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[HH1.0] Tactica Chainaxe: World Eaters


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Technically, the Praetor and Apothecary each count as an Infantry unit in Berserker Assault, so you should be fine for choice.


Attack Bikes are an underused unit that see some strong benefits from the World Eaters traits. Each one has a Relentless heavy weapon, (like autocannons, which are great for stripping Rhino hull points) and 5 attacks on the charge. Add in free chainaxes and they'll ruin Mechanicum, Solar Auxilia or Imperialis Militia. If you want them to look like proper 30k ones, buy 30k Outriders and 40k Attack Bikes, use the Attack Bike sprue on the Outrider, then sell the spare 40k Bike sprues on eBay (or retask them to a 40k project).


Apart from Assault, World Eaters should focus on strong generic Legion units: Sicarans, Rapiers (any except the heavy bolter ones), Primaris-Lightnings, podded Contemptors wth dual grav claws, etc.


Have a look back through this thread and others in this forum for more advice. I often go back and read through the whole of a thread to see how the tactics develop. :)

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Considering most 40k vehicles are Mars pattern, you can always just use regular attack bikes, but swap out the torsos and helms for 30k armour as Aquila armour was one of the few things not around. 


I can't remember which book I read it in, but you can even use 40k Rhinos as they're Mars pattern and exist in 30k :)


Anything that's fast and can get an axe is prime World Eater soldiery too! 

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Hello fellow Legionaries,


i just read through the whole tactica and got myself really bad headache (like someone hammering nails in the back of my head, makes me really mad) by thinking of the most effective ways to field our Legion. Let's start with the no-brainers: our guys excel in CQB, especially if they get the charge of. 10 Marines with their free chain axes buffed with Rage and Hatred cause (including Overwatch and Prefire) 4,83 Wounds when charging 10 generic Marines, of those Wounds being 4,0798 wounds caused in CQB. The WE receive 0,4881 wounds in Overwatch and 0,8176 wounds in the following melee. So they win Combat by 4,01, which drops the enemies' LD to 5, which let's them rout with a probability of 69,44%. 


After this statistics hammer, i actually think bringing 20 Man blobs is redundant. They are really expensive, adding a apothecary and kitted out Spartan and too big of a firemagnet. As for planning my World Eaters list, i ended up bringing 3 10 man Tacticals in Rhinos with Powerfist and AA for the Sarge. Deadly on the charge, mobile and also decent at Range with their FotL. What do you guys think?


I was also quite surprised that nobody ever mentioned the use auf Allies. I plan to use 2 50 Man Squads of Inducted Levy with Cult Horde and Tainted flesh, giving them Zealot USR, Fear, FnP 6+ and Rending in Melee. And I run them with 2 CQB Weapons each, giving them 4 Rending Attacks on the Charge. With the compulsory Force Commander this adds up to 320 pts for 101 Models and gives me the much needed Frontline infantry and Speed bumps. And if they get to combat, well, everything dies. This makes the WE really good in my opinion, not only in 30k but also in 40k games, running the Levy as frontline and then get follow up charges from the WE behind them popping out of their Rhinos. 


I summed those thoughts up in one of my planned lists, would like to receive some comments of the more experienced WE Players. 


Main Detachment


1 HQ


Khârn, Legacy of Blood, Master of the Legion: Berserker Assault 190 pts.


3 Troops


Legion Tactical Squad, Power Fist, Artificer Armour, Rhino 210 pts.

Legion Tactical Squad, Power Fist, Artificer Armour, Rhino 210 pts.

Legion Tactical Squad, Power Fist, Artificer Armour, Rhino 210 pts.


3 Elites


Legion Graviton Cannon 75 pts.

Legion Graviton Cannon 75 pts.

Legion Veteran Tactical Squad, 9 Veterans, Melta Bombs, 4 Power Weapons, Artificer Armour and Power Fist for the Sergeant 275 pts.


1 Fast Attack

Anvillus Dreadclaw Drop Pod


2 Heavy Support

Legion Sicaran, armoured Ceramite 155 pts.

Legion Sicaran, armoured Ceramite 155 pts.


Allied Detachment


1 HQ


Force Commander, Cult Horde, Tainted Flesh 120 pts.


2 Troops


Inducted Levy Squad, 50 Men 100 pts.

Inducted Levy Squad, 50 Men 100 pts.


1975 pts.


Not quite happy with the list yet, since I want 3 Graviton Cannons in there. What du you guys think?

Edited by 2gud2bbad
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It looks solid, fast moving armour and grav cannon support with a huge amount of meatshield. Very fluffy also.


