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Shattered Legions : Vulkan Lives! Edition... (new scheme)

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@ Quixus

Start with a Centurion Lascannon you will have to cut into the brace so you have a large even surface to use on the arm.


Next the weapon handle. I use this necron gun for my handle. I recycle everything from it. The gun barrel makes awesome techy sniper rifles out of heresy bolters, the stock arm is use as mecha tendrils and the stock and body of the gun is great for gadget building.


For these guys, I cut out this part and use it as the handle. I cut a bottom end flat to better grip onto the lascannon




Well, Slipstream let the cat out of the bag so, here are some WIP pics of my Deredeo. I hated to boat prow so I cut it out and resculted a chest. I now have work on smoothing it out and add some wiring.





I'm thankful the Iron Hands symbol went on the missile launcher!  ...right, 'nough of that!


Can't wait to see that modified boat-orso when painted to allow your bit of DIY to shine through.  I wanna see how much it changes it for the better :)

Well, Slipstream let the cat out of the bag so, here are some WIP pics of my Deredeo. I hated to boat prow so I cut it out and resculted a chest. I now have work on smoothing it out and add some wiring.





Holy :cuss. I see bewbieees. Great work! Save that bad boy for ETL. Those 40k boys will be jelly when they see this.

Contribute however you can brother. Less is more in ETL, as you can always do more vows.


I am doing big thicket items this year as opposed to massed infantry, so it will be easier to ramp up....


There may or may not be a thunderhawk involved to bump up the points.

Haha sorry guys. The boobs God must be appeased! Still I think you have made the model look dynamic which is impressive! Damn that ETL and having to wait for paint though. Sounds like you'll be very busy!


I'll very busy indeed!


I'll be getting myself a new airbrush (again) to basecoat my vehicule heavy list of models this year. It should be more efficient in the time VS points department, as I did lots of infantry in the past years. The combined effects of having traded my 40k Blood Angels for a large lot of NIB Heresy and sold my painted trollbloods for an excellent price, I had lots of excess cash to spend on goodies.


Here's my tentative list for ETL:


2x Contemptors with lascannons

1x DDeredeo

1x Sicaran, lascannon sponsons

1x Venator

3x rapier with laser destroyer array

1x Cerberus, lascannons sponsons With mounted Dr. Evil Castermen Orth.

2x Fire Raptors, autocannons

1x Legion Praetor with lots of techy gadgets.

2x 10 man Gorgonators, 4 chain fists and 2 grav guns each

1x 10 man legion Seekers, still not sure on setup. Possibly switching this to vets.

1x Thunderhawk (Primarch mobile edition, will have serious work on it!) I SHALL NAME IT "THE ACTUAL IMPERIAL FIST".


For roughly 5,000 points


I have several kits of MKIII marines as well if I run ahead of schedule to beef up my points count.


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