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Any room for another Heresy-Era force here?


+ + +


The day we saw Isstvan burn was the day our eyes were opened to the betrayal of our Father.


If it had been anything else, if we had been called to sanction a third of the Phoencian’s brothers, if we had to fall upon another Legion’s homeworld once again, those events would not have broken my hearts as terribly as the truth of my Father’s betrayal. I am ashamed to say that following this revelation, I scorned my duties as Chaplain and sealed myself in my chambers, and I wept. The tears stung my cheeks more harshly than phosphex.


On the thirtieth day of my confinement, I was persuaded to attend a meeting of the officers. I dressed in nothing more than my robes and as I looked at the others, from Pelagius, to Nero, to Caligulon, then to Cesare himself, I realised that all looked as tired and broken by the revelations as I did. All but our Commander.

“Brothers,” he said, his eyes fixing each of us in turn, “We stand upon the precipice of a war that is beyond us all. As you all well know, our father and Primarch, Fulgrim, has turned his back upon the Imperium and thrown his lot in with Horus, Mortarion and Angron, and we can only guess who else shall join them. The banners of their Legions stand ready to bring war against the beloved Emperor, and we can only hope that whatever loyalists remain are able to subdue this rebellion before it gets out of hand.”


Cesare paused and regarded us all, from his trusted friend Pelagius, whose midsection was wrapped in bandages from a wound that he would not explain, to the damnable psyker Caligulon with his lean, angular face unreadable as he read into our futures, before lingering on my face. In that moment, I felt ashamed, for I had abandoned my post in my weakness, and had selfishly hidden myself away. But in that instant, my Commander smiled at me and my hearts swelled once more.

“As I’m sure most of you are aware, Horus has sent a force to destroy us, hoping that it can eradicate us so he can focus on whatever malevolent acts he has planned.


“We know the enemy, the bastard sons of the traitor Horus, and they come to exterminate us. But we are the Sons of the Phoencian, and although he stands at Horus’ side, we will show these wayward wolves what it is like to face perfection itself. Will you stand with me, brothers?”


As one, we answered that we would.


- Taken from the memoirs of Marius Galenos, Chaplain of the 32nd Company, III Legion


+ + +



I am Dragonkin Arenis, and I present the 32nd Company, "The Praetorians", commanded by Captain Cesare Julianus Sixtus, Conqueror of the Akavir Dominion and Commander of the 512th Expeditionary Fleet. Here I stand as a vaunted son of the Phoencian, a shining example of the Imperium's glory, and a true servant of the Emperor.



I am aware loyalty to a corpse isn't the best thing to be declaring here, but I do offer this: (nearly) everybody dies! Those that don't dedicate themselves to the Chaos Gods and join with token other groups from other Legions to become the Decrepit Sons, led by the Company's former Moritat. Now Axander Pullus, Destroyer Primus, the Decrepit One, leads his Warband for the Glory of the Chaos Gods.


           Lloyd exhaled in languid pleasure as he lay back among scattered picnic supplies upon the blanket. The little pink throw was spread underneath his favorite ploin tree, in his favorite orchard and he lay next to his favorite person in the world. He smiled at Suzanna as her rosy cheeks turned towards his. The little impish smile that lit up her face so wonderfully spread her cherry petal lips as her ice chip blue eyes roamed over his features.


“I love you,” She uttered softly, reaching a small hand across the intervening space to cup Lloyd’s chin.


“And I you,” a small frown crossed his brow, “But will you always?”


Suzanna’s lovely countenance took on a contemplative expression as she opened her mouth to reply. However, instead of the innocent whisper of a voice, a pressing wail vomited forth, driving steel darts into Lloyd’s ears. Her embrace upon his face turned into a razored vice, and he felt her nails open deep wounds in his flesh as they dug deep. He struggled violently as she leaned in close. Segmented coils spilled from her widening mouth like entrails from a disemboweled corpse. He felt them loop around his throat, peeling back the skin of his neck and upper shoulders with their acidic touch. Her blue eyes were centimeters from his own as her fangs began to tear into his cheeks and jaw. Somehow he still heard the words, though there was no way they could have issued from the distended maw poised to swallow him. They bled into his brain with a nauseous wriggling. The black amusement danced in every syllable of Suzanna’s whispered words.




