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Psychopomps (photos before farewell!)


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No Helbrute yet though in the Inspirational Friday fluff pieces I've written for the Psychopomps there is one Helbrute (the former master of the forge, shoved into a dread by his bitter successor), so I do hope to do one eventually. And a some unique cultists to accompany him.


I've got the skin done on the Fiends, have base coated their corsets and jewelry and done their bases. I hope to post photos soon.


And I solved another quandry last night: I have a rapier to use for the warband but it came with two Mk.3 marines. I love Mk.3 armour but I didn't feel right to have two Havocs (for that is what the crew are in my warband) wearing such fine armour...hmmm...but I need just two more marines...take two from the pristine tactical squad box I have set aside for my Mentors? No, no. That wouldn't do...

Ah yes: I used to be set on a Scythes of the Emperor force but only got a rhino and five marines done before I lost interest (in fact it was the Psychopomps who started at that time)...that's it: I already repurposed the Scythes rhino for the 'Pomps.

Thus two of the Scythes marines were sacrificed into my vat of Simple Green last night.


I hope to vow the (Beamer) rapier later in the ETL. :tu:

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Here they are, WIP. I ended up doing the skin not as pale as I first intended, but I like how it came out.


Note that the positions you see them on their bases now are not the final positions they'll be in.

A couple still need metals basecoating, then I'll highlight and shade the metal...and glaze it. With my daemonettes I glazed it purple but I might do another colour for the Fiends. Blue perhaps.

Some will have bloody claws, and I might add a few cuts/injuries to their skin.

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Kierdale, I don't know how I have never looked in your progress thread before, but I'm disappointed I haven't done so sooner. It looks like the Easter Bunny got stuck in a closet with a Keeper of Secrets in here :P So many pastels! Twisted, Slaaneshi pastels! :lol:


Awesome stuff man. Definitely a unique army :tu: How is the dreadclaw coming? Or did I miss it when browsing through?

Edited by Kaldoth
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I mean this in the nicest possible way of course; but what is wrong with you? :lol:

All that needs to be, and a little bit more each time. As Slaanesh would have it. ;)



Kaldoth's comment made me literally laugh out loud, there!


Dude those creepers look fantastic so far. What´s you skin tone recipe?

The skin was pretty simple:

A wash of Psychopomps Pink* over a white undercoat.

Then a wash of Gryphon(?) Sepia.

Drybrush white onto upper surfaces.

A second wash of Psychopomps Pink.

And that's it.



And thanks, Squigsquasher and Kaldoth. No progress on the Dreadclaw as I'm focusing on my ETL models now and the claw still needs a lot of GS work. I am still doing a little work on the Raptors though as they were nearly done before the ETL started.


* Psychopomps Pink: 50/50 Carroburg Crimson/Lahmian Medium. I use it so much for this army that I have a pot mixed ready.

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And they're done!

I'm not sure when I'll ever field ten fiends, but if I do it should cause a serious headache for enemy psykers.

The first five


And the second five


Some individual shots

The leader mounting her victim


Give the man a hand!


You shot my leg off! I have nine more limbs, but still...you shot my leg off!








What to vow next, what to vow next... I'll make it tomorrow after thinking a bit. :)

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Those fiends look magnificent! The one mounting her prey is particularly creepy, especially for the unsavoury implications of the scene. I never thought I'd like the "Spider-taur Daemonette" Fiend look but you did it just right!


Speaking of Slaanesh Daemons, there's an idea I had for a Slaanesh Soul Grinder/other heavy warbeast type thing that I'm not likely to get round to doing myself but I'd love to see someone do- Simply put, take the LotR Mumak kit and convert it into a Slaaneshi war mammoth thing. So fill the howdah with Daemonettes, food, treasure and slaves, add some big gribbly gun thing at the front or top, and use various bits and pieces to convert the Mumak itself into a vicious beast of Chaos (so use greenstuff to turn either the trunk or some of the tusks into grasping, suckered tentacles, line its underbelly with vestigial limbs and claws, paint the thing various pastel shades etc). I know the LotR kits are a slightly smaller scale than 40K kits, but it should be just big enough to make a good Soul Grinder.

