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SW1's Scenery Project - Buildings on the way!


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Make sure you write down all these ideas you're having mate!


Looking forward to seeing some pics of your work

Doing a better version of note taking. Mini model making instead!!!


I've already worked out some of my ideas ain't worth toffee by trying in miniature form. Hopefully some of the bits I've done will have survived the trip home from work in my bag.


To knackered to check will have a look in the morning. I think I'll be making corners by having a big block that the walls can contact onto and doorways will be nice and simple looking at a glance but will hopefully be fully working sliding into the walls.

All things look better in the morning after a full nights sleep.


Unfortunately I didn't get much sleep. About 2/3 of the mini pieces got crushed by my omnibus of Brunner which was bouncing around in my bag with them.


However what did survive look alright. Only managed one quick pic before heading out to work. Will upload it once I get some wifi as I'm burning through my data allowance rather quick of late.


Hmmm ... So I have to stop off at the coffee shop on the way into work? Lol ... No gonna argue with that. ;)


Didn't manage to grab one of the mats on the way out so won't be able to work out exact measurements today. Which is a bit of a pain in the rear. So I'll probably do sketches just missing out the measurements.


I've also worked out a bit better how to get it all a bit more rigid without multiple layers which always risks a bit of warpage. Falling back to making models when I was younger and the trusty triangle bracing the inside join. :D

Just been sent a message on another forum asking if these are the right scale for Epic? The scale I'm working in for the mock ups is 1:5 of what I'll be making in 40k scale. So every 2mm is equivalent to 1cm or 5mm is equivalent to 1". Does anyone know if this is roughly right for epic?

Final gingerbread of the season. The family's gingerbread village located in a gingerbread forest:




Normal hobby services will reassume shortly. Next time you see gingerbread on this blog it'll be as scenery in a game of edible zone mortalis!!! :D

Had a bit of time last night to start off the ZM walls:





Grrrr ... I've ended up changing my mind again about the walls. Rather than mess around again and again I think I need to trial ALL my ideas out in paper first and then get you guys and gals to help decide.


Really want to make some headway with this now, before I start to loose the hobby mojo starting this off helped rekindle.


I could also do with getting hold of some 32mm bases so I can start making some masters for my SM bases. Why does GWS release something only for it to go out of stock instantly?!?!?!

I may have accidentally slipped and got the nipple guard box ... Erm ... Sang Guard box. Sold out of the BA tac squad.


Does mean I now have some older looking jump packs to play with and some fancy weapons to use in my 30k conversions. But £20.50 for 5 bases and a bunch of bits for conversions. Better make these bad boys count. Might also help kick start getting some models painted up as well. ;)

Ooo ... Going through the bits in the box and realised the cool open hand is on the kit!!!


Always wondered where it was from. The bare heads are also very good. Maybe it wasn't such a bad purchase after all. :D


I can see some interesting 30k characters/units getting some interesting extras from the box.


Looks like I might get to play around with some bits tomorrow morning if I can get the boring jobs out of the way quick enough.

Hmmm ... 8am this morning the wife mentions her parents are coming over. Queue frantic food buying and tidying. Hobby action is going to have to wait till after work tonight (after 11pm) or tomorrow. :(


Edit: Seems like we're going out for lunch so maybe not as bad as I initially thought. ;)

Before heading home I plundered the vaults of paperchase for more foam board. 4x A1 5mm sheets should sort me out with a decent amount of scenery. Would have bought more but I was under the watchful eyes of the wife.


Just need to eat lots of cereal for the cardboard now and I'm set to get into full scale production. I can see myself cracking on with the start of the prototypes tonight. :)

I've come to realise that the big square matting/mesh is just too big for normal flooring. Having it framing something recessed is ok like the big recessed detail I've done to slot into the centre of a board. But over usage on floors is what's making me stop start with the different wall designs. On the plus side having it stuck on walls actually works quite well. So I've scrapped the paper mock ups and should have some new ones up shortly later on today. Really glad I decided to mess around with paper versions this time around.