…Slaaneth loves all his children."


Her eyes millimeters from his now.


"She thirsts…


…she loves you…"


Her fangs sink agonizingly into the soft flesh in the top of his palate.






                    … Savaarl Slaithe’s eyes snapped open, his hearts hammering in his chest cavity. Tepid, viscous sweat poured in runnels down his craggy face. Breath sawed out of his lungs as his ice chip blue eyes darted around the smokey, dim interior of his armored transport. An alert siren was shrieking its deafening song within the vehicle. He could feel the chem-wash of several dozen potent stimulants begin to disperse from his bloodstream as his Astartes physiology began to reassert itself. His hand slowly lifted as he reached for his tusked warhelm. He grasped it and seated it in place at the gorget of his terminator armor.


“By the Shorn Prince…” he whispered into the helmet’s claustrophobic innards. His lips spread in a jagged grin that exposed hundreds of needled fangs, “This morning shall be a glorious one.”




Slaithe felt the manic spasms of connection and invasion as his armor’s warspirit cycled from passive to active and synchronized with his own nervous system. Target acquisitions glared a harsh red in his vision for a moment before the machine spirit reconsidered and compromised with a shade of neutral gray instead. His helm’s blue lenses swept the interior of the Slit Lilly. The ancient Land Raider was no longer moving and it's jarring alert wail continued to echo. Despite this, the Orchid yet lay dormant.


This wouldn't do.


Closing his eyes with his helm, Slaithe reached out to touch the warped and deviant minds of the five terminator armored figures with which he shared the transport.  Each of the Razored Orchid were still hibernating, impassive and unstimulated, even though their magnetic restraint harnesses had been released when the ancient vehicle ground to a agonizing halt.


Ever so slowly, the Sorcerer began to feed psychic stimuli directly into the frontal cortex of each of the five petals of the Orchid.


…Nothing… less that no response.


Temporarily damming up his psychic efforts, Slaithe snarled and strode across the intervening space. He raised the spiked fist of his terminator armor and brings it down sharply, directly on to the helm of the nearest, Sodomiel. His gauntlet struck the bright warplate of his charge with a crack that would have pulverized a mortal man into a gore-stained slurry.


Languidly, lethargically, the blue lenses of Sodomiel’s helm flickered to life and turned towards his sorcerous handler. Long, taloned tentacles slowly slid from the vox-grille of the terminator plate to stroke at the tusks of Slaithe’s own helm. He bats them away contemptuously and moves to the next figure in line.


Saffikariel was quicker to rise. The parasitic daemon that made up most of his right arm, and most likely the majority of the once-Astartes, burbles contentedly as his host slowly rouses to wakefulness. It belched small, blue-white tongues of flame from its maw, the sickly sweet stench of Neverborn firebreath filling the transport cabin.


The others of the Orchid began to unfurl now, feeding on the shared stimuli of their warp-bonded kin. Aluciel, Deliriel, and Lasciel snort and growl as they are dragged from slumber into hesitant wakefulness. Chimes sound as weapons go live and power fields shriek as they snap into life.


Slaithe moved to the rear of the vehicle and drew his daemon spear from its lair-rack near the assault ramp. It lived up to its name, Howl, as the entity inside woke at the Sorcerer’s touch. The effect of the warp voice on the petals of the Orchid is immediate and violent. They shift restlessly, weapons and armor clashing against one another as they press forward.


“So wonderful to see you eager and awake, my lovelies,” Slaithe’s smile is necrotic within his helm, “Go forth and tear the life from our soon to be regretful foes.”


