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++ Excessive Perfection - An Emperor's Children Community ++


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Think excess. Think artistic tendancy. Think about short attention spans and always wanting the next best thing.

Sounds like you're talking about half the B&C... :laugh.: I will be throwing my (unspiky) helmet into the ring in the hopefully not too distant future, I want to finalise the fluff and paint scheme a bit more first :smile.:

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Eleven years ? Dude, we age so fast.

I still clearly remember the battle and your great looking daemon princess and possessed. The summoning circles were a cool idea. Plus you won, creating a Daemon World. One of the most memorable battle report WD granted us.

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Order of the day. Check the following facts/aspects of the Emperor's Children geneseed. Comment if anything should be added or removed. This is a discussion on the genetic specifics of the Emperor's Children geneseed, not about the tactics or the traits of the legion, just of its biological template. Provide the title of the resource if you recall where the fact was written. 


Emperor's Children:

  • beautiful aesthetic features
  • heightened reflexes
  • supplemented with xeno organs
  • heightened senses
  • alabaster skin
  • albinism 
  • purple eyes
  • supreme response to the audio impulses
  • arrogant demeanor
  • noted for artistic flair and talent
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If we're talking Geneseed I think it's more like this.

  • beautiful aesthetic features (though not to the Blood Angels level)
  • the drive for perfection in everything

More of the EC traits seemed to have come more from a few different factors

  • Importance placed on perfection and superiority in all areas:
    • arrogant demeanor
    • artistic flair and talent, or at least an appreciation of


  • wanting to be the perfect Marines even if it meant altering their own bodies
    • supplemented with xeno organs


  • Influence of Slaanesh resulting in: 
    • heightened reflexes 
    • heightened senses
    •  albinism
    • purple eyes
    • supreme response to the audio impulses


Though there is very likely to be other views.

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I recall from "Fulgrim" I think that the special brand of albinism (white hair, alabaster skin, purple eyes) was a common feature of the IIIrd legion astartes and I think I also recall from the same book (or Betrayal... have to check) that the EC had even before the experiments of Fabius the fastest reflexes of the legiones. 

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I recall from "Fulgrim" I think that the special brand of albinism (white hair, alabaster skin, purple eyes) was a common feature of the IIIrd legion astartes and I think I also recall from the same book (or Betrayal... have to check) that the EC had even before the experiments of Fabius the fastest reflexes of the legiones. 


I do remember that but I still blame Slaanesh for it.

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Actually there is no denying that. Since the book Vengeful Spirit clearly stated that the astartes are as much children of chaos as are they the product of genetic science and advanced, rational technology, there is no argument to be had here. Every marine is a creature from both worlds, no matter how much the loyalists want to deny this truth. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I can't answer for the Emperor's Childen but for my own Slaanesh-devotees, the Stygian Guard Psychopomps, a marine is addicted to exploring the heights and depths of feeling, both emotional and physical, and at their patron deity's leading they discovered that the Eldar experience both in extremes beyond the human spectrum. That is why they hunt them, to capture them and elicit these extremes from the Xenos, tapping into it so that the fallen enlightened Astartes can experience it. And not just pain like those base, pathetic wastes the Dark Eldar. Oh no, the full range of emotions. Whether they want it or not.

And each taste is but fleeting, leaving the Psychopomp thirsting for more, to go beyond it the next time.

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What is an Emperor's Children marine?

A marine that never gives you up, never lets you down, run around, and desert you.

Quoting Rick Astley is boardering on a warning. More due to the fact that I CAN HEAR IT IN MY HEAD NOW!!! I hate you right now ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm at the moment finishing painting my Emperors Children army (Only one marine left to paint...and a ton of cultists) and I thought I would pitch my fluff with you guys so you can tell me if its doable or not. So far I have gotten mostly negative feedback from the few places I've posted on and even if I somewhat agree with the flaws I'll probably gonna stick with it, especially now that I have painted some 2000+ points of them.

Please keep in mind that I am in now way a writer nor is English my first language so this is mostly gonna be ramblings about what I think is cool with the EC.


So what I am going for with my army is a remnant of the third legion who fanatically try to keep their  legion values of perfection alive without going fully chaotic all over the place. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going for any "loyalist traitors" theme or anything, these guys are still traitors and will fight til the end of time to overthrow the corrupt emperors and his false ideas but instead of becoming a snake daemon or grow a bunch of tentacles (maybe just a few) my guys go for a extreme trust in their own excellence and building sculpture gardens with the dead of their enemies or paint grand paintings with blood.  In short, I wanna play a evil but not full blown chaotic force, kinda how the Night lords are I suppose (please correct me if I'm wrong here)


So let me introduce the leaders of my warband (all names and paint are place holders until someone competent fixes it)



The warband is on paper led by the former Captain, now self-proclaimed Preator and daemon prince Vixari.





Captain and de facto leader of the warband Jurion




Dirigent and Master of the kakaphoni Solonius (The base is very much not done hence the floating foot)




Thats my introduction I suppose, its gonna get more chaotic once I venture outside the sculpture gardens and art galleries and into the underbelly of the fleet far from the Captains reach. 

I also just realized I actually didn't pitch any of my fluff but I also realized I cant manifest my thoughts into words at all so all you get is my ramblings.


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I can't see where the issue is at all. Surely not every company take their excesses in the same direction. Mine went as far as to take on a new name and colours at the whim of its leader.
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  • 4 months later...

I, the Psycho, join the everlasting feast. May the bounty of the Third ever o'erflow.


To the banquet table the LXVII Armature, II Millennial approach with trumpet voice and clarion song. Under our lord, Prince-Captain Arasikas Lucelian, born of holy Terra, honoured of the Two Hundred, the Undying Voice, called 'the Weeping', we shall lay siege to the birth-world.


This, then, is my oath of moment. In mournful perfection, I shall join our cousins upon the walls of His palace and slay those fools who serve Him. Not for the Warmaster, not for glory, not even for the false god of excess that my brothers serve, but for my Father. I am loyal to the Phoenician, and as his son, I will strike down all who dare oppose him. For victory that is his alone. For perfection. For mournful, woe-begotten, perfection.


Children of the Emperor. Death to our foes.


May it be ever so.

Edited by The Psycho
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Dirigent and Master of the kakaphoni Solonius (The base is very much not done hence the floating foot)
Thats my introduction I suppose, its gonna get more chaotic once I venture outside the sculpture gardens and art galleries and into the underbelly of the fleet far from the Captains reach. 
I also just realized I actually didn't pitch any of my fluff but I also realized I cant manifest my thoughts into words at all so all you get is my ramblings.



That dread's blastmaster is what's up. Nice work!

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Hey ladies and gents.


An Emperor's Children related question here - the new model for Lord Commander Eidolon is superb, but until I build up enough funds to get started on a Heresy-era Emperor's Children army I figured I could run him with my contingent of Slaaneshi Chaos Marines. That being said, Chaos (of course) can't get thunder hammers - any thoughts on what to proxy his weapon as? None of the daemon weapons in the main book or the supplements seem to fit the bill exactly.   

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Hey ladies and gents.


An Emperor's Children related question here - the new model for Lord Commander Eidolon is superb, but until I build up enough funds to get started on a Heresy-era Emperor's Children army I figured I could run him with my contingent of Slaaneshi Chaos Marines. That being said, Chaos (of course) can't get thunder hammers - any thoughts on what to proxy his weapon as? None of the daemon weapons in the main book or the supplements seem to fit the bill exactly.


The closes thing i can think of in shape and function is the power maul, hope this helps :D


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