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Psychopomps (photos before farewell!)


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Thanks :)

I look forward to painting them. I got them half undercoated but the weather's been awful today. Hopefully I can finish it tomorrow.


Some good news:

I got to Warhammer Harajuku today to pick up an order and get my Dark Apostle back...only to find I had won both the Single miniature category (chosen by the staff) and the most votes (after the staff choose the best of each category the public gets to vote for their favourite of all minis in the competition)! :D


On the downside...the staff who I've known since I got back into the hobby six or so years ago quit the company the day before :(

The new guy seems good but it was a bit of a surprise all the same.



Lastly, after finishing my autocannon Havocs I'm keen to make some more Havocs sometime...but am not keen on the Havocs kit...and the Devastators are too expensive...then I noticed the Long Fangs. I've got enough CSM and loyalist bitz to deWolfify them...tempting.

And I hope to get a Storm Talon to convert into a counts-as-Hellblade sometime...


Anyway, back to my raptors...





...and dreadclaw.

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I taught another game of Kill Team today. Some students controlled IG (chimera, a vet squad and a special weapons squad. A bit loose with the rules, perhaps ;)) versus Slaanesh Daemonkin (they wanted to see what a fast army was like so I grabbed some bikers and Daemonettes).

The IG slew the biker leader with a krak rocket in the first turn (and since the mission was Head Hunt this was a fine start!) but things went south from there. A plasma gunner overheated and killed himself...snipers killed only two Daemonettes all game...a grenade did take out another biker but once the Daemonettes closed with the Chimera it was all over. Rending exploded the APC, slaying most of the Daemonettes around it and a lot of the guard within.

The remaining biker and daemonettes mopped up the remaining guardsmen...


...and Slaanesh was very happy.


I'm not sure if/when I'll be able to run another game as the two keenest students graduate next week, but hope to sometime.

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On brother godebert[i know it is late as model is painted etc], but the next time you build a simiular model try a more smooth/gradual transition from the slim nette leg to the marine army. I for one would do it this way. lower leg+foot stays the same, tight is from DE/Eldar model, hip and rest stays the same.


I also like the raptors a lot. But before painting/final assembly check chains/hair, so that they swing the same way[and you don't have 1 chain being dynamic swining to the side, while another one is down cast static].



Can't wait to see the raptors painted up.

Edited by the jeske
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Thanks, Jeske.

With the Daemonette leg you're suggesting have it 'daemon' from the hip down? I could do that, yes, rather than from just above the knee as I did. Might try that next time. I have a few spare Daemonette legs (from the hip down) so it's certainly doable. :tu:



I should be getting paint on the raptors soon, and work is progressing on the dreadclaw. No idea what I'll put in it when I eventually get back into gaming, but it'll be a nice model either way.

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knee down, the way it is now. The problem with marines is that they are super bulky and it is realy hard to make a good transition[ok smooth. This could be a taste thing], from a slim limb[or even a weapon] in to a marine body part. Not that this is unimpossible taske[just harder].

You could give the marine part a less clean cut look. Make it look as if the whole leg is the thin one, but the upper part is still covered by armor.you can achive it by making the cut at the knee more riggid. maybe even cutting part of the hip armor and making part of the thing leg visible took[you know to make it look like  pencile that was cut at an engle and you see the carbon core in it].


This gives the model a more organic look[again a taste thing probably]. It can be done with arms too. You cut the wrist at an engle, hollow it out a bit, and attach the hand . Makes the model look less like "someone glued an arm on to this space marine model". You can combo it with doing it multiple parts of the model. For example you replace the hand and part of the wrist with a different hand. the rest is a normal marine arm up to shoulder joint which you replace[along side with the normal marin shoulder armor] with something demonic looking[i use orc shoulders for that or sculpt them from scratch]. It is good for making chaos models less armory and more "wild  bursting out of armor chaosy".

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Ah, I think I get what you mean now. For example drill out more of the thigh armour so you can see the Daemonette leg going up into it (I actually did this, but probably could have drilled it wider) or truncate the thigh armour so you can see the thigh is also daemonic and is simply covered by (remains of) armour.



When I get around to making more possessed I want to do some with wings and definitely at least one quadrupedal one (inspired by the Beast roll).

