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[HH1.0] Tactica Chainaxe: World Eaters


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Yah but then Graviton Rapiers become the standard 'boring' play. It's a Catch 22. 


I say let's all break out some Caestus Assault Rams and laugh at the Graviton Rapiers and thrust our erect dropships into their faces!


Has anyone thought about how they'd kit up the new box for a WE list? I'm keen to see suggestions. 


Tactical blob & Veterans?

I hope that one of the new rites in book 6 allows fliers to roll reserves on first turn, because then I'm buying quite a few Ravens and Rams.

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Yah but then Graviton Rapiers become the standard 'boring' play. It's a Catch 22. 


I say let's all break out some Caestus Assault Rams and laugh at the Graviton Rapiers and thrust our erect dropships into their faces!


Has anyone thought about how they'd kit up the new box for a WE list? I'm keen to see suggestions. 


Tactical blob & Veterans?


I have finally started a WE army using the B@C box and for my first 1000pt list to be played in ZM combatant list that looks something like this:


Preator (as it comes in the box)


Terminators (X5, X1 twin lightning claws, X2 chain Fists, power fist, heavy flamer)

Vetran tac squad (AA,Thunder hammer, X9 power weapons, maybe some volkite dont remember)


15 Legion Dispoilers 

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i have found the eaters to be very enjoyable in zm... nothing like getting up close and personal in confined spaces..


that unmistakable noise of a chain axe revving up echoing around the corridors is enough to make any marine do a little poo!

Edited by Fangbanger
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i have found the eaters to be very enjoyable in zm... nothing like getting up close and personal in confined spaces..


that unmistakable noise of a chain axe revving up echoing around the corridors is enough to make any marine do a little poo!


Reenact the Cerberus Insurrection.

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Do you guys use thud guns much in WE lists?  I am thinking that they would provide nice fire support plus pinning to help reduce overwatch at a pretty reasonable price of 60pts, plus another 10 or 20 if you want through nuncio voxes to your squads for better accuracy.

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Hello Guys,

Quick question in regards to the Berserker assault RoW: there is interesting wording in the RoW that state (not verbatim) when using Berserker assault you must take 1 extra compulsory troop choice than is normally required. Using the normal AoD FoC that would equal x3 Compulsory Troop choices, however using the Zone Mortalis FoC, I don't remember the name of the one (Attacker or Defender) that the compulsory choices are 1 HQ and 1 Elite, so the wording for our RoW would make the ZM FoC 1-HQ, 1-Elite, 1-Troop like this:


praetor (RoW: Berserker Assault)



Terminator squad (x5)


Veteran Tactical Squad (x10)



Despoiler Squad (x15)


Is this a legal list able to run our RoW?

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Do you guys use thud guns much in WE lists? I am thinking that they would provide nice fire support plus pinning to help reduce overwatch at a pretty reasonable price of 60pts, plus another 10 or 20 if you want through nuncio voxes to your squads for better accuracy.

I find thudd guns too Cheesey and under pointed so never take them. Hoping they get a Nerf or points increase next book

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Try running them without Shatter Shell access. Read the Achilles Alpha fluff for reasons why.


If they were a 15pt upgrade, or a 5pt upgrade AND gave up their frag shells, they would be rightly priced.


Thudd Guns do not pin either. They provide a -1 to pinning, but barrage doesn't pin any more.

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Artillery? What is Artillery, what kind of axe is that?


In other news I just ordered 60 chainaxes, 60 torsos, 60 helms, 60 shoulder padstrap, 10 veteran helms and Kharngron.


I'm thinking 2x Spartans for the tacs and a typhon on support for my core.

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Try running them without Shatter Shell access. Read the Achilles Alpha fluff for reasons why.


If they were a 15pt upgrade, or a 5pt upgrade AND gave up their frag shells, they would be rightly priced.


Thudd Guns do not pin either. They provide a -1 to pinning, but barrage doesn't pin any more.

Didnt the newest rule set on the website does give them pinning.

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Artillery? What is Artillery, what kind of axe is that?


In other news I just ordered 60 chainaxes, 60 torsos, 60 helms, 60 shoulder padstrap, 10 veteran helms and Kharngron.


I'm thinking 2x Spartans for the tacs and a typhon on support for my core.

I can hear the beautiful revving of chain axes!

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I see your points, although it is noted that there are differentiation in rules between 30k-40k, such as Leviathan Dreads


That (IMHO) does not consist of decent enough authorisation, considering that Red Book Astartes allowed Sunder shells based on the copy paste of the most recent rules for the quad mortar (those in the Chilles Alpha).


The Achilles Alpha explicitly states it has a modified weapon barrel to use Shatter Shells, AND unlike any other Quad Mortar shells mentions Shatter Shells as being equipped explicitly.


It was one of the reasons why i came away from Quad Mortars in 30k and looked elsewhere. The new editions haven't been changed because of intrinsic laziness (look how badly edited the Red Book is).


Many of my people i play with share similar thoughts, especially those who played before the red book, while those most vehement supporters are those who run multiple mortar batteries like i used to back in 2 and inevitably newcomers since then

Edited by Hesh Kadesh
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So decided to start a WE force going to be fluffy more than competative


planning on starting at 1000pts and increasing from there, this allows me to paint the units in bits and still have small/doubles games as my army progresses


so far ive got


Beserker ROW



Khârn the Bloody 



Apothecary with Artificer Armour




Legion Tactical Squad with Chain Axes (in rhino)

18 Legion Tactical Squad, 17 with Chain Axes, Sgt with Artificer Armour, Powersword, Meltabombs (in Spartan with Khârn and Apoth)


Dedicated Transport



Heavy Support

Spartan Assault Tank, Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shields, Dozer Blade, Frag Assault Launchers


Total = 1000pts


What you guys think?

Edited by daismith906
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Berserker Assault needs an additional Troops choice mate, but that's a solid start! Mechanised assault is definitely the strength of World Eaters. Also, the Spartan can hold 25 models, so just go for the full 20 Tactical Marines. :)
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