under arm needle (when you get it) and I think that will be all the Ogryn needs. 


The Syphonite looks great and I don't think you need to make too much of an alteration. The legs look fine (I think my Sump Diver might be the one you're on about that I added to your post of Facebook) and I love the lantern that you have given him. I think the main issue is the hip toting Autogun. I'd be tempted to remove the arm and have the gun forward facing and pointing down. I'd also look at using a gun with a shorter body to add your needle to. The Autogun is too long IMO for a Needler, I'd look at something like a Bolter or Plasma with a bit of greenstuff over its coils. I think using a different gun body is all that is needed to sort out your misgivings about him....I still think he looks ace though!


Your Master Nautican is ace! I can't say anymore really. You've turned a gorgeous model into a thing of beauty, brilliant.


The Pyro lord is coming on great. Well done on hacking him apart and starting again, it's not an easy thing to do (I'm not sure I could do that). I thought he looked fine before you 'restructured' him, but the changes you've made are a definite improvement.


The last bit of constructive criticism is about your slaves. They look so great that I want to make some myself  but there is one thing that bothers me about one of them, he's wearing a holstered pistol. It's obviously way too late to do anything about him now but your Slave Guild needs to keep an eye on him :wink:


Keep up the great work mate and I'm going to change my B&C bookmark so that it opens up in the section, that way I won't miss your future posts.

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I def like the arm on the ogryn, i think it really adds to it. Im not sure i can say the same about the skull on the other guy. I dont DISlike it but it's not as effective.


This force is as gorgeous as it will be hard to transport! :D

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Love the servo-arm on the big guy as it definitely ties him in but I would have it folded up on his back instead of ‘deployed’ if that makes any sense. Like he’s got the capability but right now he’s going to pulp you and that’s really all he’s focused on.
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Thank you Aug, I'm really happy you think so!


I'm with with Castigator and BCK on the Subnautican and would drop the mechanical. Imo it kinda defeats his brute aspect and is simply not needed. If you really need to work on him, how about adding some of those canisters from the oroginal artwork around his outfit? He does already have slots on his arms ready. Alternatively if you want to bulk him up even more, some larger canisters could give him a transporting role. One might even be on his base (broken or whole).


It's interesting what Castigator is saying about Syphonites' gun also.

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Wow, these might be your best yet Auggy! Your plasticard skills are definitely showing on those servo arms and of course you had to use one of my favorite non-Chaos models: the Aixilia Ogryn.


I'm going to have to agree with BCK, the servo arm on the Ogryn doesn't really work. It looks too out of place and more or less tacked on. Other than that, they look great!

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I am absolutely loving all these conversions; the conversion for the Water Guild boss looks menacing without being too exaggerated, the bodyguard is giving me Bioshock flashbacks without me ever even playing that game, and the brute looks great! Going to agree with a lot of the others, the arm doesn't look right on the brute, I know you wanted to tie him in using the same armatures, but the needles under his fists do that in a subtle* way, and the rest can be done with the paintjob you'll give them. I'm really hoping FW do more guilds because I want to see more and more of this work coming out!


*Well, as subtle as a raging great brute in an underhive neo-china shop can get.

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