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Psychopomps (photos before farewell!)


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I think 1, 2, and 3 are my favorites.


I've had a problem with this loadout for a biker lord before, for very stupid reasons. I can accept the plethora of ridiculous things that happen in this game, but for some reason it seems ludicrous that a marine with a power fist in one hand and a lightning claw in the other could operate a motorcycle.


The best solution I thought of was to use the claws that are attached to the back of the fist, like two or five. That way it could be both a fist and lightning claw at once, leaving a normal hand to operate the bike.


Please - not that it necessarily would - don't let my craziness alter your plans for your model, it just reminded me of my silliness and I felt I had to share.

Oh, I completely understand. For a while I even considered having another CSM on the back of the bike (or in a sidecar) with a powerfist. Or an umbilical cord connecting him to the bike to control it.


1, 2, or 5 indeed, with my preference going to 5. For the reasons mentioned above. 


Don't get your hopes up for dirge casters on bikes, BTW. First because bikes aren't vehicles and two because that would be WAY too powerful. :wink:

Yeah, I don't expect we'll get bike dirge casters any time soon...but I can wish! :D



Well, it looks like option 2 is the clear winner! :tu:


In other news I got a(nother) box of daemonettes and a box of forest goblin spider riders for Christmas (and a box of tactical marines for my Mentors): I intend to combine the two for counts-as-fiends. Imagine the daemonettes with their legs cut off, their bodies terminating in the bodies of the big spiders.

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Ehhhhhhhh. I've seen the Spider-taur Fiend idea before and whilst I like the idea, it really doesn't work that well. Still, with your converting prowess I'm sure you can make it look good.


If it's not too late, one recipe idea I had for fiends more in line with the 3rd edition "boobworms" might work OK though it'd be kinda expensive. Bear in mind I haven't tried this yet and this is very much in the realms of "thought experiment/educated guesswork".


YOU WILL NEED (for 1 Fiend):


Tyranid Ravener tail (doesn't matter which variety)

Steed of Slaanesh body(from the Seekers box preferably)

Seeker of Slaanesh rider (optional)

Curving spine from the Chaos Spawn box

Green Stuff (or whatever putty you prefer).



Razor saw

Dremel (optional)

Sculpting tools

Hairdryer (optional)

Glue (obviously)


Step 1: Cut off the rear half of the Steed body, just behind where the leg sockets are.

Step 2: Cut off the waist from the Ravener tails, leaving behind the pelvis.

Step 3: Using the hairdryer, heat up the front half of the Steed you prepared earlier and reposition it so it appears to be looming over some imaginary foe. (There's probably a better way to do this...)

Step 4: If you're going to give your Fiends riders then skip this step. If not, then using a Dremel or other cutting tool, remove the saddle from the Steed. Or don't. It's up to you. This step is entirely optional depending on personal taste.

Step 5: Glue the Steed body front half onto the Ravener tail. Putty may be necessary here depending on how you cut the pieces.

Step 6: Smarten up the join using putty, and whilst you're at it fill in those leg sockets. Add whatever detail you want.

Step 7: Glue that Chaos Spawn spine onto the end of the Ravener tail to form a stinger. Add putty to blend it in a bit.

Step 8: Add whatever other parts or sculpting work you want. Myself, I'd disguise the overly Tyranidy details a bit by smoothing over the carapace pieces with putty and adding fur/scales/breasts or whatever. If you removed the saddle in step 4 then be sure to add some sculpting over where you hacked it off.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks, Augustus. I saw someone else do the spider-daemonettes (if anyone has seen this, please post the link here!) and I really liked it so thought I'd copy. Perhaps with a twist.

Squigsquasher, that sounds interesting but time and money are against me. Please do post an image if you can though. :)

I finished a model today. Not strictly a Psychopomps one as it's Tzeentchian, but I'm posting it here as I don't intend to make a Tzeentchian warband any time soon.

Here's my entry for the Festive Spawn Comp.

I found this thing in the park last weekend. Some kind of seed capsule thingy. Painfully spiky and I can only assume the tree's seeds were held in the `mouths`. It was freaky looking when it was simply unpainted brown and as soon as I saw it I knew it had to become a spawn of Tzeentch.

I wish I'd picked up more! :D

Undercoated black

Started painting


And done...


And for scale...


I did pick up a pack of ghouls so I might get started on a Giant Spawn too...and finish off `The Kiss` spawn.

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Dayum, that Spawn is MEAN! I've always maintained that nature is a great source of conversion fodder (I used lichen from off a roof as a Tyranid base detail) and that looks superb!


My only recommendation is perhaps detailing it up with hot-glue drool, but TBH I think it's fine as is!

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Thanks for the comments. I'm glad it worked out.


By the way, Excessus told me what is actually is:

Btw, it's the seed pod from Liquidambar styraciflua, also known as a "sweetgum tree".



Dayum, that Spawn is MEAN! I've always maintained that nature is a great source of conversion fodder (I used lichen from off a roof as a Tyranid base detail) and that looks superb!


My only recommendation is perhaps detailing it up with hot-glue drool, but TBH I think it's fine as is!

Good idea. I may add drool and/or some tongue in the future.



One word.



Why did I give in to curiosity and Google that word?!

Some images are hard to scrub from one's mind :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

First up WIP photos of some of the Havocs. The base colours are metal, turquoise and purple. The metallics already have decoration on (e.g. silver and leadbelcher checks on the right lower leg armour of the champion). The purple (highlighting finished) and turquoise (highlighting not yet done) will have pink decoration.

No pink, no `Pomps.



Do you think the purple needs a glaze to tone down the highlights?

Next up:

More bikers for my squad. First is riding a SM scout bike (I like the look) and carrying a spear he stole from a statue of Jain Zarr. The camera angle makes his right arm look a bit weird here.


And squad champion. Jain Zarr statue head/face on front of bike (he'll instead have a combi-bolter maglocked to the rear of his bike. The rest of Jain is scattered amongst the squad, chained to their bikes). Note Daemonette leg. The bag near his left knee will be painted up as if a sack made of skin. He keeps melta bombs in there :wink:

Only one front fork. Hellstrider shield added as decoration.

Left arm will be magnetised for options:

power axe (needs cable adding)





's whippin' time, boy!


Possessed marine for the current Daemon Forge. He's not going to be painted up as a Psychopomp...


And last but far from least...

I finished constructing a fourth Slaanesh spawn...


The nodule above the mouth will be painted up as a single, bloodshot eyeball.


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I think I've seen something I shouldn't have... :blink.: Marines look great, the colours are nice and can stay as is but I think a glaze might give the purple something a bit extra. The biker is really cool, I hope they hit the table regularly so they can do your army justice with their spangly extras that ooze character :smile.:

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