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Psychopomps (photos before farewell!)


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Very nice work! I think the books should stay :tongue.: Though that looks more like the 2nd Ed book to me?

Pah! It's first edition.

Second had a yellow box on the front saying "Rulebook" if I remember correctly. :tongue.:

And thanks, Psychopath.

I put my dark apostle into Warhammer Harajuku's winter painting comp, which closes for entries on Jan 10th (the staff then choose the best of the four categories), and then there's voting for the `people's champion` until Feb 10th...so no armyshot until then. I couldn't leave him out.

Models still to build/paint:

three rhinos

autocannon havocs

biker lord

two more bikers for the Black Stallions

two bikers for a new biker squad

drop pod converted into dreadclaw


herald of Slaanesh

another 16 daemonettes (adding eight to each of the existing squads of ten)

ten fiends of Slaanesh

five raptors

Typhus counts-as

...I think that's everything I have boxed up.

I want to get at least one more box of ghouls to make a giant spawn too... :biggrin.:

I'm really looking forward to seen all these units been added into your Slannesh Warband Kierdale. Have you though off adding a Vindicator or Chaos Knight, just I think be cool to see your taken on them.

Plenty of boxed stuff for the next ETL :wink:

If only painting this army didn't take so long! So many different colours in each squad.

I do have a bit of progress to show on one of the rhinos.

Now what could this be the start of?


There will be other I-bar girders in place supporting it.

But there'll be something better than Christmas decorations strung upon it...


HOGTIED ELDAR...with spikes through their knees.

One upright, one upside down...as well as spikes, trophies and other ornaments.

That really cool, really like the Eldar trophies & really looking forward seen the Rhino all finish. Will you be doing more of this in the future with possible other race or there dark cousin - Dark Eldar?

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Im glad to see the rhino's trophy rack is well received! :D


Insane Psychopath, I'll have to have a look at the Dark Eldar range and see if anything tempts me. Since they're sickos who like a bit of pain I'll really have to do a number on them...:evil:


I am tempted to get a vindicator, partly simply to have one (in all my time in and out of the hobby I've never had one) and secondly because I have a lot of spare lascannons...and, having IA13 I'm tempted to make a Vindicator with the main gun magnetised so I can use the cannon or build the quad-laser one.


And all the cool kids have Knights so, yes, I want one too.

Rather than simply doing a Slaanesh one, I'd like to do a Khornate one which has been captured and enslaved by the Psychopomps. I want to build twisted bloodletter bodies into the superstructure, faces leering out, with a WHFB warshrine atop it, crewed by Psychopomps and Daemonettes, chains holding it in place, lashed about the Khornate daemon's head. A desecrated engine, desecrated.


Can't help but wonder if the Eldar would look better without helmets though.

They would indeed, but I lack any more bare heads! I checked the WHFB elf range (thinking about getting them from bitz sites) but there aren't many which wouldn't need wood elfy headdresses removing. Independent makers are out as when I get back into the gaming side of the hobby likely I'll be gaming at GW.

Idea popped into my head: I have two more bare Eldar heads (one guardian, one Dire Avenger). I'll do a mould of them (their faces at least, the back of the head can be GS'd). I can GS different hair onto them.

Not for these two guardians -the heads are already glued on- but for the future.

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I think it would be easier to keep it 100%.

Anyway, I had a look at what suitable heads I had and, after hoisting the female guardian onto the rack I set about hanging one of the heads from the end of a chain...and just wasn't satisfied. Squigsquasher's words kept coming back to me.

So...off with `er `ead!

I gave it a good hard yank and tore it off.

Looks much better now...


The head is from the Ungor standard bearer's arm. Looks suitable traumatised.

Oh, do you think I should add something under the feet? A spike...horn...upturned axe blade...?

I'll see about yanking the other head off and putting on a suitable one tomorrow.

It's nice to have a couple of spare eldar helmet now for trophies :biggrin.:

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As for adding something under the feet, maybe. Perhaps (if you can get hold of the parts) a brazier/torch under their feet?

