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[HH1.0] Iron Warriors Tactics


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My grav-based anti-tank options are contemptors and myrmidons. I'm not a fan of the grav rapier due the cost, range, and lack of snap fire. Maybe it's a throwback to my renegades, but the extra range and option to move and snap fire with twin-link of the rapier destroyers always served me well. The 60 extra points is welcome, too. On average against AV14, you will deal one glance and one pen with a +2 damage roll. Edited by Terminus
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With the betrayal at calth box I'm planning on making:



Erasmus golg

20 tactical marines, bolters

10 iron havocs, missile launchers

Contemptor with kheres

5 terminators.


I was thinking to make the chaplain kn either a siege breaker or master of signals. What do you recommend?


What about the load out for the terminators?


To expand I was thinking to get some bassies, possibly a land raider phobos, and or more tacticals. Trying to keep it for now on the cheap side, so plastics mostly. Any recommendations here?

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You could use the Terminators as a terminator command squad and drop one of them so yo can fit them and Golg in a Phobos Land Raider :) since a spartan is quite an investment! All you need to drop is drop 1 termie and give another a banner.
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Are there any good builds/tactics to Support and Recon squads.


I want to use one or the other in a ZM list.


I'm partial to the idea of a recon squad with melta bombs and shotguns. However, I have no idea what the quality that would be in game.

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Are there any good builds/tactics to Support and Recon squads.


I want to use one or the other in a ZM list.


I'm partial to the idea of a recon squad with melta bombs and shotguns. However, I have no idea what the quality that would be in game.


Support squads: Yes - lots of plasma in a small space or even flamers in Zone mortalis as they get shred among other things because templates.


Recon squads: Categorically the worst unit in the army list. Argument could be made for scout armour for infiltrating meltabombs but you're already vulnerable in Zon Mortalis so that is doubly so.

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Recon Squads in ZM are actually not so bad - their weak armour is offset by the fact that they can infiltrate and intervening walls, as well as a lack of big shooty tanks with things like Heavy Bolters. Plus, 3+ Saves are only so much when enemies have rending. That said, AP4 is much more prevalent in Zone Mortalis, as opposed to AP3, so 3+ Saves are tougher than they once were as well, so swings and roundabouts. That said, they're not exactly hard to play either. Try them, even in proxy format. Hell, Snipers might even work, but I'm not sure if Snipers "Rend" occurs on a 5+ though. If they do, they may be a bit better than before. With Shotguns, I'm not sure. Never really tried it. Not sure how effective they'll be in an assault unless they're World Eaters, who'd do better with Chain Axes and Bolt Pistol getting 4 Attacks on the charge.


In an Iron Warriors list, you get virtually no benefits whatsover from your Legiones astartes abilities.


In standard, non ZM lists, they are... wastes of money, to put it in the most politest terms possible. From a tactical point of view of course, the models are gorgeous.


As for Support Squads - Melta becomes king again. Near enough guaranteeing being able to burn through doors, and being move and fire when Graviton Guns/Cannons are heavy.

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I kinda had that feeling with recon. I intended to run them in PA and use the BaC models lol.


Sounds like support squads do work though.


So volkite is not a good option then ehh?

I suppose melta would be the Iron go to lol. Is the Sargent left running a gun or is he good equiped for face punching? 5 man or 10 man?


So far I've got a contemptor and I will likely do up a breacher squad. Not sure how to build them out for ZM.


I'm pretty new to 30k and I have had a goal to have nothing that I can just do in 40k units wise.

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Breachers are gold in ZM, IF you use the void rules. And why wouldn't you? It's great fun.

I allways give them a Meltagun, a Flamwthrower and AA plus fist for the Sarge. Oh and Meltabombs for him as well of course. That worked quiet well for me. I never tried Volkites because I don't have models with Chargers at hand but I think they'd be awesome in that small spaces and whith the void rule they become Rending which is great having so much shots.

Let's talk about the IW special rules in ZM.

I have to disagree on that with Hesh. Your guys will have lots of casualtys (spelling?) in ZM. Every army does. But we don't run. That's great and I don't understand why there are so many people in this forum who continue to say that is a crapy rule. It's simply not. In en environment where no ATSKNF exist and rules like Fearless or stubborn is rare it is really really great not having to test at all.

That said I have to meantion that we do have to test in CC but you can make overwatch with full BS if you make a successful Ini test. In my humble experience that is often the key for who wins the coming CC. So Flamethrowers are even more great for making D3 hits on overwatch whith Rending. ;) Thus Combiflamers are a good idea for your Sergeants besides the omnipotent Combiplasma.

Why Plasma?

To shoot the AA guy in front of your opponents units because he is immune to your newly voidborne Rending Bolter shots.

In addition to that we have Wrecker which is in normal games pretty useless in most cases. In ZM... not so much because there are often obstacles to blow away like Blast Doors for instance. So that rule really comes to play in ZM.

Edited by Gorgoff
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Why waste all the special rules havoks get on heavy bolters? These are dedicated AT guys and their rules reflect it, they cost too much to use for something you have many other options for.

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Yeh, i was wondering how useful a squad of something with shrapnel bolts is to disrupt enemy advances. For example, what about a veteran squad with heavy bolters and suspension webs, taking sniper??


I have the B@C box, so trying to find a decent way to field them asap, without a whole bunch of additional infantry purchases.

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I've been on the recieving end of a Pride List (rainbows, rainbows everywhere) running 6 Vets in Rhinos with Sniper and 2 heavy bolters, 1 on the Rhino, all running Shrapnel bolts. It wasn't too effective.


On an Astartes list, you lose nothing by doing it. Against SA or Militia, you have to choose if killing them (AP4) is worth giving up for reducing damage by 50% in an chance to force snapshots.


I suffered 2 failed pinning tests.

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Shrapnel bolts are highly overrated. That said I prefer a full vet squad with sniper in a rhino with a havoc launcher. Yeah its not taking advantage of any special rules but it makes a nice poor mans whirlwind and the mass of fire from the squad itself usually does decent damage to an enemy squad. My typical tactic is to move up to some heavy cover, disembark and just sit there and shoot. I use regular bolter rounds.

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