None of this will make much sense to anyone but me. I keep loosing the notes I've jotted down so the weird ramblings will get stuck on here instead.


Cross section of wall:

Ditch the 100% sloped walls. Central rectangle with corners extended with triangles. With of triangle to be based on matting thin side on.


Wall length:

Have ribbing every 3 or 4 squares long length of matting. Detailing of the matting to be stuck on the triangle section of the walls top and bottom with textured stuff behind the matting. May be worth casting up the textured stuff to fit behind the matting?


Details in the walls:

Bigger pipes not recessed need to make sure enough volume of same diameter piping available to do all walls. Any recessed stuff and be adhoc. Get gs tube maker for some flexible cabling.



Fat ][ shape do the 3 different cross sections to trial and collect feedback on best one. Is it worth casting the ribs up as need same detail repeatedly?



Raid the bitsbox sure there's 2 sectors worth of lighting bits from GWS kits.

Doing family time at the moment. The 7 year old got a book of designs for rubber band cars. So some of the foamboard is currently being utilised for car making.


Already increased performance by adding weights. Thinking of doubling the number of bands used. But need to make sure everything is dry before trying that. Don't think a hyped up child would react well to seeing his car come apart due to excess internal stresses.


The 32mm bases will take a while to get sorted and the scenery will have an update fairly soon. ;)

Been messing around with paper mock ups today when I could snatch the odd chance. Paper doesn't stand upto interactions with kids though. They've served their purpose but I failed to keep a photographic record. :(


However the point I'm now at I can crack on with making the final decisions.


For example the shape is now set back to the original idea for the ribs. But I need to decide on the dimensions. That's where you lot can help ...


Do I use the slightly more dainty but neater:



Or the more chunky and down to business:



I'm also trying to decide if the slanted extra bit at the bottom should be repeated at the top?


Looking at the cost of resin and rubber trying to recreate this as a whole in resin is a none starter. I'd have to sell a daft amount to recoup the costs and make it worthwhile. Especially once I've got the finer details down so I can probably produce these to a fairly high standard from other materials.


I will be making extra bits to adorn the walls and maybe some form of consoles. These are likely to be cast up as I'll need lots of them.

Just made a bit of a surprising find. The walls are only 40mm thick. I'd been thinking really chunky thick walls as the ribbing makes it 100mm across. But the wall comes in 30mm each side. Guess doing it without the sloping return across the top makes it look a lot thinner.


I've mastered the art of edging the foam board with cardboard. The first one will be detailed with card and foam board to work out any unforeseen issues. Then I'll make masters in plasticard to allow a mould to be made. I'm thinking of casting up sheets to detail the walls an the slope bit

Well tonight has been a fun evening. The brother inlaw dropped by with my sister in tow for some help speed building 2 drop pods. Had to wait for the kids to go so bed/sleep and just finished them an hour n half or so ago.


Not built a drop pod in ages and forgot which bits need a clean up and which bits you won't see. Right pain in the rear end!!!


Just trying to quickly do a bit on the wall section before hitting the sack. Let's see if tiredness will hit before I can get something done.

Ok I fell asleep at the table with a scalpe blade rather too close to my head. :(


But not before I'd got to this point with the wall:



Which went lent against each other looked like this:



Surprise it went together so well without needing any tape to temp keep things in place while I grabbed a quick pic.


Lol ... Bit knackered now.

One of the great flukes on this build is that the slope bit is exactly the width of my metal ruler.


Was thinking of going wacky with detail on the walls and ribbing. But it may be a case of less is more with this. Got some fake mini gems to trial as rivets (pre glued) which would look a bit big on a tank but internal on a ship or some other vessel I reckon will look alright.


Also need to decide if I should do some form of vent on the wall with the mesh textured plasticard or just have mesh texture behind the square bits on the slope bit.


I've ended up with more questions that I had yesterday. Think I need to knock out a load of these now and play around with them maybe making a few different sheets to tape on the walls and see how they look. Maybe even do some recessed details now I've got the dimensions sorted.


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