His fist crashes into the explosive emergency release for the assault ramp, and as it drops, he releases the pent up psy-stim burst directly into the minds of his five charges…



                        The Razored Orchid spilled from the belly of the wreckage of the Slit Lilly like an abhorrent tide, directly into the massed gunfire of a line of Imperial guns. More than two dozen red armored Astartes had formed a firing line mere meters away, pouring bolter and plasma shot into the wrecked tank as soon as the assault ramp had dropped. The terminators of the Razored Orchid ploughed through the deadly deluge like they were weathering a chill winter rain. Bolt shells did no visible damage to the heavy tactical dreadnought plate besides scarring the bright pink and black lacquer. Under the onslaught of stimuli, the Orchid went berserk, plunging forwards and into the marines in front of them, armor servos howling in protest of speed stresses they were never meant to endure. Sodomiel was first to close, his talons opening up the first unfortunate he reached from groin to visor.   Aluciel’s massive thresh-blade clove through two of the Imperial marines simultaneously, leaving them twitching in his wake. Saffikariel’s daemon symbiote vomited nauseating gouts of blue and purple flames that clung to its victims like tar, burning through armor and bone with equal enthusiasm.


With each wound inflicted and received, the psychic stimuli link between the terminators fed the psychotic aggression of their pack-mates, driving them faster and harder into their foes. Desperate to avoid the Petal’s powered cleaver, one of the crimson clad Astartes fired his plasma gun at Lasciel from a dead zero range. The backwash of energy flash-vaporized the unfortunate marine’s helm and chest. Lasciel’s right arm disintegrated in the birth of a new start. He raised his head to the sky and shrieked with ecstasy. His bond-kin shrieked with him.


Striding forward from the ramp of the Slit Lilly, Savaarl Slaithe’s eyes were closed in appreciation as he drank in the suffering of his enemy and the deliriously delicious pain stimuli from his charges. He smiled as he pressed Howl’s warp-tongue blade through the chest plate of an Astartes the Orchid hadn’t quite managed to slay completely. The daemon weapon chattered in pleasure as it tore it’s victims soul into easily digestible pieces.


“Oh yes,” he whispered through needled fangs. The dream portents had not been wrong...


“This morning would be glorious…





“This morning would be glorious…


Indeed. Those Termis warm my heart. Love the fluff as well. 



Kinda have an unrelated question to my fellow Slaaneshi brothers and sisters. What do you think belongs in a Raptor Cult devoted to She Who Thirsts? 

I've decided to split my Warband "The Persecutors" (Emperor's Children + corrupted Night Lords) into two parts. A 2000 pts Battle Forged list that spams Sonic Weapons of all kinds and a 2000 pts Unbound Raptor Cult. But I'm still trying to figure out the list for the latter. 


Jump Pack Lords and Sorcs, Raptors and Warp Talons are a given but what else? Heldrakes or Helblades? How is the Hell Talon? Should I add Furies (Damonettes with Gargoyle wings looks awesome). I have IA13 but I'm still unsure about what I should get. Got a nice Xmas bonus so money isn't that much of an issue.

From swirling purple, blue and yellow lights six golden trimmed pure white armoured terminators appears in a circle, a smell of newly melted snow running through a flowered meadow spreads outward from the lights. The terminators stands silently, watching in all directions as they stand with their faces turned out from the middle of it, without a word they take one step forward, and a gap can be seen in the circle they have formed. Charcoal black feathered angel wings unfolds from a frail and thin figure who huddles in the middle of the circle, it pulls itself up in a jerky and unnatural way. The face of the figure is almost totally cowered by long thick pitch black hair which falls down to the waist of the figure, the only thing that can be seen of the face is the golden shinning eyes, who manage to penetrate the hair. A white dress falls loosely over the figures shoulders all the way down to its feet, thousands upon thousand of nearly invisible symbols moves quickly over the beautiful fabric, from the sleeves of the dress, lavender-coloured long fingered hands which end in ten inch long razor sharp talons, appears.