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Thanks for the suggestion, Squigsquasher. I do want to make some more big models for the warband. :tu:

Augustus, check post #557 ;)

For my second vow, I, Kierdale, vow to complete the following two models for a total of 260 points:

1 herald of Slaanesh from Codex: Chaos Daemons, with greater and lesser rewards (lash of despair and aether blade). 75 points.

1 Chaos lord from Codex: Crimson Slaughter, with the mark of Slaanesh on a bike, armed with lightning claws, a powerfist, the Slaughterer's Horns (the horn of the herald of Khorne Felgul Bloodscream, adorning the right side of his helm) and the Daemon Heart (the hide of the Daemon Prince of Slaanesh That-which-was-once-Raja-Kuldoor-of-Indoista sewn into his torso armour). 185 points.

...Otherwise known as Nal'eru the Temptress, and Lord Sophusar the Facinorous, master of the Psychopomps, the great harlequin himself, the former chapter master of the Stygian Guard.

Herald of Slaanesh


Chaos Lord


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It's the codpiece, isn't it?

Chicks love the codpiece.


Or perhaps it's simply my huge organ. Would you like a tootle on it?


...it plays Destroyer Jive.

I'm still working on my second vow, but have completed construction of the model for my third vow:


A TDA version of my chaos lord Sophusar, counting as Typhus: armed with the ManreaperFalx Horrificus, Destroyer Hive Jive, a good ol' book of sorcery (ML2), a deep enjoyment of pain (FNP. Hey, he's a lord of Slaanesh) and he turns my Slaangor cultists into plague zombies entranced nutters. Oh and he has a load of severed ears on that chain.

I'm rather happy with how the pointing right hand turned out. I simply cut off a combi-bolter, and used my knife to remove the grip and reshape the hand into a fist, then cut away much of the index finger, replacing it with a talon from the second knuckle down.

Now back to work on the herald...

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Wow, that lord looks absolutely fantastic! I really like the organ, and that codpiece is simply genius.


The only bit I'm not too keen on is the Slaanesh-symbol axe. It looks a bit clunky. I can see what you were going for but it doesn't really work, at least in my opinion.

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Oh yeah, it's huge. :D

But that's how I wanted it. It has been shaved down a lot from how it originally was, and I'm confident that once painted it'll look better still. I figure if anyone can lug around and swing such a ridiculously big (and shaped) axe, it's the former chapter master, clad in terminator armour.

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I think the axe is a little too big too, even in it's shaved down state. It wouldn't work, physically. Perhaps you could combine the 'half moon' shape that crosses the symbol with the haft of the weapon, only ending the upper side in the sickle shape. That way, you can still use the roundy bit as the blade part of the symbol/axe, while the suspension of disbelief on the weapon´s physics would remain upheld. ±tu± 

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Another vote against the axe, unfortunately: It just makes an otherwise very cool and thematically fitting conversion seem slightly silly and tacky -- and not in a particularly Slaaneshi way either ;) You definitely want a blade that picks up the somewhat organic, sinuous shapes associated with Slaanesh, of course, but even so, I'd try a different blade if I were you. What about using an actual icon of Slaanesh bit from one of the plastic kits and buolding a new blade around that?


Love the codpiece, though ;)

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I have this strange thought to watch Blackadder again, wonder why? :P He looks great, though his head seems a bit too far forward (TDA not being great for proportions anyway).


I'm not sure on the axe, it looks ok from some angles but not from others. What about angling it up, so it still has the blade but doesn't appear to jut out so much?

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I find your lack of faith disturbing ;) but alright, alright, I'll cut it down.

I like Augustus's suggestion of having the top arm of the crescent come from the top of the haft. That plus another cut here or there should reduce the length of the blade.

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Progress on the herald.

Skin is done though I need to do a Carroburg wash on the claws (as I did with my daemonettes). I'll work on the metallics next.


And I started layering the pink on the biker lord.

It's going to take a lot more layers...


Aaaaaand I cut down the axe.



I also shaved off a bit of chestplate decoration (as I had on the shins) for a bit more freehand space.

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