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Work progresses on the raptors (basically layer upon layer of pastel pink), and bikers. And adding bits to the rhinos when I feel like it. I'm enjoying butterflying from unit to unit, doing a little work here, a little work there, at the moment.

I'll leave you with a teaser.

The wire will be the skeleton for GS'd tentacles...


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Is that gonna be a Dreadclaw? Awesome!

I wonder how good they are in-game? I had considered them as alternatives to Rhinos but I hear they can eat your models...Bummer.

Unfortunately, yes. FW gave them the daemonic possession special rule, so at the beginning of the game you've gotta roll to see if you lose a model. I get why they gave it that rule, as it can fly around the battlefield and blast wave things that it flies over. On the surface, it seems like a good way to continually move squads around the battlefield and let it regain hull points. The only real issue I see with it is that it's the only way we have to deep strike a single dreadnought, and you run the risk of losing the the thing before it hits the field. But, I ordered one anyway and I'll be using it to drop my Contemptor. One, it's only a 1/6 chance and I don't mind playing with a little risk. Two, if you explain to your group that the rules can seriously hinder your force for no reason other than FW oversight, then (in a casual setting) they probably wouldn't care about letting you ignore the possession rule :)



Kharbydis have some control over who they eat (infernal relic) IIRC, but yeah, the regular ones tend to nom nom nom

That's only if you load up Abby, a warpsmith, or a sorcerer with maelific powers. They can choose whether or not the pod (or any other transport with possession) eats a model. It might also apply to regular dreadclaws, but I'm not sure >_<


Looking forward to the pod conversion! You rarely see them taken in games because of the risks, but I'd rather play a little risky and have fun than play it safe and boring :P Good stuff!



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Going with organic or techno tentacles for the claw? If your going to for organic you may want to take a look at some tyranid parts. Not saying that self sculpting is bad[personaly I love it, and if done well the models can look stuning], but you do not have to rediscover america, and can save time [for the bottom claws/tentacles for example].

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Thanks. I'll have to check IA13 again but I think if I were to put Abbadon, a warpsmith or a sorcerer with Malefic powers in the pod then no one gets eaten. I don't care that much as I don't have the time to game these days. I simply wanted to make a dreadclaw.


The tentacles are going to be organic and I'll be sculpting them myself. I don't want to use tyranid parts as, whether anyone else recognises them or not, I'll know they're tyranid parts and I don't want that. One of the tentacles will be holding an Avenger Exarch. In the flying mode I plan for it to look like he's been scooped up to be eaten, and when it stands on the tentacle tips for 'hover' mode it'll be essentially standing on him, crushing him.

Another panel I forgot to photograph had a pair of daemonic hands clawing ther way out of a hole in the hull.


For the bottom/front of the pod I'll be giving it a mouth. I had taken a mould of my own teeth (with Oyumaru) to try but I think I'll go with a fang-filled maw instead.

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Yeah, Dreadclaws are awesome models. Makes me wish Forge World hadn't discontinued the old model, I really wanted one of those. Oh well, Drop Pods are easy to convert.


I agree with you on the tentacles- Tyranid parts are really hard to "blend in" to the model without them just looking like, well, Tyranid parts stuck on a non-Tyranid model. If I may make a suggestion, take a look at the Colossal Squid's tentacles for inspiration. Those things have hooked fangs/claws instead of suckers, and I think it'd look fantastic here.


And I have to say, I think the mold made from your teeth would be far, far more original and creepy than a fanged maw. I don't know if it's too far along to go back to that idea? 


Either way, I'm loving this stuff. :biggrin.:


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what style of tentacles do you want to use ? the grabing one [assuming here] should be something flexible. For inspiriation look up models from PP legion line. the tail of legion raek light warbeast, made longer of course, could look nice. If you want something more armored[but not the way tyranid stuff is] take a look at the stinger light warbeast.


A PP Horde Naga Nightlurker[scaled down] could be a good inspiration too.  There were some nice snake skin paterns online, but I would have to look for them. Very easy to imprint on green stuff.

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Considering the size the orifice is going to be, I can only really make it a mouth. Anything else would likely be too easily recognisable no matter how much I disfigured it with chains, hooks and the like...


Not to mention certain options would rule out my posting images here on the B&C, in the GW Flickr or entering the model in AoP.

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