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Great work. I think the shoulderpads are what I like the most especially the one covered in skulls. :smile.:

Thanks buddy :blush.:

Nice DG you got there. I'd love to see them in a battlereport on your blog against some loyalists. Esp. on that nice board.

Glad you like them Aasfresser! Battlereports are planned, just need to get enough models done to try some 1k points games against my Ultramarines and Word Bearers (Legion Wars!).

Speaking about getting models done - the Plague Marine is finished :happy.:





One to go for the first unit :sweat:


Nice DG you got there. I'd love to see them in a battlereport on your blog against some loyalists. Esp. on that nice board.

Glad you like them Aasfresser! Battlereports are planned, just need to get enough models done to try some 1k points games against my Ultramarines and Word Bearers (Legion Wars!). 


Speaking about getting models done - the Plague Marine is finished :happy.:


Certainly looking forward to it! That PM is btw my favorite sculpt of the DG release (so far). I'm painting one atm in Black Legion colors.

Awww yeah! I can't wait to see how you do Mortarion

I'll stick with the scheme I already used on my Sergeant - classic Legion colours, purple as spot colour. Pretty much following the 'Eavy Metal Job but with my off-white armour:



Not sure what to do with Typhus though - both the "boney pillars" and white helmet won't work with my scheme I'm afraid. Decisions, decisions!

Great work Atia

Thanks Kriegsmacht :blush.:

Nice DG you got there. I'd love to see them in a battlereport on your blog against some loyalists. Esp. on that nice board.

Glad you like them Aasfresser! Battlereports are planned, just need to get enough models done to try some 1k points games against my Ultramarines and Word Bearers (Legion Wars!).

Speaking about getting models done - the Plague Marine is finished :happy.:

Certainly looking forward to it! That PM is btw my favorite sculpt of the DG release (so far). I'm painting one atm in Black Legion colors.

Mine too! The slighlty bigger scale helps to add some additional details (like scythes to wrists, legion icons to chests, etc). Said Plague Marine has a lot of free space :wub: .

Black Legion are awesome and one of my favourites, especially after reading the two books from ADB :)

Finally finished the first unit :)

Plague Marines Demi-Squad Mikhors

Former Tactical Veterans of the Death Guards' First Company


In the last days of the Horus Heresy, and on their way to Terra, the Death Guard Legion had become becalmed and trapped within the Warp. There, the virulent Destroyer Plague attacked their bodies. For the XIVth Legion, there was nothing more terrifying than the plague that rendered their legendary resilience meaningless. Unable to endure the suffering any longer, the Primarch and his sons offered themselves up to the service of the Lord of Decay in return for their lives.

Their bodies became bloated and swollen with the corruption, festering within them, but they no longer felt the agony of the Warp-pox and did not die from the horrific symptoms. When the Death Guard Legion fleet emerged from the Warp, they bore little resemblance to the proud Astartes who had entered. Each Legionary was now a bloated grotesque, covered in pock-marks and boils, scabs and putrescent sores. They bore the stink of corruption as the very air about them was clouded with swarming flies. The Death Guard had become walking pestilence carriers; they had become Plague Marines.





Note: Corrupted Mark III "Iron" pattern Power Armour. Including legion specific modifications, aswell as field repairs.

Looking good and can't wait to see Mortarion.


When you do Typhus, maybe do the bone pillars the same way you did the horns. I think it'd look fine.

No ideas for the helmet though. Would just leave it the same as the rest, personally.

Looking good and can't wait to see Mortarion.


When you do Typhus, maybe do the bone pillars the same way you did the horns. I think it'd look fine.

No ideas for the helmet though. Would just leave it the same as the rest, personally.

Thanks buddy :)


And yeah, I guess making them like the horns of the other guys will work. The original model used to have bronze pillars but that won't work anymore with the new sculpt! Regarding the helmet - the "issue" is to get enough contrast between head and "terminator hunch". 


Wow those are impressive!

Thanks :blush.:


Good work. Second unit next or gonna work on something else?

