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[HH1.0] Tactica Chainaxe: World Eaters


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Praetor Tartaros Terminator, Paragon Blade, Digital Lasers

Heraldor Terminator, Chainfist

Tartaros Terminator Command Squad, Chainfist, Grenade Harness, Dreadclaw (480)?


Red Butchers, Chainfist, Thunder Hammer, 3 Pair of LClaws, Dreadclaw = 410

Red Butchers, Chainfist, Thunder Hammer, 3 Pair of LClaws, Dreadclaw = 410

Terminator Squad, Plasma Blaster, Chainfist, Dreadclaw = 300

Terminator Squad, Plasma Blaster, Chainfist, Dreadclaw = 300

Terminator Squad, Plasma Blaster, Chainfist, Dreadclaw = 300

Terminator Squad, Plasma Blaster, Chainfist, Dreadclaw = 300


= 2500pts


Why? Because why not?

Interesting idea. How do you make sure to get the charge off though? All WE buffs come from the Charge.
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But then you're not shooting your special weapons, or if you are, you may be killing the stuff you could have charged.


So Sons can take dreadclaws for their terminators without having to take orbital assault rite, deliver all the special weapon attacks at BS5, and then when engaged re-roll 1s to hit in first phase of combat, then if they outnumber at I1 they can make more attacks (sprinkle in lightning claws for this).


Night Lords could probably pull this off better too, since they can just buy teleporters rather than cough up dough for drop pods. Hopefully Atramentar get unveiled soon.

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That's not true at all. The pod can jink for a 4++ and is very survivable, especially when used en masse. You also don't have to deploy it close to the enemy, but in a safe position to hover over where you need to and assault that way.

My meta uses a lot of S6-S7. And it has to be relatively close to who you want to charge unless you want to fly.
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Dreadclaw allows you to:


DPA Outside of Interceptor Bubbles -> Flat out 18" into beneficial location.

Next turn: Move 6" -> Disembark 6" -> Charge 2D6" for a maximum movement rate of 42" Over two turns.


Thats a fair bit of leeway in getting a unit where it needs to be.

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If only the rules supported what you're saying.





Placing Disembarked Models

When a unit disembarks, place the models one at a time, using the following method: place the first model in base contact with one of the vehicle’s Access Points (including its flying base, if it has one). A disembarking model’s base cannot be placed within 1" of an enemy model or within impassable terrain.


The model can then make a normal move – Difficult and Dangerous Terrain tests should be taken as normal, but it must end its move wholly within 6" of the Access Point it disembarked from (we assume that any distance that is lost because of this has been used getting out of the Transport). Repeat this process for each model in the unit. At the end of the unit’s move, all models must be in unit coherency.




Access Points

* One access hatch beneath the hull. In practise, passengers can disembark at ground level within 2" of the hull.




If you wanted to be really finicky you could probably ensure that people measure the 6" on the hypotenuse as opposed to the opposite, but I'm sure that the 4mm or whatever the Pythagorean Theorem works out as.


As to the tactics, if you have a lot of S6 or S7, bring it baby. Roll to hit cuts out a 3rd of that, rolling to glance cuts the remainder down by a 6th, and the jink brings it down by another half. To down a pod, you'll need to have 54 Shots per pod, in range, without Interceptor, because Flat Out movement means it avoid interceptor, and narrow cones. CBA working out S7, but it's not going to be much better, and it's much less viable. A Sicaran's not even that scary tbh, because it's only AP4. If it had an AP2 ignores Jink, sure, colour me worried. But until then?


As for the special weapons firing? There's 60pts of Plasma. Not a big deal. It is just there to allow me to nuke an annoying challenge blocker sergeant if possible. I'm not really killing much. And if after all that I'm shooting at something at the far extreme of my range, I'm quite likely to lose the charge anyway, or I can choose to only shoot the Plasma Weapon to help even up the numbers in my favour.

Edited by Hesh Kadesh
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S6 only glances Av12 on a 6.


