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Oh, you did one too? I'm waiting for my paycheck to do a particular two.


Looks awesome. If enough are willing, we could make Blazbaros the official artist of the Liberites. Don't want to pressure anyone though. Only contact him and pay for a piece if you really want it.


I'll be paying for the Lords Inviolate and Sons of Calderon, either at once or one at a time, depending on the final cost.


After that though, any commissions I pay for will be of my own DIYs.

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It is a good look, and rather reasonable. And I'd like the continuity if all the Chapters had the same artist.


I'll probably shell out extra for the Sons so he can wield their signature blade.


. . . Once I remember what it is.

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Well hello hot stuff! ;) (sorry, I couldn't resist) I thought I spotted a new Astartes had been added to Blaz's Chapter Approved sheet, I like the extra details you added in, the studded pauldron trims, the white flames denoting veteran status, the MK.3 armour, the Combi-Flamer and Power Maul loadout, all very nice. :)

That's it! Kept thinking flamberge, but I knew that wasn't right.

It's sort of both actually, check the Sons' profile post one the 1st page, they have Champions armed with Power Falxes but Brother Ashwin (the sole surviving Son) wields the chapter relic Calderon's Flame, a flamberge style sword.
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Well hello hot stuff! :wink:(sorry, I couldn't resist)




I thought I spotted a new Astartes had been added to Blaz's Chapter Approved sheet, I like the extra details you added in, the studded pauldron trims, the white flames denoting veteran status, the MK.3 armour, the Combi-Flamer and Power Maul loadout, all very nice. :smile.:


To be fair, I pinched bits and pieces from other Chapters he'd done when I made my request. The power maul was all new, however. But yeah, this guy is a vet, and a brutal one too. He didn't get those flame motifs for no reason... ^_^

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It's sort of both actually, check the Sons' profile post one the 1st page, they have Champions armed with Power Falxes but Brother Ashwin (the sole surviving Son) wields the chapter relic Calderon's Flame, a flamberge style sword.

What would I do without you guys. :p



Well, that kinda puts me in a pickle, in that both have some very good reasons for an artistic portrayal. I'll let the group decide. Should the commission be:


A. A typical Son of Calderon, indicative of the average Marine, bearing the power falx that the Sons were known for, symbols of the Liberite brotherhood?




B. The Last Son, the one who lived. Bearer of the Calderon Flame, first Champion of the Liberites and true brother of the Lords Inviolate Chapter?

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Well this thread is one of the best things I've read in a while!


I say read, what I mean is read the first few posts then skimmed through the last.... hundred pages, as it was getting a bit long.


Am I to assume the OP has been updated with the current developments? I got here a bit late to submit anything unfortunately, and a hundred pages in I'd hate to throw a spanner in the mix.


There is a lot of information being presented in the last 90 pages or so though, it'd be easier to get through if the whole thing had a summarized version kept seperate but linked to that people could just open in a new tab or what have you and still refer back to the thread here. More like a living document. I know you can kind of do that already, but I think it would be somewhat easier to keep it a little more condensed, giving the impression at least that you're not missing anything if you don't want to trawl through the many, many pages that this thread is up to.


Great stuff though! I like the interpersonal relationships of all the chapters taking precedence. The artist seems pretty on point as well. Maybe I should spring for a commission for my own Blazing Sons and/or the Storm Riders!


I'll have to keep my eye on this, now that I've actually made my way through it. 

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A. A typical Son of Calderon, indicative of the average Marine, bearing the power falx that the Sons were known for, symbols of the Liberite brotherhood?




B. The Last Son, the one who lived. Bearer of the Calderon Flame, first Champion of the Liberites and true brother of the Lords Inviolate Chapter?

A Power Falx is never the wrong choice. Never.


Also, with the title 'the one who lived', I'm really hoping Ashwin doesn't turn out to be a psyker. :tongue.:






Well this thread is one of the best things I've read in a while!


This thread might be my favourite thing in the whole Liber.:biggrin.:


I say read, what I mean is read the first few posts then skimmed through the last.... hundred pages, as it was getting a bit long.


