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Okay, as things look atm, the Liber Cluster is starting to look like it's going to die a slow death. Unless we are going to see a marked increase in traffic, I believe letting the Cluster slip away from the front page may be a mercy. If this is the case then I have to say it's been a fun journey up to this point - it has spawned perhaps one of my own most unique (and dastardly) DIY's and the other contributions by the Fraters here have given life and love to the initial concept. Props to Conn who, whilst still a Frater at the time, managed to build an enduring topic, one that lasted for well over a year and 91 92 pages. 


This, however, is my opinion - maybe others will disagree. There will be no thread closure, leaving the Cluster open for more input if anyone wishes it so. I just feel that, with the steam gone from the boiler, the Cluster is going to turn into a zombie topic.  

Edited by Olis

I too object! Our fellows may have been seduced by the lure of shiny new projects and topics but we remain, and I have faith they will return once we get underway again.


As for what we should do, the 3rd wave of the EWC seems the most pressing concern but what exactly does it entail? Last I checked it seemed all of the former Sereikei domain was firmly under Imperial control, with only one world contested and one more under Sereikei rule. Other than the remaining Lions cutting their losses and fleeing into The Den and/or The Deep I'm not sure what else there could be to write about.

Sorry, I haven't been able to read all the way through the 92 pages of fantastic stuff yet. Could you please remind me what ECW stands for ? They are pretty much imperial crusades into the Liber Cluster aren't they ?

Also, what time frame would this 3rd wave be ? M38 onwards ? (that's the last date posted in the first page) After all, it doesn't have to be especially against the Lions does it ? It could be against Xenos or another Chaos faction ? But if it is M38, that means we won't be seeing 'nids...


Otherwise, could there be a "crusade" on the Lions' part, who have recently contracted an alliance with one of the renegade chapters ? This would allow the 3rd wave more "room for manoeuvre".


Sorry for being so ignorant of the stuff here, it's just a bit difficult to get in nearly a year after the start...

The EWC stands for the Eighteen Worlds Crusade, it's the name given to the war over the last major hold out against Imperial reign, the eighteen worlds held by the Sereiki Lions.


It occurs towards the end of the 2nd century, M36 I believe.


The 3rd Wave is simply the third set of writings to finish off the EWC.

Fatigue has set in and has been a bane to getting completed content even since before last Christmas. The number of brothers we can call on to stand up to the plate has probably fallen further since the last check-in.


I too object! Our fellows may have been seduced by the lure of shiny new projects and topics but we remain, and I have faith they will return once we get underway again.

As for what we should do, the 3rd wave of the EWC seems the most pressing concern but what exactly does it entail? Last I checked it seemed all of the former Sereikei domain was firmly under Imperial control, with only one world contested and one more under Sereikei rule. Other than the remaining Lions cutting their losses and fleeing into The Den and/or The Deep I'm not sure what else there could be to write about.


The Third Wave is intended to take care of the five worlds not yet described, as seen here:  





Okay, so we have the eighteen worlds being taken by Imperial forces. Of those, thirteen are named. Here's the status of things as far as I can make out:


Baluarte - CONQUERED

Cenicika - CONQUERED

Durtuvar - CONQUERED

Evin Prime - CONQUERED


Lelith Secundus - CONQUERED



Thravis Prime - CONTESTED

Tonagish - CONQUERED

Venet - CONQUERED (further exposition by Astus is not required but would be nice)

Zavatista - CONQUERED (a secondary campaign here to retake the world would be nice but it's not strictly necessary)

Zyngeith - CONQUERED

We still have five worlds that remain unnamed so far so that is something we can do. So, along with the one world that is contested we effectively still have six worlds to deal with.


Other worlds involved are as follows:





Once the Third Wave is done, then the Lion's are effectively defeated and effectively banished to the Deeps (for now).


We will need a roll call to see who is still good to go. I know more than a few of the original Fraters involved have left the project so knowing where we stand in terms of willing writers will inform us on how we prosecute the last five Lion-held planets.


If Conn is amenable to the idea, I propose a Third Wave deadline for the end of the year. That's four months(ish). Once we get to 2016, then the Third Wave is done. Gaps in the narrative will be filled as best as possible by myself or Conn and then we can decide whether to let the Cluster lie (at least for a while). I think, what with the drop in participation as time has worn on, we need to book-end this topic - finish what we started and then have a hiatus before coming back for more (probably at least a few months). This can then let us begin a new topic with the possibility of fresh faces and fresh enthusiasm. How we approach a sequel topic will need to be discussed (and the issue of old/new Chapters for new Fraters can be argued).

Edited by Olis

I'd be willing to try and develop one of the worlds if needed.


Technically, the only absolutely necessary thing we need is a name but, if you like, you can make one of the remaining worlds right now. Nothing too detailed, mind you. ;)

Well, it just so happens that I'd got a name for a world that I really didn't know what to do with. It may sound a bit chaos-y, but I don't know if that's a big problem in the circumstances:




To an outsider, Hell-Fenn seems like a worthless rock, covered in marshes and quagmires, full of venomous animals and dangerous plants, and plagued with unexpected geysers of boiling water and seemingly solid islands that can sink at a moment's notice. It's inhabitants feel roughly the same way.

The only reason that the world is not classed as a Death world is that it's animals are not quite deadly enough, and it's geology is not quite volcanic enough.


Because of the curious geography of the planet, and their inability to craft or import anti-gravitic technology, its people have taken to using antiquated designs of Hovercraft, that are powered by promethium-guzzling internal combustion engines.


