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SW1's Scenery Project - Buildings on the way!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers for the comments.


Been trying to claw back some hobby space over the last week or so. Finally at a point where I can get creative. I've been working on ideas for separate walls and floors maybe with some magnets to snap it together or metal sheeting on the walls an magnets on the floors?

  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for the following ramble. Just getting my thoughts in order while travelling to work ... No pic have yet been taken.


Trying to find cheap rigid tubing in a variety of thicknesses for pipes. I was going to use straws but they're a bit too flexible. So when I'm cramming them into tight spaces they seem to like deforming too much. Might end up buying a load of cheap felt tip pens and chopping up the barrel of the pens. The lids and the bit that thins to hold the nib might also be handy. Though I could do with finding things less than 5mm in thickness or I need to make the boards thicker.


Currently got some ear buds (q-tips?) which are great for short pipes but need something longer. Or could I possibly make junction boxes to hide the joins?


Another thing that looks cool is getting hold of a few of the big plasma cannon thing from the L/Russ kit. It comes split in half and if you split one of those halves lengthways you end up with something funky you can add as extra detail under any grilling you may have under walk ways or recessed in walls.


Also need to find something's to add to walls to break up the blank spaces. Ether ribbing or access hatches or vents or some form of hard wired intercom or all of the above.


The other thing I need to decide on is am I doing small sections like the spacehulk tiles or a few boards (1'x1' or 2'x2'). The tiles will give more flexible gaming experience but more likely to get knocked mid game especially as there will be walls. To reduce the impact of he walls do I make the walls only a token inch or so to give the feeling of walls without impacting on game play or make them a good 4" or so high so I can include working doors recessed into the walls when they open?

Here goes the little side project ...







It's a work related project.


Fed up of team games on some rubbish drawn map, so asked if we could have something more 3d. My manager ever the delegator decided to set me the task of building one. However she doesn't realise that with a lick of paint and a few skulls it'll be a chaos altar in the new year. ;)


So here's my chaos altar maskerading as an iceberg ...



The berg bits will only be lightly glued on with a dab of hot glue. So when it's time for the altar to come out of hiding the parts will separate from the base board nice and easy.

What do you do for a living that requires you to build cool stuff like this?

Lol ... I work in a call centre ... So nothing cool or fun in itself.


However you get what you put in. Random customers we talk to get e-mails asking how we did. Do a good job making it personal and they score you high. Act like a douch bag and they score you low. It's a slippery slope to pull yourself back up the scoring if you get a bad call that system randomly then asks the customer for feedback. So the idea of trying to get up on to a slippery iceberg formed in my head and I went with the idea.


Making things fun helps get the new staff focused and helps the team perform.

So moving forward scenery wise I need to make some moulds for things like the stuff that's going to go under the gratings. If I can work out some set sizes for the recesses I can make a mould for incerts rather than spending a small fortune on textured plasticard. The search for thin piping is also ongoing which if it fails to turn up suitable stuff soon may revert to straws.


I can see that the board may end up having edges with spaces to slot in details which could be rooms or even just flooring to make some form of embarcation deck.

Looks like I can cover approximately 2 1/2 ft x 5ft just with the material I use to make the square grating. That would be a really boring board but it gives me a bit of a perspective on what I have to work with. I'm thinking of keeping say one or two of the mats whole and doing something big and open. I can then stick some of the random stuff in the room like transport containers (made using necromunda bulkheads) and silos (made from the humble tin can). I also want to see if I can build some paper template star fighters and maybe set up some form of launch bay area. Even if I just have the back or front ends of them disappearing into launch tubes of some form.


So the process of turning ideas into actual models is finally happening!!!

Currently in a haberdashery with the wife while she gets material for making things. There's a hobby and craft section!!! Corrugated cardboard, different sized spheres, many thicknesses of wire, matchsticks, necklace making bits that could be used to make interesting columns. Think I'm going to spend more than the wife. :)

Well here's the first move towards getting some new 40k scenery done.


Currently just working out the rough layout where the recessed sections will be under the grating. I'm thinking the areas using full sheets will have multiple smaller recessed areas rather than all of it being recessed. The white paper under the matting will be where textured plasticard will go similar to the edging on the ruins base I did ages ago.




For scale the paper around the edge marks out a 12" x 16" area on the grid of the cutting mat.

That's looking great. Will I be able to buy any of this?

Just working out how to make stuff if it ends up being decent enough quality I can make extra. These are going to be pretty big pieces so transport may be an issue from one side of the country to the other.


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