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Under the Fulmentarus Strike squad's entry, it states that "note: any model equipped with a cyclone missile launcher and a combi-bolter may fire both in the same shooting phase". I'd say that's generic enough to apply to tyrants as well. It makes sense.

Edited by Runefyre

Under the Fulmentarus Strike squad's entry, it states that "note: any model equipped with a cyclone missile launcher and a combi-bolter may fire both in the same shooting phase". I'd say that's generic enough to apply to tyrants as well. It makes sense.

In tempest, there is. In the new aod legiones book (I checked twice) there is only cyclone's profile. :(


Under the Fulmentarus Strike squad's entry, it states that "note: any model equipped with a cyclone missile launcher and a combi-bolter may fire both in the same shooting phase". I'd say that's generic enough to apply to tyrants as well. It makes sense.

In tempest, there is. In the new aod legiones book (I checked twice) there is only cyclone's profile. :sad.:


Hm, in my updated ebook version it's still there under the cml's profile.

With the release of the Plastic Void shield Generator, will anyone be adding one of these to their lists? Could be useful protecting backfield artillery/ Havoks and objectives.


I just hope the plastic one fits together better than my resin one.

With the release of the Plastic Void shield Generator, will anyone be adding one of these to their lists? Could be useful protecting backfield artillery/ Havoks and objectives.


I just hope the plastic one fits together better than my resin one.

I won't do it because of two reasons.

1) It is horrible overpowered. Three Voidshield for that little points is horrible effective and you can build evil, very evil armies around that.

2) The model is butt ugly. Looks like four strange dildos cobbled together into some kind of huge monument for pleasure. Would never buy it. ;)


With the release of the Plastic Void shield Generator, will anyone be adding one of these to their lists? Could be useful protecting backfield artillery/ Havoks and objectives.


I just hope the plastic one fits together better than my resin one.

I won't do it because of two reasons.

1) It is horrible overpowered. Three Voidshield for that little points is horrible effective and you can build evil, very evil armies around that.

2) The model is butt ugly. Looks like four strange dildos cobbled together into some kind of huge monument for pleasure. Would never buy it. :wink:




It could really change the gaming meta. Not many people could be bothered to make their own one, and the resin model was hard to acquire. Now everyone can purchase one from GW.

As long as you have some kind of autocannon or missile weapon you should be able to drop the shields, although it's definitely a nasty thing for gun lines to drop. There is also no access to the battlements except for jump troops or jet bikes, so you can put a mortar there for a commanding view. :P

Hey guys, one of my close buddies plays Iron Warriors and we just realized that Tyrants lost Implacable Advance. Not sure if that's a particularly new discovery for anyone else, but they've lost a lot of utility because of it. How do they stack up against the HS choices now?  

They never had Implacable Advance so... ;)

In regards to your second question I may ad that they still are a very potent integral part of any IW army I make. They're one of the most hard hitting units in our arsenal and there is no reason not to take them.

I only take five and still they have killed almost every kind of enemy in the past.

I think everyone took Siege Tyrants as part of Pride of the Legion, so they got their "Implacable Advance" from that.


Yes, Havocs are very good - one of the best anti-tank units around. Siege Tyrants are still good as a Heavy Support choice, but are a different unit altogether - better against MEQ and medium armour, as they can have 20 shots a turn. Also, they don't need to be babysat in a Bunker.


As an Alpha Legion player, I love Siege Tyrants, because when I steal them they are Elites and typically have Tank Hunters! If I were to use Havocs, they could potentially gain nothing out of Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion).


If using Havocs in an Iron Warriors army, I'd go all out - Bunker, ammo store, lascannons. Close to 8 S9 hits with Tank Hunters per turn will waste most armoured targets.

Havocs are only brillant if you play on almost empty tables. They need good lines of sight and are very immobile. Don't like them for that.

Don't get me wrong though. Havocs are damn good, but they need good conditions to work perfectly. ;)

Edited by Gorgoff

My last game, my opponent had a shield generator. It took a single volley from a ten man Tyrant squad to take it mostly down. A DS'd terminator squad finished it off with melta-combis. I wouldn't have wasted that much on it but it was protecting a large amount of his stuff I needed to kill. They are not hard to bring down in a single turn, you just have to burn a squad or two to do it.

^Most people don't consider 3 AV12 hp that bad, but the big deal is that is makes whatever is under it immune to shooting attacks with Str<6


Which is terrif for infantry of any type. The best way to do stuff is not to have to roll dice for it.

Edited by Flint13

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