Am I to assume the OP has been updated with the current developments? I got here a bit late to submit anything unfortunately, and a hundred pages in I'd hate to throw a spanner in the mix.


There is a lot of information being presented in the last 90 pages or so though, it'd be easier to get through if the whole thing had a summarized version kept seperate but linked to that people could just open in a new tab or what have you and still refer back to the thread here. More like a living document. I know you can kind of do that already, but I think it would be somewhat easier to keep it a little more condensed, giving the impression at least that you're not missing anything if you don't want to trawl through the many, many pages that this thread is up to.


Great stuff though! I like the interpersonal relationships of all the chapters taking precedence. The artist seems pretty on point as well. Maybe I should spring for a commission for my own Blazing Sons and/or the Storm Riders!


I'll have to keep my eye on this, now that I've actually made my way through it.

Once the Liber Campaign is sorted out and finished up, I think finishing the Eighteen Worlds Crusade and collating all the information thereon is going to be my next job. :sweat:


I'm starting to think it's worth us fleshing out all the Chapters like we did for the Blades of the Lion, at least once the Eighteen Worlds Crusade is truly finished. :happy.:

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Option A with the falx it is. And the Harry Potter reference was completely unintentional. :sweat:


GHY, the index at the front is rather outdated, though there hasn't been quite a large amount of development since its last update. I am sorry, but this thread is an immense difficulty to collate when your only access is by mobile. There remains vast amount of room to explore and contribute though. The only restriction is that I wanted only a finite amount of Chapters to be a part of this, and that number has already been reached.


The current direction of our efforts are on the two matters Ace mentioned, mostly to be done with it so we can move on to bigger and greater things. Both are areas we would love a fresh set of eyes on, and I'm sure those of us here can help set you up with something if you're interested.


The first task we're working on is a conclusion to the Eighteen Worlds Crusade (EWC), which, while not the actual conclusion of the Imperium's 2nd conquest of the Cluster, is the pivotal moment. It's the Ullanor Crusade and Badab War in one. And just like how those two events don't constitute the sum total of Imperial history, the EWC is but a fraction of a fraction of the Cluster's.


We have battles to tell, and while the stages and actors are already kinda set, I'm sure there must be some in need of a writer to tell the tale. Olis and Ace are most on the ball with this, and could explain more.


The other thing is the Liberites themselves, the Chapters of this Cluster. They are all already known, but they have not been completely formed as of yet. The Blades of the Lion is the only Liberite with a full article.


And I really, really want to see these Chapters written by multiple authors per article. Which means we could definitely use your assistance.


Other than that, take a look at the previous page, and Olis's post on Hyparxians. The Cluster is huge, and there is plenty of room for that kind of lore-building.


The simple point of it is that there is a lot of room for growth left in this project, so don't be afraid to contribute. If you give us something new, we will take it. And if you give us something we already have, we will work with you to bring both visions to light.

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Well, scratch that then, sorry. :sweat: Not really that up to date on this project either.

S'alright, after all there's a lot of fluff to cover, it's easy to miss stuff in the pile.

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I can't seem to find the Lords Inviolate symbol, and I'm not sure if there was any.


Can anyone remember it, or can think of a good one?


One simple idea is to have a basic crown within a shield outline.


I have a more ambitious symbol in mind that I like though. Got an Angel of Death theme, symbolic of being protective over the Cluster, has an aggressive sword, and could symbolize the Chapter's own role to be the guiding light of the Liberites, leading from the front by the edge of their sword.


Only, it's from Star Wars . . .

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I like the shield & crown idea, myself. :happy.:

It nicely represents the Lords' dual roles as leaders and protectors of the Liber Cluster, without getting too bogged down in abstract symbolism.


The fact that it's not directly lifted from Star Wars is also a small bonus. :laugh.:

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Alright, so perhaps like one of these?




Top right was more my intent, but I like the plainer crown on the bottom left, if not its actual shape.

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Hmm, I was thinking of something more like these, although this is just my personal preference:

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3 (Top row, third from the right)


As for the shield I found a few sheets of different examples we might find useful, have a look:

Sheet 1

Sheet 2


Hope these help Conn. :happy.:

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