A strong and hoarse female voice which seems come from nowhere and everywhere at the same time fills the air.

​"Greetings fellow Slaaneshi disciples!"

"I am sorry I am late, but that is just because of a lengthy and somewhat violent debate with the corpse gods mongrels and their allied ticks."

Sparks falls towards the ground as she, the figure is clearly the female, drags the talons against each other in angry fashion, the smell of sulfur mixes with previous smells.

"I think it is due time to introduce myself. I am Kat'hy'tirina, bride of greed and sloth, The voice of the Triad, Maiden of Scents, Queen of the Brotherhood of Innocence Warband and also the most devoted Slaaneshi you might ever meet. I have plead my loyalty to our prince and walked in its gardens for thousands of years."

She falls silent for a couple of seconds.

"I am ready to be victorious in She who thirsts name, so point me towards our nearest enemy, be it eldar, the flock of the corpse god or those despicable Khorne followers and I will be on my way."

Just a small introduction of me, my warband and my leader. Many of you have seen me around earlier, some of you might seen roaming around in the Space wolf forum and I am dabbled a little in the Imperial guard once or twice.

But anyhoo, My warband is the Brotherhood of Innocence a chapter who almost completely fell in to the sweet caress of Slaanesh and the clutches of the sorceress Kat'hy'tirina (Cate for short :wink:). I am not going to ramble on for much longer, even tough I nearly only play with my wolves these days, Emperor's children, Slaanesh and Chaos was my first real dedication when it comes to 40k.

Here is a picture of my dusty and almost retired Brotherhood of innocence daemon prince
edit: the image was way to big according to me.

I adore that DP's puppet!!!  Every child of The Prince deserves a toy like that.


BTW: it is so sad to see such a *cough* 'creative' talent wasted on anything as concrete and bland as space puppies.


Come back to the Dark Side - :wink:  - you know you want to.



Oooh... *so* purple. 


It also makes me hella happy to see a daemon prince with white armor. I painted a Khornate one like that awhile back, but yours looks way more striking with the purps skintone. 


Awesome job!

Jump Pack Lords and Sorcs, Raptors and Warp Talons are a given but what else? Heldrakes or Helblades? How is the Hell Talon? Should I add Furies (Damonettes with Gargoyle wings looks awesome). I have IA13 but I'm still unsure about what I should get. Got a nice Xmas bonus so money isn't that much of an issue.

I hear good stuff about our new flyers in IA13 :tu:

From what I understand of Furies they have exceedingly low Ld. I've never seen or hear if anyone using them. Which seems a shame. The modelling potential, as you said...


Cate, that's a beautiful DP! Lovely use of the Flagellant there.


And Flint never fails to impress!

Thank you all for the kind words about the DP and its meat-puppet. 


I must do as everyone who can't take a compliment. 


"That old thing."


"I was lucky that the picture was taken on a good day and on its favourable side."


"Thank Slaanesh for make-up and good photoshop skills."


"The photographer who took the picture is a professional image-editor, so that helps."





The Black Stallions of the Psychopomps ride to war party...


I do believe the correct - Truly Slaaneshi - way of phrasing this would be "... to Pah-Teh!".


And I only point this out ... nit pick ... this trivial & inconsequential bit, because the rest of your post is far too utterly Divine.


("Divine" as in http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140714093805/divinity2/images/8/8d/DOS_Skill_Divine_Light.png - not ...... necessarily ...... "Divine" as in http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTM0NzE2NjgzNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTU3NTU0NA@@._V1_SX100_CR0,0,100,100_AL_.jpg )




As an idea, some of you should consider 'razzle dazzle' camouflage for tanks and they like. It was used in the great war to disguise ships, but seems very slaaneshi to me.

Excellent idea.




As an idea, some of you should consider 'razzle dazzle' camouflage for tanks and they like. It was used in the great war to disguise ships, but seems very slaaneshi to me.

Just one question:

Does it come in pastel?


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