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++ AUGUSTUS b'RAASS ++ pre-heresy BRASS SCORPION p.247

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Just a new member of the Iron Guild mercenaries. Proper kitbash, this. 

Legs and head from the Greatsowrds kit; torso is from the Scions kit; left arm is from Canis Rex pilot; Right arm from the Skitarii.

The Iron Guild representatives are just five Hive Scum and hive scum cannot take special weapons, but I'm giving him a Long Rifle anyway. It just looks cool. And I can always use him as a Venator. 



I hope you like him! Thanks for your comments and C&C. 


Replies in the post above this one, which I did this afternoon. I just couldnt hold the 'On a scale of Liberace to Swiss Guard'-joke in. :D

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Haha, I know the feeling of saving bits and feeling like theres something better it can be used on. And it’s definitely nice to see it out to use. Especially with the recent batch of guys you are building. Inq28 and Necro has you churning out some kitbashes and conversions I’ve never seen or contemplated and it’s all golden
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Also, I discovered that Empire Greatsword legs fit pretty snugly into the robes of the Skitarii bodies!


image[ /img]




This looks 40k as hell! I'd keep the paintjob on the pants pretty subtle though, don't want him ending up looking like 40k MC Hammer:D


These new guys all look fantastic, and would've inspired me to doing some inq28/necromunda stuff too if I had any time on my hands

Edited by ElDuderino
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Cheers you two :)

I had a great week, hobby-wise. Inspiration struck like lightning and I've created the good part of what can be described as an INQ28 warband! Here's what I've build so far:

Here's the sniper - I've given him a human head, with a closed mouth and a good moustache - like any arrogant git should have.


Also, here's a shotgun-wielding noble!


And a creepy medic with an axe - because you don't feel a wound on a limb if you cut off the limb!


Then there's the captain of the bunch - you've seen him before but I gave him Canis Rex's head and a Xenos pistol for extra flair



A guy with a fancy lasgun


A less fancy guy with a lass fancy lasgun - and a sword! KrautScientist gave me that sword in a bits drop - thanks buddy!


And of course, no group of guys would be complete without a dude who waves around a giant flag saying to everyone how cool they are!


That's it, that's all I have for today! I hope you enjoyed it. I will see you next time. until then, take it easy. 



@ hushrong: Well thanks! That's nice of you to say!

@ Elduderino: picture quote alert! :O I know what you're saying, and I agree - but I also think that it'd be less of an issue if all these guys have liberace style pants. ;)

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These are looking great but that sniper is fantastic! I love the blend of the empire bits and the scions. Fancy pants, armored torso, and that sweet rifle just hit all the right notes. Not to mention an old school style mustache! I love the look as it makes me think of turn of the century soldiers using newer/refined technology (bolt action rifles) but older style uniforms and armor (some Battlefield 1 flashbacks kick in here). And that works even better in the grimdark.

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Thanks for the kind words, guys!


@ Noctus Cornix: It's an affront! Report it to the Inquisition! Khorne Berzerkers will feature again. Pinky promise. 


You better, or I'll never forgive you! 


Jokes aside, I'm really digging the Inq 28 stuff, man! I've considered digging my toes into Inq 28, but I genuinely just couldn't think of any cool idea to go with. I'll keep giving it some thought and maybe get on it at some point... Until then, the Word Bearers are still calling out to me. :devil:

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It's oh, so quiet.... shhhhhh, shhhhh..... it's oh, so still. 

What's happening on the B&C lately? 

Thank for the comments, though, active frater! I appreciate them as I have for the past 6 and a half years. Man, this thread is ancient now. 

Anyhoo, I finished the build of the Master of Coin for my Coin Guild / Mercator Gelt.



In addition, here's the Cynders for my Necromundan Prometheum Guild Representative party.


















I really like the hands for the axes - I know they're WAY too big, but I kinda like that they look like a welding glove looks, which matches well with the Fuel/Light theme that the Prometheum guild has. :tu: 



Let me know. I appreciate it all, and would love your feedback - it's what has made me a better hobbysists and countless of my conversions better than they would have been had I not gotten the C&C here. So thanks!




@ hushrong: Hah! Yeah that does read like a great description of him :biggrin.: He's like a GrimDark Swiss Guard, eh?


@ Heraclite: Welcome to the thunderdome, buddy! And to this thread, of course. Thanks for commenting! 


@ BadgersinHills: Thank you very much, again!