Though the planet is in fact naturally rich in Promethium and hydrocarbons, the Sereiki Lions never seemed to be interested in exploiting it, for it would prove too complicated to set up proper industrial installations. However, they have conducted extensive archaeological digs and dives all over the planet, tasks that are hindered by both the planet itself and the uncooperative enslaved population...




What do you think ? If you prefer, it would be possible to call the planet "Helfen" (to help in German), which would give it a less chaosy-vibe, would add the dual meaning of a 'cry out for help', and nearly keep the meaning of the original name...

Probably :smile.: funny how things seem to work out...


What I was aiming for really was that nobody wants to be on this planet, but chaos believes/knows that there is some kind of artefact on this world, which is why they've been working their slaves to the death digging all around on the planet.

Okay, no prob', they can still be mercilessly exploiting the people of Hell-Fenn/Helfen looking for a powerful artifact or relic (and no, this wouldn't be the Grail :tongue.: ) which may or may not be of chaotic origin...

Hellfen has a good ring to it, and certainly sounds like the kind of name some explorer who finds a hellish swamp world would give it.


We are, after all, the same species to name something Doom Mons.

Five (four if Helfen goes through, nice work Lord Thorn :thumbsup: ) new worlds to cook up eh?


As mysterious as it is inhospitable, Caecus is a rocky death world on the rim-ward edge of Serekei territory that has only ever seen a sparse handful of limited colonisation efforts, even before the Ashen's ascendency. This uncharacteristic lack of interest from settlers is thanks to the thick fog that blankets the planet year-round, making navigation practically impossible. Even locator beacons are rendered useless by the electromagnetic interference of ever-present stormclouds in the upper atmosphere.

A small fuel industry has sprung up in orbit over Caecus as recent study of the fog has shown it can be refined into low-grade starship fuel, prompting the construction of several refinery-stations that reach into low orbit to harvest gas for processing. Nidor, the highest mountain on Caecus, is the only place that rises above the clouds and is the sole site of human life on the surface. The lone outpost here serves as base of operations for prospectors to survey Caecus's mineral wealth and launch expeditions into the shrouded lowlands.


Such expeditions rarely return, and the few that do never stay below the clouds for long periods or venture too far down. Most simply disappear into the clouds never to be seen again, leading to whispered rumours of what might await at the bottom, the most likely tale suggests some form of hyper-lethal flora or fauna.

More fantastical theories suggest a airborne toxin that exists only in the denser fogs of the lowlands, ancient traps left behind by a dead civilization, gaseous entities that consume trespassers and even a secret Serekei fortress-refuge, hidden from the eyes of the galaxy.

Edited by SanguiniusReborn

So I didn't realize that we should just go ahead and keep writing, I was waiting on a planet/army assignment.

(Wasn't pushing too much because of ETL too).


So, do we have any major hive or trading planets in the 18 worlds right now, because I would think such worlds would be necessary for any sort of strong presence in the cluster.

So after the end of this week (as I still have some Hoardkeepers to write up....) I will start writing up the third battle the Iron Ravagers and Angels Exultant fight, over some densely populated trade planet.
I am thinking that at the end of it, the Angels may lose control and there will be a bloodbath between Ravagers and the Angels that colours their relationship extremely harshly. (as their relationships in the matrix I believe should remain remarkably strained)

So, do we have any major hive or trading planets in the 18 worlds right now, because I would think such worlds would be necessary for any sort of strong presence in the cluster.


Baluarte is a "heavily fortified merchant planet" and Evin Prime is a hive world.


So, do we have any major hive or trading planets in the 18 worlds right now, because I would think such worlds would be necessary for any sort of strong presence in the cluster.


Baluarte is a "heavily fortified merchant planet" and Evin Prime is a hive world.


Thank you, I sometimes have difficulty navigating this thread. I figured we had to have a couple.

Although, I imagine any sort of empire (like the Lions') will potentially have more than one of each such planet type. So I may make another for that reason.

Quick note, I just finished the last Section (Beliefs) of the Scarlet Sentinels profile post and would welcome any comments and/or criticism to help refine anything that might not be up to par. Aside from those possible tweaks, I think that makes the Scarlet Sentinels the second Chapter to be completed finished, after the Reyner's Blades of the Lion! Huzzah! :biggrin.:

Quick note, I just finished the last Section (Beliefs) of the Scarlet Sentinels profile post and would welcome any comments and/or criticism to help refine anything that might not be up to par. Aside from those possible tweaks, I think that makes the Scarlet Sentinels the second Chapter to be completed finished, after the Reyner's Blades of the Lion! Huzzah! :biggrin.:


I'll give them a look, but congrats on the completion (for now). ;)

on your belief's section:
first editing "to" should be "too" in the first paragraph (...so to are the...)

Right now the swordplay bit still seems pretty tacked on as, oh these guys are dorn's sons, so they should like swords.

Perhaps a more organic way of putting it is that they see Swords as honorable dueling weapons and that only the fiercest of foes are deserving of such weaponry. Therefore close combat would be a matter of honor duels and similar where as gunplay is seen as where winning the war takes place. A skilled warrior is one who need not use a sword, but is prepared to if situations should change.

on your belief's section:

first editing "to" should be "too" in the first paragraph (...so to are the...)


Right now the swordplay bit still seems pretty tacked on as, oh these guys are dorn's sons, so they should like swords.


Perhaps a more organic way of putting it is that they see Swords as honorable dueling weapons and that only the fiercest of foes are deserving of such weaponry. Therefore close combat would be a matter of honor duels and similar where as gunplay is seen as where winning the war takes place. A skilled warrior is one who need not use a sword, but is prepared to if situations should change.


Altered that segment, how about now?

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