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The Renegade Legion


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This timeline was brought to my attention by Romanus, who got his information from the Battle Bunnies FB page. Many of the dates are the same as official ones, so I wanted a copy here and will probably using it for my 'canon' timeline as well.




Attention Timeline Junkies.

I have spent a few days piecing together a Timeline starting in the Great Crusade, going through to early Heresy.

It follows the OFFICIAL Primarch discovery order from Black Library which is tied to known Primarch discovery years. Estimated (est) ones are where I have "fit" them based on their order and an equal spacing between 2 known Primarch discoveries years.

Shows some interesting bits.

M30 800 - Emperor launches Great Crusade
M30 802 - Horus is discovered a couple of years into the Great Crusade and is mentored for 3 decades before the next Primarch is discovered.
M30 832 - Leman Russ is discovered 30 years after Horus. 
Between M30 833 and 844 Missing Primarch A is discovered (est 835), then Ferrus Manus (est 840). 
M30 844 - Fulgrim is discovered. 160 years before Horus Heresy (age of his flagship). 
Between M30 844 and M30 854 - Vulkan (est 846), Rogal Dorn (est 848), Roboute Guilliman (est 849), Magnus the Red (est 850), Sanguinius (est 852), Lion El'Jonson (est 853) are discovered. 
M30 854 - Perturabo discovered. 
Between M30 854 and 884 - Mortarion (est 864) and Lorgar (est 874) are discovered. 
M30 884 - Jaghati Khan discovered. 120 years before Horus Heresy. 
Between 884 and 934 - Konrad Curze (est 904) discovered. 
M30 934 - Angron in charge of World Eaters for 70 years at time of Betrayer so M30 934. Although he may have been discovered before this but not trusted.
M30 962- Monarchia falls and Lorgar goes on Pilgrimage. 
M30 964 - Gal Vorbak return from the Eye of Terra and rejoin the great crusade circa 965 as were a year out (40 years before Isstvan). At time of istvaan 3 there was only 47 red WBs inc Argel Tal. 
M30 965 - Vlka Fenryka undertake either a Sanction / expunged conflict. 
Circa M30 966-967 - Lorgar returns (he was told by Ingathel that over the next 5 decades he would need to recruit another thousand Legionnaires a year, and if one falls to replace with 2 - this means he wasn't in there for a long period of time so he could enact his plan. 
M30 969 - Vlka Fenryka undertake either a Sanction / expunged conflict. 
M30 970 - Approx date of Corax discovery.
M30 972 - The Farinatus Extermination - Night Lords and Raven Guard. 
Between M30 972 and 981 - Approx date of Primarch B's (est 976) discovery. 
M30 981 - Alpharius takes command of the XXth Legion. 
M30 984 - Destruction of Nostramo by the Night Lords. 
M30 994 - Isstvan System brought to compliance. 
M31 000 - Triumph at Ullanor. Emperor's Children, White Scars, Imperial Fists, Blood Angels, World Eaters, Luna Wolves, Ultramarines, Death Guard, Thousand Sons, Word Bearers, Alpha Legion. Forces - info required. Which Primarchs were fielded during the Campaign?
M31 000 - Chondax Campaign. White Scars. 
M31 001 - Council of Nikea. 
M31 002 - Kayvas Belt Expedition. Alpha Legion and Blood Angels. 
M31 003 - Contact lost with Isstvan system. 
M31 003 - Luna Wolves renamed Sons of Horus. 
M31 004 - Horus is injured on Davin. 
M31 004 - the Destruction of Olympia. Iron Warriors. 
M31 004 - The Vlka Fenryka Attack Prospero. Vlka Fenryka, Thousand Sons. 
M31 005 - Blood Angels go missing enroute to Signus. 
M31 005 - The Dark Angels are dispatched to the Eastern Fringe. 
M31 005 - Isstvan III. Sons of Horus, Death Guard, World Eaters and Emperor's Children. 
M31 005 - The Ultramarines begin to Muster on Calth. 
M31 005 - The Martian Civil War begins. 
M31 006 - All data redacted. Have no idea what this can be. 
M31 006 - The Dropsite Massacre. Sons of Horus, Death Guard, World Eaters and Emperor's Children, Raven Guard, Iron Hands, Salamanders, Iron Warriors, Word Bearers, Alpha Legion and Night Lords

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So, doing a quick run-through the duels now that I remembered Irvin's jump pack. 