Good grief, you guys really are going full Spanish Inquisition here aren't you? :o

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As for adding something under the feet, maybe. Perhaps (if you can get hold of the parts) a brazier/torch under their feet?

Good grief, you guys really are going full Spanish Inquisition here aren't you? :ohmy.:


I think you mean "Slaanesh Inquisition". :biggrin.:

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As for adding something under the feet, maybe. Perhaps (if you can get hold of the parts) a brazier/torch under their feet?

Good grief, you guys really are going full Spanish Inquisition here aren't you? :ohmy.:


I think you mean "Slaanesh Inquisition". :biggrin.:

Oh snap! The Slaanesh Inquisition... that no-one expects?


MP Puns aside, Kierdale, do your worst. Or best? I don't know, just keep going. 

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Give 'em a twist, a flick of the wrist...

You'll be glad to hear the second guardian's head came off too.


Thanks for the comments.


A brazier? Not bad...I think I'd want a screaming head in that case though...perhaps for a future model. I might go with a blade.


I like the idea of cultist hangers-on. Having the two Eldar strapped to the front was an idea stolen from Mad Max 2 and I think I could get some cultists on there too.

Looking at the cultist box, the one with a spiked club and gas mask could be converted to be holding onto the vertical girder under the female guardian. I can replace his autopistol with a club or a nice jagged knife...

And the other CCW cultist...perhaps have him stand on the rhino's ram, clubbing the other guardian from there...or I'm tempted to make him into a Polecat (a-la Mad Max Fury Road). Have him up on a pole, holding it with his right hand, and a melta bomb-tipped spear in his left. Voila: combi melta.

I'll get the box next time I'm at GW and have a play around.

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This is fantastic! You should do some Mad Max style cultists beating the bodies like drums!

Yaaaaas, please do this! The Doof Warrior is practically a Noise Marine anyway, complete with blast master and pimped-out, Doom Siren-toting Rhino of acoustic anarchy.

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FSM damn you. Every time I have an idea I come here and discover that you've had it first and done it better.

Your next Rhino should totally have a St. Andrew's Cross on it, though.

Not a bad idea, that... :devil:

Work progresses on the rhinos, and I had time to undercoat the havocs.

I also did some work on my biker lord w/fistyclaws...

but which claw to use?

First up, what the (still WIP) biker lord looks like:


I'm using a loyalist bike as the base because there is more room for freehand...with Warp Talon blades added to the footrest area of the bike (as I did on one before), CSM biker bolters and a vox-caster grill replacing the light (in case my prayers are answered and bikers can take dirge casters at some point in the future! :biggrin.:).

He gets the comb-topped Hellstrider helmet because he's the boss of the Black Stallions (my bikers).

There will be chains attached to the other pole on the back of the bike, pulling along a bound Eldar Guardian.

But which claw?

Option One


Option Two


Option Three


Option Four


Option Five


I'm leaning toward 1, 2 or 5.

2 and 5 are particularly nice designs of claw '2 rupturing from the back of the claw, 5 extending from the gauntlet's trim). Though 1 is a good height as if he's going to do a drive-by-clawing.

What say you?

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I saw go for No.2, the claws look cool and having the claws mounted on the back of the hand makes more sense as he's not in danger of slicing apart his handlebars with finger-blades every time he needs to use both that hand to steer.
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I think 1, 2, and 3 are my favorites.


I've had a problem with this loadout for a biker lord before, for very stupid reasons. I can accept the plethora of ridiculous things that happen in this game, but for some reason it seems ludicrous that a marine with a power fist in one hand and a lightning claw in the other could operate a motorcycle.


The best solution I thought of was to use the claws that are attached to the back of the fist, like two or five. That way it could be both a fist and lightning claw at once, leaving a normal hand to operate the bike.


Please - not that it necessarily would - don't let my craziness alter your plans for your model, it just reminded me of my silliness and I felt I had to share.

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