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++ AUGUSTUS b'RAASS ++ pre-heresy BRASS SCORPION p.247

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Cheers guys.

Yesterday and today saw me work on a little project I and two Necromunda buddies embarked upon; to create a miniature for each other. I decided to recreate my Master Nautican for one guy (who joined me and one other guy in buying the Charonite Ogryns from Forge World to share the set and have theirs represent the subnautican, like I did with mine), and another will receive a Goliath Zerker. 

here's the recreated Master Nautican:









And this is very early staged of the Goliath Zerker, based on the Iron Golem... err.. Golem:







The resin right arm are the spare arm you get to go along with the Zerker I bought off Artel W last year.

Also, I listened to some feedback here and online and made the face of my Coin Guild's Skinflint chubbier:




Just a very minor detail, but it serves me well enough. 




@ Kriegsmacht: Cheers, buddy! The Factotum is of the Coin Guild (didn't I write that?). I love your scale of justice idea. Maybe not for this guy, then for the leader of the group. 


@ jaxom: Indeed, a very compelling image! 


@ Majkhel: I filled in his cheeck to become more chubby! Thanks for the coin idea, but that is a bit too on the nose for my tastes ;)

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Wonderful stuff!


Regarding the factotum, what about using the Iron Golem's tabards? They look like coins hanging from chains. I like the idea of a scale as well.


What about a second holster, specific to the plasma gun? The plasma gun is bigger than the holstered gun and the coin guild has surely sufficient coins to arm its representatives to the teeth would be my reasoning.

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Awesome updates. I don’t k ow if you have come up with an icon yet but if these guys are collecting tax on behalf of the imperium, maybe have an Aquila grasping and large gold disk, to represent coin. I like the suggestion of a large coin icon, it would look cool to have the double head eagle’s talons sinking into it. Makes it look more official and let’s you know the imperium will get what is owed.
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@ Sandalphon: Thank you! Glad you like them and the thread as a whole -welcome! What do you mean with loose tiles and what is the 'base of the pyro'? 



Hi! i was thinking was that after he fell out of the window onto the roof, you could possibly model a small roof tile on the the Pyromagir's base to remember the occasion.

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What about the earlier icon you used for your Water Guild banner man? (Forgot the name, sorry) Adding some fat to the cheeks was a great idea, the head was a good choice and this makes it better. Goliath Zerker looks great too!

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Cheers Aug! Nice job :)

I like the tendons on the 'zerkers neck. Not sure on the positioning of the left fist though. I tried assuming his pose and this fist seems rotated awkwardly. Too much in the same line as the right one I think.


Hushrong has a nice idea - the former icon of the Water Guild you've contemplated has the coin-thingies already dangling on the chains plus the Aquila, which is always nice. Alternatively, how about a Custodes Shield? Blocky and has a big round area in the middle. Can also be easily expanded if needed.
I've also stumbled recently on the Blood Bowl minis and found their beautiful markers/coins. Especially Lizardmen Gwaka'moli and ogre Gut Busters (the ever hungry maw). I know, I know - they still follow the 'coin pattern' ;)

Good luck :)

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Goliath Zerker finished. 

This is going to be a gift to my Necromunda hobby buddy Jonathan. I hope he likes it, as I do you!







@ Mendi Warrior: Hey buddy, welcome to the thread - I haven't seen you comment here, have I? Thanks for the idea re: the golem's tabards - but I'm going for the Iron Golem's Icon itsel! About a second holster; I'm trying to build these guys as WYSIWYG as I can, so a second pistol will be out of the question... 


@ hushrong: Hotdamn, I finally settled on an idea and lo! hushrong comes by and just blows me right off course yet. What an evocative, awesome idea! Hmmm.....


@ Sandalphon: Ah right! Haha that's a cool idea - but then he'd not very much jive with the rest of the guilders, would he? :)


@ Kriegsmacht: No worries at all. What do you think of the Zerker?


@ BadgersinHills: As a base for the one that hushrong suggested? Maybe I will! Good idea and thanks for reminding me. 


@ Majkhel: It is kinda rotated a bit awkward, but I wanted to convey a sense of weight to the metal fist, which even with the zerker's muscles will still be super heavy to carry - let alone swing- around. Re: your icon idea; KrautScientist did gift me a Custodes shield in his latest bits drop. Blood Bowl does seem to have some very nice looking kits eh? I'll ave another looksee. Thanks! :)

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Wait, you just casually whipped out a copy of your Master Nautican? That'd be impressive even without tha plasticard involved:D


I likd the goliath zerker too, but the coin guild guy! Nice. It's rare to see renaissance influences on a 40k mini (apart from blood angels), which strikes me as weird, seeing how most every other time period is represented some way or other

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@ Mendi Warrior: Hey buddy, welcome to the thread - I haven't seen you comment here, have I? Thanks for the idea re: the golem's tabards - but I'm going for the Iron Golem's Icon itsel! About a second holster; I'm trying to build these guys as WYSIWYG as I can, so a second pistol will be out of the question... 


