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  • 2 weeks later...

Howdy Guys and Girls :smile.:

Some busy times in the last two weeks - but I've an update! First, I managed to finish the Apothecary:

Varesk Nargor

Former Apothecary Secundus of the Death Guard Legion, High Plague Surgeon of Nurgle


The unnatural resilience of Mortarion's sons leaves little call for conventional medicine. Flesh wounds seal up with bulbous flab and clotted pus, while any damage serious enough to lay one of the Death Guard low is usually so catastrophic that no amount of suturing or surgery can save them. Instead, the Plague Surgeons tend to the well-being of the diseases that their brothers carry within their rotting bodies.

Plague Surgeons also have another role upon the field of battle, one that has earned them the unending hatred of the Space Marines at the Siege of Terra and beyond. While they gather the mutated Progenoid Glands of their Death Guard brethren wherever they can -- despite many having already rotted to an untenable degree -- they take a macabre glee in falling upon dead or dying Loyalists, ripping the healthy Progenoid Glands from their victims ...





We also recieved our review copy of Necromunda .... but more about that later!

Looks good

Thanks buddy :)

Regarding Necromunda - I plan to re-create the Underhive in 3D using my FW Zone Mortalis - including the following tiles:






Any ideas on how to do the slime/acid/destroyed floor sections are welcome :). For now I'm leaning towards water effect for the pools and slightly structured paint for the acid.

Go outside, put on mask.


Use the little flame thrower thing for creme brulees etc and lightly melt the areas for the acid pools. Fill in areas with water effects mixed with colour of your choice.


Do water effects in several thin coats. 

I'd be interested in how the toxic slime could be placed without being fixed on the board, so it could be moved. Patches of glow in the dark green aquarium gravel for example.

Go outside, put on mask.

Use the little flame thrower thing for creme brulees etc and lightly melt the areas for the acid pools. Fill in areas with water effects mixed with colour of your choice.

Do water effects in several thin coats.

How exactly should I use the water effect? I thought it's basically resin fluid?

I'd be interested in how the toxic slime could be placed without being fixed on the board, so it could be moved. Patches of glow in the dark green aquarium gravel for example.

Well, since the tiles per se are already modular I don't mind it if the pools aren't - the quest will be to get them right, so they match the original tiles, just in 3D :smile.:

In other news, I finished another Death Guard!

Argushak, the Foul Blightspawn

Former Grenadier of the 1st Companies' Destroyer Cadre




Edited by Atia

I missed quite a few awesome updates. The Death Guard are still looking stellar and I cannot wait to see your work on the board. That cramped terrain is going to look awesome!

I missed quite a few awesome updates. The Death Guard are still looking stellar and I cannot wait to see your work on the board. That cramped terrain is going to look awesome!


Thanks buddy - 2 more Death Guard to go (for now, no worries I'll return to them later :happy.:).


And yeah, can't wait to work on the Zone Mortalis :wub:.

Ok guys, little update on the Death Guard :)

The four characters are now finished - only need to tackle Typhus and I can start on the Necromunda stuff :wub:


Will snap more detail pictures of the four tomorrow :happy.:

Looking great!

Looking good

Thanks guys :smile.:

For the toxic spills:


Thanks for that video buddy. Will defo do something similiar for the pools!

Awesome stuff Atia.

How do you do your bases by the way?

Death Guard Ashwaste Bases:

- Agrellan Earth mixed with a little bit of fine sand

- Nuln Oil

- Drybrush of Ushabti Bone

- Purity Seal (over the whole model at the end)

Lovely death guard models!

Glad you like them :smile.:

Sooooo .... I'm having a small issue with the new Necromunda - the doors won't fit well with the resin 3D Zone Mortalis. Pictures from Drake Seta since my own tiles aren't primed yet and pics would come out grainy and fuzzy:





One type of the smaller ones does fit atleast:


If you put two tiles next to each other they kind of fit, but you still have roughly 1-2mm gaps between the tiles that way (which you don't want obviously).


Looks like I'll have to sand the doors down, or convert them slightly :/


Edited by Atia

It's still looking good!

If you would use the "gap method", kind of, but you still wouldn't be able to use them on the original tiles. I'll pretty much have to sand the doors down, and hopefully without destroying some of the nice details. Not sure what to think about this to be honest, especially as they released a seperate door box (which I luckily didn't ordered). I just can't believe that they messed this up that badly :/

Sounds more like the issue is with FWs lower Resin quality than with the design of the doors tho.

Maybe try to sand down the Resin so all the plastic doors you might want to buy in future fit without additional work as well?

A shame you cannot use a dremel to cut grooves into the zone mortalis set. Then you could slide the doors up and down in the groove. Put the doors in upside down and use the tabs at the top to help hold the doors.

Bummer to hear about the doors and the board. I do wonder if you could file down both the door and board a little each to fit them without removing too much of the plastic door's details. Any chance one of those "hot wire knives" to cut away the board and bits could work?

Sounds more like the issue is with FWs lower Resin quality than with the design of the doors tho.

Maybe try to sand down the Resin so all the plastic doors you might want to buy in future fit without additional work as well?

A shame you cannot use a dremel to cut grooves into the zone mortalis set. Then you could slide the doors up and down in the groove. Put the doors in upside down and use the tabs at the top to help hold the doors.

Bummer to hear about the doors and the board. I do wonder if you could file down both the door and board a little each to fit them without removing too much of the plastic door's details. Any chance one of those "hot wire knives" to cut away the board and bits could work?

Sanding or cutting down the Zone Mortalis walls would also destroy details there. And it's defo easier to convert the few plastic doors than 28+ resin tiles haha. At the end of the day, the plastic doors would give me just more variety - the FW resin doors are more practical for gaming anyways.

In other news, Forgeworld previewed the Orlocks, more Hired Guns aswell as new 2D tiles for ZM today.



Can't wait to get my hands on the stuff, and hopefully they are gonna do some of the newer tiles in 3D too.

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