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Armond, on the Melta Demi-Squad, where is the axe (guy at far left in the picture) from?



I'm curious about that little axe as well.


Everything looks awesome, buddy! Keep up the great work.


That axe I believe is from some old Ral Partha figure I had acquired multiples of, it came separate from the model.  I thought it would look righteously cool and would serve as a semi-unique close combat weapon without appearing to be anything like a power weapon.  


Glad you like Flint!

The CM is not entirely glued together. Those legs were from a previous attempt at a different marine. So the model will be based on a termie base.

The ammo belt comes from two dreadnought storm bolters that I ran under really hot water to facilitate proper bending. Then I slowly shaped them so they would meet up in a more natural looking way.

I am not done, I have some Powerfist work to do, but I don't want them to be too large. They are definitely larger than standard hands. I have a few more gaps and some putty work to decorate them a bit. But I did do a comparison with a Terminator Powerfist, and they are almost exactly the same size, I just threw a more modern PFist onto the Cataphractii arms.  I am still on the fence about the head, I am considering a helmet, just not sure how/if I want to do it.

Thanks for the feedback and keep it coming!

I am also considering a cape, but just like in the movie in the Incredibles, sometimes I think NO CAPES! Lol

If I choose to bear a helmet, which of the following would you select?  I will probably do a slight mode to whichever I do end up using, but the base of the helmet is what I am looking to establish first...


1, 2, 3, 4, or 5?



Yes two termie kitbashed from FW. Quixus I have those helmets you linked as well. I kind of don't want to use the Cataphractii one because then he looks to close to a stock model at that point? Although I could throw it on and see if I get "ohhhhhh" effect lol


I will try to get a parts list for you when I can.

Great conversion Armond! Personally I prefer Characters without helmets, it gives them some personality and is a great way to show off your painting skills. If you do decide to go with a helmet though, the MkII would be my pick.


Just one minor critique if you'll allow me. The mini looks a little top heavy with the bulky Cataphractii torso and shoulders on top of the Tartaros legs. Maybe you could add some Pteruges to his waist. They would help to add some bulk and would balance/mirror the epaulettes hanging from the shoulder guards.


Looking forward to seeing him finished :)

Ok, here is where I am at!


Going to do a little work on the Helmet, I may just fill the grille, making him have a more unique look.  May also put something on the helmet itself...  Also, I need to find a spot to put the Chapter Badge, thinking the left Pauldron, I just have to wait for the arm to dry.  


kizzdougs, I planned on putting the pteruges on the waist, just had to wait for the right kneepad to dry sufficiently so I didn't accidently hit it with my finger.  So what do you think now?


The cape is a possibility, haven't decided yet.  I figured it was a way to bulk the rear lower half of Chapter Master Herod a bit.  FIre away!




I am probably going to shave off that skull on his chestpiece and replace with something more suitable for Black Consuls.

I figure the Blade would go well with the rule that Calgar has for re-rolling pen results or something or other.  Plus it makes him stand apart from just the dual powerfist.  He has them, but something to make him a bit different was nice.  I had a spare Gladius, so I figured why not use it, especially since I have others already modeled within a hand.  Now I just have a few other things I am considering doing, and then I think I will call it quits on this guy.  I spent more time on this guy than I usually do, but I it has been a joy.  Any other suggestions?  I need to finish the Chapter Badge on his left pauldron, and on the right pauldron I am drawing a blank right now...  Maybe something minor.

I was about to post a '[REDACTED] in my pants' picture when I remembered this forum was supposed to be child-friendly. tongue.png

He looks awesome. And I actually prefer the bare head you gave him at first over all the helmets.

The Power Fist looks great now. I'm not totally sold on the helmet. I wonder how a Mk III or a Gladiator Helmet from Anvil Industry would look. The leather straps and the lanyard are a nice touch. I don't think the cloak adds much top the model. Awesome sculpting on the aquila BTW.


@Knight of the Raven: As bare heads go it is a good choice. I just don't like the idea of encasing a character in the best armor possible and then leaving a crucial body part unarmored. Not only is the head unprotected, the rest of the armor around it is a great surface for any projectiles to ricochet into the head (whether they passed through it before or not).

Yeah, I fully get the need to wear a helmet. That said, he's a Calgar counts-as and Calgar doesn't wear a helmet (tongue.png) or more seriously, his helmet got ruined and he threw it away*, like it seems to happen every other firefight in the Tome of Fire trilogy.

*Or he tried to, with these huge hands and the weapons on them. tongue.png

That I can understand. In that case, Armond should model a mangled helmet on the base and maybe even give the model a few scratches or bruises on the head. Too bad Calgar has more than two wounds. Otherwise a magnetized helmet bare head combination could be a wound counter. That would probably work better on PA marines due to better access.

Ok, here is where I am at!


Going to do a little work on the Helmet, I may just fill the grille, making him have a more unique look. May also put something on the helmet itself... Also, I need to find a spot to put the Chapter Badge, thinking the left Pauldron, I just have to wait for the arm to dry.


kizzdougs, I planned on putting the pteruges on the waist, just had to wait for the right kneepad to dry sufficiently so I didn't accidently hit it with my finger. So what do you think now?


The cape is a possibility, haven't decided yet. I figured it was a way to bulk the rear lower half of Chapter Master Herod a bit. FIre away!




I am probably going to shave off that skull on his chestpiece and replace with something more suitable for Black Consuls.



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