If you want a third grav cannon, try dropping a power weapon marine in the vets and .. what is the default size for the inducted squads? Can you drop them to save up the 50pts needed for your additional cannon?

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Thank you for your feedback


Levy MSU is 20 guys. I managed to fit the third Cannon in by dropping one Vet and changing the Tactical Squads Sergeant's Powerfist in exchange for Melta Bombs.


Anyway, as for now, i'm searching for a suitable hammer unit to pump up my WE to 3000 pts. I ended up with regular Terminators instead of Red Butchers, because the Red Butchers are just too easy to kill by the things they actually should kill. Just getting insta-killed by S8 Fists or Primarch-Weaponry is where their 2 Wounds and FNP don't help at all. I really hope for a rule update for the rampagers and the red butchers, because right now, I sadly don't see any point to use them. There are cheaper ways to kill MEQ's or TEQ's (Red Butchers) or get outflanking CQB-power (Rampagers) namely normal Terminators and Veterans with Power Weapons. I went for a 4/6 Mixture in LC's and Chainfists to really ensure they rip trough any heavy Tank they meet on the Battlefield. I gave them also 2 Autocannons, which are actually over kill. I you find wiser ways to spend the points, let me know. There's also a Primus Medicae attached to increase their survivablilty even more. Khârn stays in the Veteran Squad in the Drop Pod. This list basically gives me a lot of bodies trough the Tacticals and Levy, a lot of armour, and two in my mindset decent hammer units. I really like how the WE special rules make their veterans and terminators really really deadly in CQB. 


Only thing is that i just have one heavy tank. My opponent certainly can kill it Turn 1, which really screws my Terminators, but on the other Hand, this leaves the rest of my Army free to move everywhere. And nobody wants to get charged by a full 50 man unit of Levy in Turn 3 or so. What do you guys think? Any glaring Mistakes or weaknesses found?


+++ World Eaters + Milita (3000pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (2680pts) ++
+ HQ (315pts) +
Khârn the Bloody (190pts) [Legacy of Blood]
····Master of the Legion [beserker Assault]
Legion Centurion (125pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Power Fist]
····Consul [Primus Medicae]
+ Troops (630pts) +
Legion Tactical Squad (210pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]
····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]
Legion Tactical Squad (210pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]
····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]
Legion Tactical Squad (210pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]
····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]
+ Elites (1325pts) +
Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (225pts)
····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Graviton Cannon]
····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Graviton Cannon]
····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Graviton Cannon]
Legion Terminator Squad (825pts) [5x Chainfist, 9x Legion Terminators, 4x Pair of Lightning Claws, 2x Reaper Autocannon, Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon]
····Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield, Frag Assault Launchers]
····Legion Terminator Sergeant [Chainfist]
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (275pts) [Furious Charge, 8x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Melta Bombs, 4x Power Weapon]
····Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]
+ Fast Attack (100pts) +
Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod (100pts)
+ Heavy Support (310pts) +
Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (155pts) [Armoured Ceramite]
Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (155pts) [Armoured Ceramite]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [XII: World Eaters]
++ Imperialis Militia and Cults Army List (Allied Detachment) (320pts) ++
+ HQ (120pts) +
Force Commander (120pts)
····The Muster of Worlds [Cult Horde, Tainted Flesh]
+ Troops (200pts) +
Inducted Levy Squad (100pts) [Close Combat Weapons, 49x Levy Auxiliaries]
Inducted Levy Squad (100pts) [Close Combat Weapons, 49x Levy Auxiliaries]
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A 5 man red Butcher squad would obliterate a 10 man Terminator squad (although would generally be killed itself if against fists etc..). However you really want them charging into infantry or just getting into the back lines of the enemy. They are a huge threat there and people are so scared of them they will be targeted and so draw firepower away from other units too.


I take them every time

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A 5 man red Butcher squad would obliterate a 10 man Terminator squad (although would generally be killed itself if against fists etc..). However you really want them charging into infantry or just getting into the back lines of the enemy. They are a huge threat there and people are so scared of them they will be targeted and so draw firepower away from other units too.


I take them every time


Well, 5 Red butchers w/ secondary Power Axes, sec. Axe and Fist for the Sarge (280 pts) cause 8,07 unsaved Wounds vs. 4++ Terminators on the charge including Rage and Hatred. For 270 pts i get 7 Terminators w/ Fists. Yes, that Squad would be down but cause 4,158 unsaved wounds in return. A 10 Men Squad would survive the charge and wipe out the Butchers in return. As a mentioned, the Butchers do so well because they got the charge off. Things would look different if we took away the charge bonuses.


I love the Red Butchers and especially the Rampagers, but the Butchers need a points reduction or access to fists for the whole Squad and the rampagers need a point drop AND access to normal power weaponry.