Glad you like them! I'm having some down time while waiting for Horticulous and Mortarion to arrive, but yeah, will prolly work on some more Plague Marines or Pox Walkers in the mean time :teehee:

I still like them, even more so as a group! As for Typhuses helmet: you could try to make it a colder cleaner white or simply reverse the colour scheme i.e. white armor and a DG-green helmet.

I still like them, even more so as a group! As for Typhuses helmet: you could try to make it a colder cleaner white or simply reverse the colour scheme i.e. white armor and a DG-green helmet.

Thanks buddy :)

Yeah, I think I may go with a cleaner white similiar to the cloak of my Sergeant:


That way the head would still stand out like here:


What do you guys think?

I know you have posted the recipe, but could you just say again what the cream color is? :/ it's really good!

No worries ^_^

Death Guard White:

- Primer with Corax White (GW spray can)

- Coat of FW Typhon Ash, using my airbrush

- Zenithal layer of FW Typhon Ash mixed with a bit of white, using my airbrush

- Shading with thinned down Agrax Earthshade. I use the FW airbrush clear for this (lots of lots of lots of FW clear mixed with sepia)

- Shading with thinned down Seraphim Sepia. I use the FW airbrush clear for this (lots of lots of lots of FW clear mixed with sepia)

- White is highlighted with Vallejo Aged White - I mix more and more white into it for further ones.

- Add transfers


- I sponge some Iron Hands Steel and Vallejo Dry Rust on

- Streaking with Verdigris, Vallejo Vomit and Ammo of Mig Streaking Rust Effects

For the Ammo of Mig stuff - it's enamel based, so you do a layer of gloss varnish on your model before that so it won't effect the colour underneath, and also to get a smoother surface (the same reason why you do that before doing transfers). After that, you are adding rough steaks with the enamel paint, let it try a bit, than you "feather" it down using enamel thinner. Once done I'm going over the model using purity seal!

Hope that helps :)

I still like them, even more so as a group! As for Typhuses helmet: you could try to make it a colder cleaner white or simply reverse the colour scheme i.e. white armor and a DG-green helmet.

Thanks buddy :smile.:

Yeah, I think I may go with a cleaner white similiar to the cloak of my Sergeant:


That way the head would still stand out like here:


What do you guys think?

I'd do either that or make it look more like bone/horn. ^^

Thanks! :biggrin.:

My pleasure :)

I'd do either that or make it look more like bone/horn. ^^

Yeah :)

In other news - today a package arrived. See what my awesome gf got me:


:wub: :wub: :wub:

Thanks! :biggrin.:

My pleasure :)

I'd do either that or make it look more like bone/horn. ^^

Yeah :)

In other news - today a package arrived. See what my awesome gf got me:



It's like she knows!...

Very nice colours up there, can't wait to see the dreadnought! :D



It's like she knows!... 


Very nice colours up there, can't wait to see the dreadnought! :biggrin.: 


Well, we played a 900 points Zone Mortalis game and she had my Death Guard, I played Word Bearers. She crushed me. :P


Also - thanks! Hopefully I can paint him before Mortarion arrives. After the big bug I'll probably have to paint Necromunda and my Zone Mortalis board :cool.:

Thanks! :biggrin.:

My pleasure :)

I'd do either that or make it look more like bone/horn. ^^

Yeah :)

In other news - today a package arrived. See what my awesome gf got me:



Aaaaaaw yeah



Glad to see a proper Death Guard Dreadnaught show up. Now get painting :tongue.:

Fun fact, I just managed to snap the second chassis from ebay - yay :biggrin.: !


The Forgeworld Dreadnoughts are so good compared to the platic Helbrutes it will look good in your colour scheme too.

Indeed! While I like the plastic Helbrute for my Word Bearers, it just won't fit with the Death Guard (or other Legions) for me. 


Nice. I'm still trying to get the old Thousand Sons Dread.

Where are the pictures of that game? I want a report with nice pics of Space Dollies.

Sadly, we played on my unpainted Zone Mortalis, which had the nasty side effect that I couldn't take pictures. It would all came out greesy because the tiles aren't washed or primed yet (yep, I'm slacky and that's why I'll paint that thing soon haha).

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