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Glad to see a proper Death Guard Dreadnaught show up. Now get painting :tongue.:

Fun fact, I just managed to snap the second chassis from ebay - yay :biggrin.: !


The Forgeworld Dreadnoughts are so good compared to the platic Helbrutes it will look good in your colour scheme too.

Indeed! While I like the plastic Helbrute for my Word Bearers, it just won't fit with the Death Guard (or other Legions) for me. 


Nice. I'm still trying to get the old Thousand Sons Dread.

Where are the pictures of that game? I want a report with nice pics of Space Dollies.

Sadly, we played on my unpainted Zone Mortalis, which had the nasty side effect that I couldn't take pictures. It would all came out greesy because the tiles aren't washed or primed yet (yep, I'm slacky and that's why I'll paint that thing soon haha).


You lucky daughter of a b.... 2 DG Dreads... Than stop slacking off and get to painting!

But wih some conversion work, the plastic helbrute fits pretty well with almost every legion, esp the DG (see Guitarassmus and Krauts threads). The only legion where it looks totally out of place are the Thousand Sons. Way to much Chaos going on for a dust bin.

But wih some conversion work, the plastic helbrute fits pretty well with almost every legion, esp the DG (see Guitarassmus and Krauts threads). The only legion where it looks totally out of place are the Thousand Sons. Way to much Chaos going on for a dust bin.

While I love Krauts' Helbrute, I just want to describe why it wouldn't make me happy with my Death Guard.

Death Guard and Chaos Space Marines (and to an extend Thousand Sons, but I'll come to them later) have two very different design philosophies, if you look closer.

Chaos Marines, as in Dark Vengeance and Helbrute styled models, have very warped armour that goes beyond classical imperial armour - you can see clues about their origins, like mark IV styled legs and of course the Helbrute has clues from former Dreadnought models, but it's warped into a whole new form.


Now in comparison, the Death Guard isn't really warped, atleast not the same way. Yes they have tentacles, boils, holes and horns - but their silhouette is still Mark III armour. Quite unchanged Mark III, besides field repairs (for example the belly plates), backpacks and the heads. They don't have the "warp changed the armour like flesh" feel. Now, some designs from the Helbrute would work very well - some of the fleshy bits aswell as the horns, but I still feel the FW Dreads work better as they keep the "basic look" of loyal Dreadnoughts, in the same way the other models of the new DG range wear Mark III and Cataphractii armour.


Regarding the Thousand Sons - fun fact, I think there both variants would be possible, atleast style wise. The classic FW Dreadnought (or the newer Contemptors) would work as Rubric Dreadnoughts. For a Sorcerer Dread, the mutated theme of the Helbrute (or atleast, parts of it) would work quite well to get some design connections with the Exalted Sorcerers - that said, even there less is more for me!




But wih some conversion work, the plastic helbrute fits pretty well with almost every legion, esp the DG (see Guitarassmus and Krauts threads). The only legion where it looks totally out of place are the Thousand Sons. Way to much Chaos going on for a dust bin.

While I love Krauts' Helbrute, I just want to describe why it wouldn't make me happy with my Death Guard.


Death Guard and Chaos Space Marines (and to an extend Thousand Sons, but I'll come to them later) have two very different design philosophies, if you look closer.


Chaos Marines, as in Dark Vengeance and Helbrute styled models, have very warped armour that goes beyond classical imperial armour - you can see clues about their origins, like mark IV styled legs and of course the Helbrute has clues from former Dreadnought models, but it's warped into a whole new form.


Now in comparison, the Death Guard isn't really warped, atleast not the same way. Yes they have tentacles, boils, holes and horns - but their silhouette is still Mark III armour. Quite unchanged Mark III, besides field repairs (for example the belly plates), backpacks and the heads. They don't have the "warp changed the armour like flesh" feel. Now, some designs from the Helbrute would work very well - some of the fleshy bits aswell as the horns, but I still feel the FW Dreads work better as they keep the "basic look" of loyal Dreadnoughts, in the same way the other models of the new DG range wear Mark III and Cataphractii armour.


Regarding the Thousand Sons - fun fact, I think there both variants would be possible, atleast style wise. The classic FW Dreadnought (or the newer Contemptors) would work as Rubric Dreadnoughts. For a Sorcerer Dread, the mutated theme of the Helbrute (or atleast, parts of it) would work quite well to get some design connections with the Exalted Sorcerers - that said, even there less is more for me!


Yeah, I see your point, it clashes a bit with the DG aesthetics.

But I still can't see the Helbrute in an TS army. Even if you make a link to Ex Sorcs he is way to mutated. I like my TS Sorcs and Rubricae subtle, as most TS Sorcs are only slightly warped or powerful enough to seem less mutated and warped. That's why I only have converted normal dreads for my TS.


But back to topic: where are more of your DG? :D



Yeah, I see your point, it clashes a bit with the DG aesthetics.

Yep. Same would be true for Iron Warriors, Night Lords or Alpha Legion imho. Glad that all of these can use their FW Contemptor atleast!




But I still can't see the Helbrute in an TS army. Even if you make a link to Ex Sorcs he is way to mutated. I like my TS Sorcs and Rubricae subtle, as most TS Sorcs are only slightly warped or powerful enough to seem less mutated and warped. That's why I only have converted normal dreads for my TS.

Yeah, what I meant was you could use some of the designs from the helbrute and use it to make a slightly mutated/warped Dreadnought - I think that would be cool, especially for the leader of a talon (speaking about talons - are chaos dreadnought/helbrute talons still a thing?). The "stock" Helbrute would prolly clash too, true!




But back to topic: where are more of your DG? :biggrin.:

On the way :wink: - I'm currently cleaning the little dread and truth be told, it reminds me on my early horrors with Forgeworld Dreads ... so many mold lines etc :down:.


Well, it will be worth once he's finished :wub: .

Edited by Atia

Little update - Dreadnought is ready for painting and chainfist is nurgle'd up (still needs a bit of greenstuff on the cable). Hope you like him so far:



Im a bit late to the conversation but if your considering a bright white head on a bone white body then the Deathwing apothecary is a good example.




Shame there is no close up but it might help you decide between white and green.

Coming along nicely :smile.:

Thanks buddy!

Ok now he's together.

Now get painting. :tongue.:

Hehe. Started to do the basecoat - nothing spectacular, just to know where the different main colours will be.


Note - the helmet stripe will get reworked a bit, so that he's not as far down, only to the eyes like on this artwork:


Love the nurgling!

Yaw he's a cutie, isn't he :wub:.

Im a bit late to the conversation but if your considering a bright white head on a bone white body then the Deathwing apothecary is a good example.


Shame there is no close up but it might help you decide between white and green.

That's indeed helpful, thank you! Will go with the white helmet :yes:!

It's great that the Heavy Bolters are a legitimate option now too and not just a total waste of time :biggrin.:

Oh yeah! :biggrin.:

Liking that stripe!

Thanks buddy :smile.:

Did some progress today - the twin-linked heavy bolter is now finished :biggrin.:


PS: May need to clean up some of the rust streaks tomorrow ^.^

Edited by Atia

Aw, that nurgling is cute XD

Yawww :wub: !

I like the way you painted the rocks.

Thanks buddy :)

Everything is better with Nurglings.

"But what if there's Nurglings already?"


Oh yeah - you can't have enough cute nurglings spread over your army!

Some more progress :teehee:



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