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I would definitely drop the 4th dreadclaw of the Tyrants and spend that on a Vigilator or more Tyrants or other guns. You could drop the whirlwind (remind me if its barrage?), and instead take two units of two Medusa, and change two of the rapier squads to grav. Tyrants can babysit the 9 rapiers from melee threats.

Can you take two units of artillery? I think not.

I wouldn't give the Tyrants a Dreadclaw either. Make them bigger instead for more killing power. :smile.:

By the way... I know, we talking about tactics and stuff but that list is a Meta killer. Noones gonna play infantery anymore if you play that list more than once. Horrible effective and a nice way to end friendships. :wink:


PS: I played a couple of games with Tyrants in the support slot now and yeah, it is a bummer. Pride of the Legion doesn't matter to me because I don't have the models for that yet. For my part I never thought that Tyrants should be troopes by that anyway. They are a very unique very specialized unit for siege breaking and not the daredevils like normal Terminators are. Hence they don't have the implicable advance rule.

But I think we can adapt to that change. Not easy but we can.



You can't take a second legion artillery unit but there is nothing stopping us from allying with the ordo reductor and "borrowing" some of theirs :happy.:  plus it is kind of our thing.


ya that list might be a little heavy on the anti infantry. besides I've found that most games have at least one spartan and a land raider.

If only the Spartan was more resilient though. As it stands, it's just too weak.


And I'm only half joking XD.


After all it's a vehicle like every other one. All it need is one penetrating hit and a good roll after that. Or a couple of glancing hits. But it looks great and delivers a huge load.

So it seems that the iron warriors are in seriously bad place right now. There legion traits, while nice don't hold water to other legion traits such as the Iron Hands or Sons of Horus. In the past they have relied on their special units, of which both are excellent, however they now are in the same slot. To top this problem off they now release a new ROW where your encouraged to take artillery, further taking up all of your heavy support slots except for maybe one slot.


What the hell forgeworld?

Moving the Tyrants to HS does open up for a list with Perturabo deep striking 10 (12 with Perty and a Praetor taking command squads) terminator squads turn, using a comms relay and Damocles to secure the reserve rolls.


Which is a very niche list, and does in no way compensate for the tyrants becoming HS. But it'd be kinda fun to see.

Let's say I want a squad of Iron Warriors Veterans. They can only use a Rhino as their transport - no Dreadclaws from Fast Attack or anything like that... How would I utilise them effectively?


Super restrictive, I know, but that's the situation. My thinking is a 10-man squad with 2 heavy bolters, melta bombs and Sniper. Cheap and cheerful. Don't even think I'd bother with Sergeant gear or a Vexilla.



Yeah, they can. Thought about the shrapnel bolts - Sniper will help alleviate the AP debuff. And artificer armour is probably a safe option. Melta bombs help them multi-task, especially with Wrecker, but I could even drop them completely...

So a question in regard to your veterans Callium, will they be the core of your force or will they simply be an elite choice?


If the core choice of the army then either heavy bolters or missile launchers will be suitable.


Unfortunately he legion tactics don't do much for vets, there's not very many forts where you need 10 re rolling melta bombs to take down, though they do benefit from the no casualty check rule. Are you planning on throwing them into combat ever? If so grab the Vexilia, if not then your fine.


They do get better when you look at what else in the list. Your playing Iron Warriors, which means that it's safe to say you've got artillery. A Vox will do you in nicely. Perty makes them even better with his ability to give FC and stubborn.

I think Iron Warriors aren't so bad... Iron fire is pretty hilarious when you start pinpointing blasts onto enemy units/ tanks and systematically destroying them like a true Iron Warrior.


Morale problems being mostly eliminated is dang strong too.


The move of Siege Tyrants to heavy is a blow, I think Havocs should have been made elites in light of that. That way they aren't just "heavy support units +1 except they have have culverins and plasma cannons for some odd reason"

@ThatOneMarshall, what I want to do is the Mezoa campaign: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/282525-salamanders-tactics/?p=4305277


I have a chunk of stuff that I can use in this army, including Nârik Dreygur, Cassian Dracos and a bunch of Salamanders upgrades. Very much a themey army, but will be cool nonetheless. :)

It would normally belong in Salamanders Tactica, but the 1-off Iron Warriors Veteran Squad that Dreygur can bring is the odd one out. As I won't be able to run a Rite of War, the IW Vets are stuck with a Rhino as their only transport option. I think the safe option is artificer armour, a pair of heavy bolters and Sniper, with optional melta bombs. Would probably take the Rhino too.