The score ended up as 2 victories for Loken vs 1 victory for Irvin. (The rematches had a couple of quirks. One of them had Loken be blinded by the Reaper Claws twice, while another had Loken make 3 murderous strikes in a single phase.)



Once again, victory was Loken's, though he did not relish it. Irvin's form was worse than the last time the two had sparred, and he had no doubt it was obvious to both of them along with its reason. Silently, Irvin returned his practice weapon to the rack before saying, "I almost left the legion."


Loken paused, surprised, but held his tongue as he studied the Warden commander.


Without looking at Loken, Irvin continued as he continued to clean after the match. "There was a moment after Alex argued with the Emperor that he declared that the Wardens were leaving the Imperium to fight a different war. I begged him to reconsider. He didn't, until he had a vision of the civil war. Even then, he was unsure if he could change its course, if the Emperor or his brother Primarchs would allow him to stand by them. I reasoned, and when he countered my logic, I threatened. I and many of my brothers have always understood our first loyalty has and always will be to the Emperor of Mankind. If Alex abandoned the Imperium in its direst hour, then I and those who agreed with me would separate ourselves and fight anyway. He relented and here we are." He stopped at the arena's entrance, glancing over his shoulder at Loken. "If he dies, I will mourn, but I will not regret what I did to bring him into this war. Never forget, Loken, the duty we have all sworn." Without waiting for a reply, the Chapter Master strode out. 

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Looking at your timeline, which I'm not disputing, but it feels odd that Lorgar fell before Corax and Alpharius were found. Also, I thought all the primarchs met, so the two missing can't have been expunged or whatever until Alpharius was found, and doesn't Lorgar mention thier deaths while chatting with daemons on his own vacation in the eye, so that would have to happen post Corax and Alpharius being found.


Anyway, that's a distraction.


Your project is really good, haven't commented before but I have been following and enjoying :)

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The expunged/sanction events are actually just guesses, because the official canon notes for those dates are "REDACTED". And Legion involved is Space Wolves. So, it isn't actually confirmed if that's where the 2nd & 11th legions fall. And, yes, an editor has said that all of the Primarchs have met each other. There is a DATA REDACTED entry in 006 M31, which I can't tell you how much that confuses me. 


So, you are correct in a way. But BL & GW have written everything in a way that allows for multiple interpretations. Honestly, one of those first REDACTED incidents is probably the Space Wolf vs World Eaters incident as opposed to one involving the missing legions. 


For my Wardens, I don't know what to make of those REDACTED dates. When I first started, I merely assumed the 2nd incident is where the Wardens were expunged, but now I'm not so sure. If I was allowed to choose the date, I would place it in M30 982 or 983, give the requisite time to meet Alpharius before the Wardens are expunged.

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The timeline is a bit confused and 2 Legions have to disappear in about 20 years. The redacted in the time line doesn't necessarily mean those where when the Legions were got rid of, but it's a big pointer. Personally I think GW/BL/FW have put as much thought into when the legions were destroyed as to why the legions were destroyed, I.e. none! Still don't let it derail your work :)



It is implied at one point though that at least one of the legions was gone prior to Corax being found though, right?

There is an official list provided by Laurie Goulding, possibly on the First Expedition, with the order the Primarchs were found, at least since he took over in his editor role, and I think Corax was the 18th found Primarch with the second lost coming next, and Alpharius last.
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It is implied at one point though that at least one of the legions was gone prior to Corax being found though, right?