So with 40 Shots hitting on 3's (BS4), Glancing on 6's, thats, on average, 27 hits. With a 4+ Jink save, thats 2 Glances.

Edited by Slipstreams
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Please don't misconstrue my previous posting on a potential clarification on Dreadclaws as the rules the way they should be played. 


The way it stands now is very clear. Rather than placing disembarking models in base to base with an access point or the flying base, due to the weird way the Dreadclaw has its access point, the rules indicate you can disembark on ground level within 2" of the hull.  At no point do these rules modify the fact that a model can make a standard move AFTER disembarking.


What people seem to not grasp is that technically dreadclaw pods do not land like regular pods (there would be no way out in that case). They fly like the Kharybdis, with the iris facing the direction of assault.

Edited by Terminus
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@Hesh Kadesh

My common opponent generally brings 2-3 full squads of Volkite Culverin Heavy Support Marines (He runs The Reaping), so 54 shots isn't out of the question.

So they kill 1 Dreadclaw and shoot up the squad inside if they run 3 (33 hits, 27 wounds, maybe 5 failed saves, still leaves 3 Butchers). Also, 6 other Dreadclaws in this instance, and there's no saying I'm not placing units in Line of Sight of your guys either. They've spent 1005pts on killing one unit. Good effort?

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Ok so I didn't get to play world eaters opponent didn't have enough points to field to feel comfortable with his BA against the legion list... looking at this crusade campaign I will hopefully be running soon... if I said your army for the campaign is essentially a legion company/echelon worth of marines but you have only one praetor and 4 centurion what would you guys take keeping in mind this is during the crusade so no units or upgrades that wouldn't be available before Istavann 3
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It's a campaign to boost interest at my FLGS we are running a campaign set during the great crusade to get xenos players in as well I'll toss up preliminary rules in AOD when I'm at my computer. The question here is what would you take as your commanders if you were playing a narrative campaign lists can change between battles we are setting it as a war spanning a sub sector to allow lots of players.


So Hesh if you were playing in said campaign who would lead your world eater forces

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I don't think this is particularly pertinent to tactics, or the world eaters in particular.


If it is entry level, don't bother with Rites of War, except with a nominated Leader who gets access to a Praetor. Ban unique characters, Relics not earned in the campaign, allies and Lords of War, as well as Non SH garganutans and Super Heavies for all forces. Keeps things simple, focuses on the legion.


Work with Astra Militarum to play as Militia, and Tempestus as Solar Auxilia.


Force all Xenos players to abide by those rules and to use the Age of Darkness Force Organization Charts.


Pick up the character advancement rules, from Book IV. Have each person create their own unique character. Have his fluff and rules dictated in that manner. Because xenos are scrubs, and meant to be generic faceless enemies, they cannot get benefit of that.


Otherwise, campaigns are often too friendly, too beer and pretzels like and in general so much more relaxed that it isn't necessary to have a specific tactic or build in mind as there is nothing otherwise particularly special.


Want to keep it cool, have it as an escalation league. Tell everyone that they have 500pts to built a Zone Mortalis legal army, and then 250pt advancement each month, but you cannot remove models from your army. For example, if you pick up a Consul, you are stuck using him as a consul, no changing to a Praetor, although you can later add a Praetor (but still not remove the consul, or even change his consul type). Helps encourage a more thematic force and build a persistent universe feel.


It suggests a Path to glory type thing.

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Honestly, with the stuff revealed in book 6 about the spoke of the Webway war, there is a reason we don't see Eldar in 30K.  Not only have they gotten their collective asses kicked by the crusading Legions, now their primary mode of long-distance travel is overrun by daemons and the Emperor's goons.


So really, the only reason Horus was able to get as far as he did was Magnus.  Without Magnus' little boo-boo, Papa Emperor would have been on the frontlines, putting the traitor Primarchs over his knee and giving them a good spanking before sending them to bed without dinner.  Nothing trumps a father's discipline.

Edited by Terminus
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