@ Noctus Cornix: Just stick some guys together, you'll be fine and you'll see that your creative juices will be flowing sooner than you think. I've had a great time with these miniatures, although my wallet hurts. The pile of boxed sets that I have bought during this lockdown is almost a metre high.... :ohmy.:


@ Freakshow666: Thanks! Glad you like them (and thanks for the many, many likes on the gram as well. :wink:



Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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Great work. Like the axes, they contrast well against the elegance of the laspistols. The Master is great, the Locus miniature really does make an excellent base for magnificent works. :smile.:


For the lull in posting, personally I've been busy getting metaphorically hit in the face by life's baseball bat, but that's abating soon and should be back to hobby soon! Tried out truescaling and I'm pleased with what I have. 

Edited by BadgersinHills
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That master of coin means business! I just imagine that one servitor with an unfurled scroll of debts you owe...and the other skull with a freaking gun attached to it reminding you politely to pay up or else.


Cynders are also sweet! They look great. I also love and am worried their fiery censer are on a servo arm. Just imagine some poor soul getting sucker punched with that.


And I forgot about the Swiss Guard. Flamboyant uniforms, check! Medieval armor, check! Halbreds, swords, and...rifles...yeah. Yeah they do.

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Damn. I get distracted away for a week or so and come back to a flood of awesome.

So many good models and the two cinder guys really look the part.

The combination of skitari and greatswords work really well now we need to see some paint. Mind the speed you can crank out paint jobs I'm sure I'll blink and they'll all be done.

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Wow, Augustus! You're definitely on the roll :)

Iron guilders are great - simple, but with lot's of character. More in the steam-punk setting perhaps, but that only adds character in my book.

The Mercator is fantastic too. Brooding and serious. No number can pass him unnoticed ;)

The Cynders are nice as well. Braziers on folding arms... This is so hilarious, I like it :D Imagine a congregation of those guys extending them in unison like banners during some pyro-ritual! The braziers, crazy heads and long coats really define them. Axes seem a neutral thing, but they are big which is good and I like them.


Really nice job overall :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Augie, I am just in love with all these current Necro projects you're doing. Every model is fantastic and the range of bitz you're using is staggering. I think you're going to be hard-pressed to beat that Water Guild but the Fire Guild is looking like it'll get there.



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Cheers guys!

I did finish the Prometheum Guild's Pyrocaen Lord. First, a couple pics of the entire Prometheum Guild Representative Party in WIP:

Aaaand complete pictures of the entire guild:

Pyrocaen Lord:


















I hope you like him!



@ BadgersinHills: Cheers buddy! Yeah the Locus is great - I bought another one because it has as much potential as the Nurgle Lord in terms of conversions. About the baseball bat hitting you in the face: push back, hold fast, and plow through, buddy! It'll get better!


@ noigrim: Haha thanks buddy, I appreciate it. 


@ hushrong: Yeah that's the intend behing the Master of Coin for sure. Swiss guard are cool, eh?!


@ Mechanist: Welcome back to the thunderdome, buddy! You knwo me, when I roll, I roll! :D ;) 


@ Majhel: Braziers on foling arms make total sense, no!? t's so ridiculous it just fits the 40k grimdark craziness so well. I loved the idea when I thunk it up and I'm pleased with how they turned out. I'll post painted pics soon!


@ Kriegsmacht: Hey buddy! Welcome back! Holding back has never really been my thing, so they're gonna score 'Swiss Guard' on the scale of Fat Elvis to Liberace. 


@ PowerHungryMonkey: Ha! I'll take that pepsi challenge! Wait ill you see them painted!

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Cheers, guys! For the monthly celebratory day of INQ28th, I have completed the Master of Coin for my Necormundan Coin Guild, better known as the Mercator Gelt. Behold!















I hope you like him!



@ Bjorn Firewalker: Hey buddy! Long time no see! Good to hear from you - what's up, are you active here again? Dennis Hopper is not what i was going for, but I see what you mean, totally!

@ BadgersinHills: Of course, buddy, we're all pals here. Big ups! :tu:


@ Mendi Warrior: Thank a lot, mate. That's kind of you to say. The greatswords bits mix is not my idea, though - it's a trick I picked up from the INQ28 community. 

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Lovely stuff all round. I saw your question on the Master of Coin's head – mind if I ask where the other (Kenobi-esque) option came from?


The painting's really nice – a lovely muted palette. The purple and cream go well together, and there's enough variety between the bone, scroll, skin and similar light values to help them read. 

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