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Agreed. Terminators aren't a great matchup for Red Butchers.


Literally half of the Butchers attacks will bounce off, and while the same is true of the enemy terminators, each of their powerfist attacks takes out two wounds of Butcher.

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So slipstreams was helping me with my zone mortalis list 

+++ Bleeding the Enemy on his own Ship (1500pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List ((Zone Mortalis) Attacker) (1500pts) ++
+ HQ (190pts) +
Khârn the Bloody (190pts) [Legacy of Blood]
Master of the Legion [beserker Assault]
+ Elites (900pts) +
Apothecarion Detachment (195pts)
Legion Apothecary [Artificer Armour, Power Sword]
Legion Apothecary [Artificer Armour, Power Sword]
Legion Apothecary [Artificer Armour, Power Sword]
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (315pts) [Furious Charge, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Melta Bombs, 4x Power Weapon]
Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Plasma Pistol, Power Fist]
The Red Butchers (390pts) [6x Butcher Terminator, 2x Pair of Lightning Claws, 4x Second Power Axe]
The Devoured [Chainfist, Power Fist, Second Power Axe]
+ Troops (410pts) +
Legion Tactical Squad (205pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Take an additional Chainsword or Combat Blade]
Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]
Legion Tactical Squad (205pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Take an additional Chainsword or Combat Blade]
Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [XII: World Eaters]

but  I was wondering if anyone had any more experience with the world eaters in that  game mode ?  What units do you see working best ?  Since terminators are common and red butchers arent terribly good against them do you feel that I should avoid butchers  for something else punchy enough to deal with termis ?    In theory the world eaters should be good in ZM  I feel since they are an assault army and ZM is a mode where assault is quite common

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Depends on target. No real use against an Iron Tyrant unit or Firedrake unit (Move Through Cover), but against something like a Sons of Horus or other Butcher unit, definitely.


There are enough things which can put on a ton of wounds - ranging from Quad Multilasers (Don't doubt how much damage 6 S6 TL Shots can do), to Quad Mortars, or Kheres Assault Cannons.


With respect to your list, while very similar to a World Eaters army trope of all the axes everywhere, it's toothless with regards to Ranged AP2. Typhons, Medusa, Plasma/Melta Preds are a thing because of this. 


Because of this - might be worth to look into taking some of those, or perhaps swapping the Spartan for a Typhon. The typical trap lets blob best part of 1000pts into an easily shredded (if Grav or Strength D is taken) shell is eggs in one basket approach. Sure, you've got some Turn 2 counters, but that doesn't help your Terminators who are sat with AP2 Templates in difficult and dangerous terrain.


I'm not a special fan of the FNP any more on terminators. I used to think it's the bees knees - now, it's merely making you more resilient to stuff that doesn't affect you - with the exception of Plasma, sure, but Plasma is kind of few and far between in any case, and has many other targets.


You've got a lot of T4 Zealot bodies - but what purpose do they serve really? Are they just a second wave? They can't score. 

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Mortis Lascannons, for pure range.

Kheres/Chainfist or LC/Chainfist for more intimate support. I remember somebody said a Kheres/chainfist combo while walking up with despoilers is some terrific fire support, and can punch any armour that gets too close.


Podding in dual-grav 'claw temptors is my favourite though, though obviously not foot slogging then.

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Depends on target. No real use against an Iron Tyrant unit or Firedrake unit (Move Through Cover), but against something like a Sons of Horus or other Butcher unit, definitely.


There are enough things which can put on a ton of wounds - ranging from Quad Multilasers (Don't doubt how much damage 6 S6 TL Shots can do), to Quad Mortars, or Kheres Assault Cannons.


With respect to your list, while very similar to a World Eaters army trope of all the axes everywhere, it's toothless with regards to Ranged AP2. Typhons, Medusa, Plasma/Melta Preds are a thing because of this. 


Because of this - might be worth to look into taking some of those, or perhaps swapping the Spartan for a Typhon. The typical trap lets blob best part of 1000pts into an easily shredded (if Grav or Strength D is taken) shell is eggs in one basket approach. Sure, you've got some Turn 2 counters, but that doesn't help your Terminators who are sat with AP2 Templates in difficult and dangerous terrain.


I'm not a special fan of the FNP any more on terminators. I used to think it's the bees knees - now, it's merely making you more resilient to stuff that doesn't affect you - with the exception of Plasma, sure, but Plasma is kind of few and far between in any case, and has many other targets.


You've got a lot of T4 Zealot bodies - but what purpose do they serve really? Are they just a second wave? They can't score. 


Didn't realize your post was adressed to me at first, apologies for my delayed response.