Thanks, first time commenting. The Iron Golem's icon is the perfect answer indeed! I understand about the WYSIWYG. Eager to see the next steps. Your conversions are mindblowing :thumbsup:

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I came for the Zerker!


Then I realized he wasn't wearing power armour :sad.:


Huh, that's an interesting point. The sheer physicality of the Zerker had me imagining it near ogryn size. I know the Goliaths are Big Boys so I imagine he's actually closer to a space marine (primaris?) model in size?

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Happy INQ28th everyone!

For this special day of the month, I created a special guy - who can either function as the leader of my Coin Guild, or, alternatively, as a leader for the gang of hive scum that will represent the Iron Guild. Behold!

Massive thanks btw, to KrautScientist, who sent me a bits drop a couple months back, and it contained that awesome, awesome helmet-held-in-arm and the pistol. Thanks, buddy! I hope this figure does you proud!




Also, as part of the hobby challenge, my buddy Jonathan sent me this fantastic picture of his build for our mutual miniature gifting project:



Isn't he cool? I will upload more pics later, as he even wrote some teaser fluff and an actual fighter card for him!

lovely stuff. Lovely day, actually!




@ ElDuderino: Yeah, I kinda did. And because I knew what to do, it only took me about three hours! There WILL be more renaissance influence in my miniatures, as I just discovered (and bought) the Empire Greatswords kit :biggrin.:


@ Kriegsmacht: Thanks! My buddy will be painting him. Good for him, but sad for me. I'd have loved to do that for him :smile.:


@ BadgersinHills: Thank you! I kinda went for that, as the FW Zerker is also assymetrical.


@ Mendi Warrior: Cool! Well again, welcome to the thread! And thank you for the very kind and appreciated words <3


@ Noctus Cornix: GOLIATH Zerker t said very clearly in the thread name. :tongue.::wink:

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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@ Noctus Cornix: GOLIATH Zerker t said very clearly in the thread name. :tongue.::wink:


No, no. I was very clearly lied to. Goliath is nowhere in the thread name and you promised me Khorne Berzerkers. Where are they, Augusutus!? :furious:


I even got back into my Word Bearers!

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Thanks for the kind words, guys!

I'm still waiting for my GW order of Delaque gangers to arrive, so I continue working on the Iron Guild Mercenaries/Hive Scummers. I want them to look super posh, so I'm going for a bland mix of posh miniatures, the Empire greatswords and Skitarii. Here's what I created today. 

One finished guy with a shotgun - the arms alone consist of three parts. Pretty nifty, wouldn't you agree ;) 




Also, I discovered that Empire Greatsword legs fit pretty snugly into the robes of the Skitarii bodies!




What do you think fo them so far? I feel like I am on a real inspired roll here - I just hope I have the time to finally start painting them once they are all finished!



@ BadgersinHills: Hi head might get smaller though - I'm thinking of giving him the head of the Canis Rex pilot. I bought that miniature to use in my INQ28 project, so It's all good if he gets chopped up. :)

@ Noctus Cornix: It's an affront! Report it to the Inquisition! Khorne Berzerkers will feature again. Pinky promise. 


@ Vairocanum: Thanks! Yeah instagram has really taken off - but I will always consider myself a B&C-frater first - and will always post them here first. 

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Thanks for the kind words, guys!


I'm still waiting for my GW order of Delaque gangers to arrive, so I continue working on the Iron Guild Mercenaries/Hive Scummers. I want them to look super posh, so I'm going for a bland mix of posh miniatures, the Empire greatswords and Skitarii. Here's what I created today. 


One finished guy with a shotgun - the arms alone consist of three parts. Pretty nifty, wouldn't you agree :wink: 




Also, I discovered that Empire Greatsword legs fit pretty snugly into the robes of the Skitarii bodies!






What do you think fo them so far? I feel like I am on a real inspired roll here - I just hope I have the time to finally start painting them once they are all finished!


:jawdrop:  I love them! Simple, but visually striking. How gaudy are you thinking of going with the colours?

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@ noigrim: It wasn't that bad, but I had to measure with my caliper before making the cuts, yes. :)


@ jaxom: How gaudy will I paint them? On a scale from Liberace to Swiss Guard? Envision a GrimDark Pope's Guard.


@ Majkhel: Thank you! 


@ hushrong: It's a blast to do. I gotta say, INQ28 is feeling pretty fricking fantastic and liberating. I've always hoarded the 'best bits', always thinking "there's going to be an even cooler project in the future that will do more justice to this bit". Doing these tiny projects - which I all shove under the nomer INQ28 - has finally helped me to let go of that state of mind, and just use.the.bits. I also just started buying whole kits just because I like a couple of bits in them. The bycatch is just extra! 


@ BadgersinHills: Well besides a little cutting, most of them will fit snugly, so go ahead and do that Rogue Trader project!

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