Strangely, the Salamanders in this list (except Dracos & Jurr) treat the Iron Warriors as Desperate Allies. That is from the 40k BRB, which has the "One Eye Open" rule attached to it. Could be they mean Distrusted Allies, i.e. the 30k one. Either way, there's a few downsides to running the Vets. Should I bother?

For Dreygur, I will probably attach some Vorax, so they can Scout or Outflank and get stuck into combat relatively safely, especially given Dracos gives him the Rage & Zealot rules!

  • 2 weeks later...

I myself have been indulging on the images of the Iron Circle as well. So... even though some may say they're not very useful or better for apoc games, I thought I'd just share this idea.


A 2k List involving Peturabo and Iron Circle!




Peturabo - Primarchs Chosen WITH 4 Iron circle


Damocles Command Rhino




5 man termie squad w/ Reaper Autocannon and Grenade Harness


5 man termie squad w/ Reaper Autocannon and Grenade Harness


Heavy Support - 


Deredeo Dreadnought w/ Armored Ceramite and Ailos Missile Launcher


Pretty self explanatory list. Might drop the AC for two chain fists on each squad of termies. But seems like a cool task force list!

The look on your opponents face when a single squad destroys his whole army priceless :tongue.:


rather: 2220pts - the look on your face when your opponent's fast units take all the objectives while your deathstar tries to walk into charge range.


The iron circle cannot be transported or deepstruck. It's tyrant guard in the age of flyrants. Castellax giving out void-hardened armor for 2x the price.


Another example of how fluff and crunch divert, really. At the beginning of angel exterminatus, where the iron circle is introduced, they teleport together with their primarch. Just as the tormentor shoots all the lascannons and heavy bolters it doesn't have in the game.


FW does't seem to want money from the IV. Legion players: Just as there is no "support cadre" bundle for IW (since there are no legion-specific IW miniatures), there is absolutely no reason to buy the new legion rulebook (since all we get from it is nerfed tyrants). Just as we got torsos to upgrade into the "iron stars" legion. But that only as a side note (and encouragement).


The look on your opponents face when a single squad destroys his whole army priceless :tongue.:


rather: 2220pts - the look on your face when your opponent's fast units take all the objectives while your deathstar tries to walk into charge range.


The iron circle cannot be transported or deepstruck. It's tyrant guard in the age of flyrants. Castellax giving out void-hardened armor for 2x the price.


Another example of how fluff and crunch divert, really. At the beginning of angel exterminatus, where the iron circle is introduced, they teleport together with their primarch. Just as the tormentor shoots all the lascannons and heavy bolters it doesn't have in the game.


FW does't seem to want money from the IV. Legion players: Just as there is no "support cadre" bundle for IW (since there are no legion-specific IW miniatures), there is absolutely no reason to buy the new legion rulebook (since all we get from it is nerfed tyrants). Just as we got torsos to upgrade into the "iron stars" legion. But that only as a side note (and encouragement).


Why can't the Iron Circle be transported ? I thought they were very bulky or some such ? Yes, in units of 4 they can't be transported, but as units of 2 maybe in the larger vehicles ? Also, outflanking I think is a distinct opportunity with the Vigilator in my opinion, just not very fluffy.


Yes, the IVth legion are in distinct need of some FW love, both in the rules and in the models. I really hope they make an Iron Warriors unique SIege Breaker, as he can (has) to be taken for both of their Rites of War. Possibly in a bundle with a Mk III master of Signals ? and/or a standard bearer with an Iron Standard.

Edited by Lord Thørn

Well then that does kind of suck. No deep strike capability or transport capability. Just left foot slogging across the field. That kind of hurts a lot. Granted the Heavy 5 from their bolters is good and is pinning, still to just tank wounds while moving up..... 

Well then that does kind of suck. No deep strike capability or transport capability. Just left foot slogging across the field. That kind of hurts a lot. Granted the Heavy 5 from their bolters is good and is pinning, still to just tank wounds while moving up..... 


Right, forgive me if I'm starting to be a broken record with this, but I haven't heard any reasons why it wouldn't work:


Put the Iron Circle as retinue for a Vigilator, and you'll be able to outflank, or at least scout out in front => This should lead to less foot-slogginess no?

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