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yes it looks a bit bright to me with the rest of the tank all weathered 

added some wash to it :wink:




Great Army Shot.:thumbsup: 

thanks sergeant :tongue.:


Assembled the parts for my Alpha Legion Librarian (March of the Legions pledge)








+ H Y D R A  D O M I N A T U S +

Edited by Atia

Nice work on the volkite.

Looking good so far, hope he turns out as nice as the DG!

thanks, and i hope so too :biggrin.:


I don't recognize the model body maybe but the GS work is neat. Let's see

:thanks: , i used sternguard and grey knight parts for him 


Great choice of parts Atia for you alpha legionnaire. ...which colour scheme are you going for with it?

Look forward to seeing more.

thanks, his body and legs aren't clued together atm, but you can see his hand posture:



and i want to paint him like this artwork:



as i haven't access to tamiya colours, i will try kizzdougs colour rezept for the blue:




Coats of Guilliman Blue over the Ironbreaker base coat. I then used Runefang Steel to add some edge highlights and finished the scheme off with some Tamiya Clear Green (a GW green glaze would work fine for this stage) over the raised areas.
Edited by Atia

Love the Librarian! I'm going for a similar colour scheme using the Tamiya paints, never used them before so this should be an experience!

:thanks:  Can't wait to see your version in the MotL Thread =). 


He's missing some details and some layers, but here's a WIP picture =)


Index Astartes: MK VI  Corvus-Alpha subpattern (Librarian Modification)


Battlefield recovery and analysis of this Corvus-Alpha armour shows it in fact to be a unique variant of the Mark VI, likely developed seperately from an early prototype . This suggests that the Alpha Legion may have acquired incomplete schematics by covert means early in the project's life and chosen to develop it on their own without recourse to the Mechanicum. This particular suit was modified with an inbuild psychic hood, which indicates the Alpha Legions non-official disregards from the Edict of Nicaea even before the outbreak of the Heresy .... 



Edited by Atia

Going the Drakenhoof Nightshade route too? :p


I'm also doing a light-ish wash of Biel-Tan Green at the bottom of the plates and maybe some Carroburg Crimson near the tops of some others before drowning the thing in Nightshade again :p


...I need to buy paint varieties...

Hey, its blue and translucent I was sorta-kinda right. :p


And yeah, so far everyone's painted Alpha Legionnaires have been pretty Amazing. So I'm getting kinda stressed out with how my Contemptor will compare :P

Lovely work in on the Alpha legion librarian.


Definitely look forward too seeing him finished.


Your bronze color is especially gorgie. I imagine you got plenty of practice with the Death Guard ^_^

Hey, its blue and translucent I was sorta-kinda right. :tongue.:


And yeah, so far everyone's painted Alpha Legionnaires have been pretty Amazing. So I'm getting kinda stressed out with how my Contemptor will compare :tongue.:

Don't stress yourself, i'm sure he will look awesome!


yep looking pretty close to the artwork ....very nice work

Really  looking Good!!!:thumbsup: 



Lovely work in on the Alpha legion librarian.


Definitely look forward too seeing him finished.


Your bronze color is especially gorgie. I imagine you got plenty of practice with the Death Guard :happy.:

thanks =) finished his armour, just need to paint his weapons and back-pack  =)








+   H y d r a   d o m i n a t u s   +

Now that is looking sweet...very nice for metallic.


You got that paint scheme down just right!


Well done



His force sword is now finished, only the backpack is missing



Awesome Librarian! The armour turned out really nicely and the sword looks great :thumbsup:

Looks great Atia, the March of the Legion event is seeing some really nice XXth legion models created.

thanks brothers :smile.:


Grey Knight boxes : The most useful Power Sword Resource :tongue.:

Yeah! They're also great for psychich hoods and other stuff :biggrin.:


Hekatos Delphat

Presumed Chief Librarian of the Alpha Legion, Master of the Chrythsaor, the Trimorphe


"There are two roads, most distant from each other: the one leading to the honorable house of freedom, the other the house of slavery, which mortals must shun. It is possible to travel the one through manliness and lovely accord; so lead your people to this path. The other they reach through hateful strife and cowardly destruction; so shun it most of all."

- oracular statement of Hekatos Delphat [uncertain source]


As with many of his mysterious brethren, little to nothing can be said for certain about the Alpha Legion Chief Librarian Hekatos Delphat (whose name means  the Holder of the Keys or  the Prophet of the threeformed Truth in old Terran dialects). The best pictorial reference to him is available thanks to the Blood Angels Remembrancer Sahra Johnson, who was present at the Council of Nikaea, where Delphat is recorded as part of the Librarians who spoke for Magnus case.  


Delphat seems to appear both during the Isstvan V massacre and the first battle of Paramar, as sensorium core data ex-loaded from the armour of both Salamanders and loyal Iron Warriors Legionaries suggest. Wheter or not this "Delphat" is the same Marine who was part of the Nikaea Council, or a different Librarian, remains unclear.








Battlefield analysis of this Corvus-Alpha armour shows it in fact to be a unique variant of the Mark VI, likely developed seperately from an early prototype . This suggests that the Alpha Legion may have acquired incomplete schematics by covert means early in the project's life and chosen to develop it on their own without recourse to the Mechanicum. This particular suit was modified with an inbuild psychic hood, which indicates the Alpha Legions non-official disregards from the Edict of Nicaea even before the outbreak of the Heresy .... 





Edited by Atia

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