I actually know the exact quote because that was why I though the primarchs hadn't all met each other. It's in Deliverance Lost and it's a scene between the Emperor and Corax as they meet for the first time. The Emperor mentions 17 more brothers, but Corax remembers there being 19 other pods, and the Emperor replies that it's a story for another day. The way it's written, it could easily be implied that the missing legions are gone, except that this was directly contradicted by Goulding. 


But, fear not, Hydra. If the garbled timeline was enough to stop me that would've occured many months ago. No, I intend to have the First Edition of the Halcyon Wardens done by the end of this year, if not earlier. 

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[this piece is out of order with the rest of the chapter. When I finish the first edition, I'll make sure everything is in it's proper place.]

With the number of companies set, company size became the most elastic, relative to cohort, attrition, and recruitment. If an operation or campaign required the cooperation of multiple companies, brigades were temporarily formed and disbanded once victory was achieved.

Required of all companies was the prescence of a chaplain. It was through them that Alexandros ended the bouts of insanity that afflicted his legion. Thus, all Warden chaplains were to administer to their brothers' mental health, while the medicaes handled physical ailments.

First 4 cohorts - the Spear? Order of Ares?

Second 4 cohorts - the Shield? Order of Athena?

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I'd go with a bit more of the, iirc, Hindu theme you were going for?...at least its what I think I'm thinking of..



First 4 Cohorts - The Paths of Destruction

Second 4 - The Paths of Protection


Something like that? Makes it a bit more ambiguous, less explicit; so easier for you to work things in.

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I'd go with a bit more of the, iirc, Hindu theme you were going for?...at least its what I think I'm thinking of..



First 4 Cohorts - The Paths of Destruction

Second 4 - The Paths of Protection


Something like that? Makes it a bit more ambiguous, less explicit; so easier for you to work things in.



Ironically, I was thinking that I should add more Hindu influences when I posted this. I didn't mention it because A) It's really hard to type one-handed on your phone and B) I was finishing up my plasma donation. 


So, Slipstreams, are those two Paths actually from somewhere or did you make them up?

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Ha they sounded real to me.


It fits better then Ares and Athena anyway. Ares works for the whole spear, destruction thing, but Athena was a goddes of wisdom who was generally looked to by the Greeks for tactics in military situations. In fact the Greeks held Ares in little regard, and ussually turned to Zeus and Athena for military matters. But I'm degressing a little now.

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There are good points in what you say, Hydra. 


Did a little research and came up with a couple of names. Shiva is the Hindu god of Destruction, while Vishnu is the god of Protection. 


So, here's one possible set


Path of Shiva & Path of Vishnu




Disciples of Shiva/Vishnu


or just leave it as what it was


Path of Destruction/Protection




Disciples of Destruction/Protection



Any votes?

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I'd say (because it was kinda my idea >_> :P):


Path Of Destruction: First Ascendant of Shiva (Captains/Preatorian), Second Ascendant, etc.

+++ This is secondary but, Their companies could be known collectively as The Four-Fold Wrath of Heaven subdividing into The First Path: Wrath, Second Path: <insert Noun here>, etc.

Though this might make it too convoluted and complex for no reason. However, each individual path under the global Path of Destruction could represent specialist formations; such as the Second Path being Jump Pack focused/heavy, First Path being Assault Terminators, Third being Armored Assaults, etc.


Path of Protection: First Shield of Vishnu, Second Shield, etc.

+++ Again with the company name thing: The Four-Fold Shield of the Innocent. Subdividing doesnt really fit here - or I couldnt come up with something decent :p

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Since Alexandros isn't as brazen as to use false gods as titles within his legion, I'll avoid Vishnu/Shiva. However, I prefer Disciples over Path as it's quasi-religious, so a more subtle rebellion on Alex's part. 


There are some interesting ideas you have in there about company names, but I'm going to save that for later.....hmmmm, well a little later since I'm focusing on the Cohorts right now and had a vague idea about company naming themes. 

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