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Did you going to paint hazard stripes on the blood letters? :D En tout cas je pense que ces Sanguinaires vont se sentir seul sans quelques World Eaters, enfin je dis ça :whistling:

Howdy :)

Let's see what i build in the last days :P





i also started on the bloodcrushers - but need to wait 'till their bases arrive :)

Did you going to paint hazard stripes on the blood letters? :biggrin.: En tout cas je pense que ces Sanguinaires vont se sentir seul sans quelques World Eaters, enfin je dis

Have fun painting those bloodletters, Atia! I painted 30 for the ETL, and had a blast with it! I'm looking forward to your take on them. :tu:


Also: I've seen that skullcannon irl, aren't you afraid you won't be able to reach all areas noe that you've completely constructed it?

That gun carriage looks nuts.. Most intrigued to see that finished.

The bloodletters remind me of space marine. And lots of expletives. And button mashing :tongue.:

thanks helterskelter :) hehe, space marine ... i never came over the first few levels xD (not a fan of shooters :p)


Have fun painting those bloodletters, Atia! I painted 30 for the ETL, and had a blast with it! I'm looking forward to your take on them. :thumbsup:


Also: I've seen that skullcannon irl, aren't you afraid you won't be able to reach all areas noe that you've completely constructed it?

thanks Auggi <3


well, the skullcannon isn't completely constructed :p the cannon isn't glued on, and the base isn't either :p should be not problem to reach all parts^^

haha nope, the bloodletters will be classic red :tongue.: for the World Eaters - well, let's say, i wait for new plastic models or the Siege of Terra (or Angron as daemon primarch :>) - but i'll do some AoS khorne stuff too (on my blog, not here :tongue.:)


I will gladly give it a look^^ Yeah i think i will start my heresy army too with the new plastic box, for the daemon primarch i think the wait will be long before we see theme :/ By the way good luck for finishing thoses mini for the call of chaos :)

I read all of the pages of your thread and my favorite is your heresy marines stuff. Youre a great painter and modeler/converter. I wanted to let you know you inspired me to make my own heresy army for World Eaters!! I was wondering what citadel paints you use to paint world eaters and like techniques and the steps you took? If that's okay! My birthday is 3 days away and all i asked from my family and friends are gift vouchers to forgeworld haha and I want to order paints and everything as soon as I can to prepare. 

Daemon Primarch Angron mini confirmed!


I weep at the thought of his rules. Look forward to seeing the Daemons, they're always fun to paint being ethereal!

primer for my daemons! (the juggernaughts will get ovale bases as soon as they arrive ;>)




haha nope, the bloodletters will be classic red :tongue.: for the World Eaters - well, let's say, i wait for new plastic models or the Siege of Terra (or Angron as daemon primarch :>) - but i'll do some AoS khorne stuff too (on my blog, not here :tongue.:)

I will gladly give it a look^^ Yeah i think i will start my heresy army too with the new plastic box, for the daemon primarch i think the wait will be long before we see theme :/ By the way good luck for finishing thoses mini for the call of chaos :smile.:

thanks =)

I read all of the pages of your thread and my favorite is your heresy marines stuff. Youre a great painter and modeler/converter. I wanted to let you know you inspired me to make my own heresy army for World Eaters!! I was wondering what citadel paints you use to paint world eaters and like techniques and the steps you took? If that's okay! My birthday is 3 days away and all i asked from my family and friends are gift vouchers to forgeworld haha and I want to order paints and everything as soon as I can to prepare.

awww :blush.: thanks :tongue.: send you a pm regarding World Eaters^^

Daemon Primarch Angron mini confirmed!

I weep at the thought of his rules. Look forward to seeing the Daemons, they're always fun to paint being ethereal!

:wink: me too xD can't wait to paint Skarbrand and An'ggrath :wink:

Edited by Atia

"Slay without pity; triumph without remorse.

You are the legions of Khorne, His favourite warriors.

You shall bring defeat and death to His enemies.

You shall crush their worlds under your heel.

To battle! Let blood flow in His name!"





Oh yeah ... there will be blood ...

... anyone have the phone number for Captain Titus and his Thunder Hammer? Think we're going to need it.

Titus is busy being sacrificed by my sorceror right now please call back later



EDIT: Love the Khornate stuff you're doing atia!:wink:  Blood for the blood god after all! I love how the red skin on the letter came out. 

Edited by Just4uCupCake

Lovely model. How did you paint it? Need some inspiration for my own guys!

glad you like him :smile.:
here is my list (i hope i didn't missed something), but i used a lot of non-GW colours ^^
-Black Primer
Khornate skin:
- Basecoat of Vallejo 70.926 Red, use an airbrush for it, try to avoid horns and stuff 
- wash thinned down Liquitex Turquoise Deep ink in the recesses to build up shadows
- Layer with Vallejo 70.957 Flat Red, you may need 2 thin coats of it, avoid recesses, avoid were the horns start to appear
- layer of thinned down Aero Colour Brilliant Red ink over the model 
- wash of Carroburg Crimson in the recesses/darker parts
- first highlites with Evil Suns Scarlet
- second highlites with Wild Riders Red
- third highlites with Fire Dragon Bright
- last extrem highlites (use it for the face and the back-crest) with a mix of Fire Dragon Bright and Dorn Yellow
Horns and other black parts:
- well, actually, it's a pretty simple technique: you have two colours, red and black - now you use thinned down Nuln Oil (mixed with GW thinner) to blend both colours together - each layer you paint less of the lower parts of the horns^^
- highlite the black parts with Mechanicus Standard Grey; and Celestia Grey
for blood effects use Vallejo blood technical paints (there is fresh and dry blood)
hope that helps a bit :tongue.:


Now that's a daemon I can get behind! :biggrin.:


Like, one mile behind. In a bunker. Surrounded by a hundred sisters of battle.

hehe, they won't help you :tongue.:


you know ... Samus is here >.> Samus is the sister next to you! :> (in case you think it now, no, i haven't ordered Samus yet - but another Daemonprince of Khorne :tongue.:)



... anyone have the phone number for Captain Titus and his Thunder Hammer? Think we're going to need it.

i think, Captain Titus isn't born yet :> 



... anyone have the phone number for Captain Titus and his Thunder Hammer? Think we're going to need it.

Titus is busy being sacrificed by my sorceror right now please call back later






EDIT: Love the Khornate stuff you're doing atia!:wink:  Blood for the blood god after all! I love how the red skin on the letter came out. 


thanks :blush.:​ 

Edited by Atia

Did you say vallejo has two types of blood technical? I'm gonna be all over that like a flannel!

yep, 72.132 Fresh Blood and 72.133 Dried Blood ^_^



Did you say vallejo has two types of blood technical? I'm gonna be all over that like a flannel!

yep, 72.132 Fresh Blood and 72.133 Dried Blood ^_^



Ooooooo gonna get me some :D thanks Atia

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