Well your statements somehow cancel each other out. First you're saying how good high volume weapons  are and then you're criticizing the lack of powerful high AP shooting in my list. I don't really need long range AP2 in my list since it is CQB oriented and dealing most of it's high AP dmg in CQB. Everything big and nasty gets targeted by the Graviton Cannons and spends most time of the game (barring fire drakes and DG) in dangerous and difficult terrain. Bringing dedicated ranged AP2 makes little sense in my mind in a close combat oriented list. Only thing i could think about are two Plasma-Carronade Deredos instead of the sicarians, but that's it. But if you have a distinct option in your mind tailored to my list, let me know!


As for the Terminator FNP. You're totally right. If they get targeted, then mostly by weapons that ignore the FNP anyway haha. What was i thinking.


The Levy are for body count advantage. They are my frontline my opponent cannot ignore, because of their numbers and devastating melee stats (150 Rending attacks anyone?). If he shoots them with e.g. grav cannons or other guns that are actually there to kill much more dangerous units, they fulfill their job. Either way, either they eat up the opponents army or the world eaters.


As for my updated list:


+++ World Eaters + Milita (3000pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (2680pts) ++


+ HQ (190pts) +


Khârn the Bloody (190pts) [Legacy of Blood]

····Master of the Legion [beserker Assault]


+ Troops (630pts) +


Legion Tactical Squad (210pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]


Legion Tactical Squad (210pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]


Legion Tactical Squad (210pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]


+ Elites (1490pts) +


Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (150pts)

····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Graviton Cannon]

····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Graviton Cannon]


Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (225pts)

····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Graviton Cannon]

····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Graviton Cannon]

····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Graviton Cannon]


Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (265pts) [Furious Charge, 8x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Melta Bombs, 3x Power Weapon]

····Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]


The Red Butchers (850pts) [9x Butcher Terminator, 9x Second Power Axe]

····Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield]

····The Devoured [Chainfist, Second Power Axe]


+ Fast Attack (100pts) +


Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod (100pts)


+ Heavy Support (270pts) +


Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (135pts)


Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (135pts)


+ Legion +


Legion Astartes [XII: World Eaters]


++ Imperialis Militia and Cults Army List (Allied Detachment) (320pts) ++


+ HQ (120pts) +


Force Commander (120pts)

····The Muster of Worlds [Cult Horde, Tainted Flesh]


+ Troops (200pts) +


Inducted Levy Squad (100pts) [Close Combat Weapons, 49x Levy Auxiliaries]


Inducted Levy Squad (100pts) [Close Combat Weapons, 49x Levy Auxiliaries]


= 3000


Khârn joins the Veterans. Any thoughts? I'm absolutely not satisfied with my hammer unit. What about taking a Kharybdis for them?

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  • 1 month later...

This thread shall never tire!


So I was brainfluffing for an alternative, fluffy yet relatively viable list that would be fun and has some teeth. 


I thought then, that a list primarily dealing with bikes could be fun. Recon force, essentially. Now to be fluffy, it has to be full on; so was born the Force Recon List. World Eaters, so I can do an Audax Warhound of course.


Lots of fast, hard hitting units. Outriders for TEQ, attack bikes for TEQ/AV support, Speeders for AV, Despoiler/Rhinos to take objectives or engage infantry and finally a Titan to...well sploosh things. Between focusing the titan and fast, incoming melta/high AP/Grav, it should mean enemies get recon'd super hard




+++ World Eaters Force Reconnaissance  (3000pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) ++
+ HQ +
Legion Centurion [Artificer Armour, Cyber-familiar, Graviton Gun, Rad Grenades, Refractor Field, Space Marine Bike with Twin-linked Bolter, Thunder Hammer, Volkite Charger]
Consul [Forge Lord]
Legion Praetor [Archaeotech Pistol, Artificer Armour, Digital Lasers, Mastercraft a Single Weapon, Paragon Blade, Refractor Field, Space Marine Bike with Twin-linked Bolter]
Master of the Legion [beserker Assault]
+ Troops +
Legion Tactical Squad [Exchange their Bolters for a Chainsword or Combat Blade, Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]
Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour]
Legion Tactical Squad [Exchange their Bolters for a Chainsword or Combat Blade, Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]
Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour]
Legion Tactical Squad [Exchange their Bolters for a Chainsword or Combat Blade, Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]
Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour]
+ Fast Attack +
Legion Attack Bike Squadron [5x Legion Attack Bike, Melta Bombs, 5x Multi-Melta]
Legion Land Speeder Squadron
Legion Land Speeder [Graviton Gun]
Legion Land Speeder [Graviton Gun]
Legion Land Speeder [Graviton Gun]
Legion Land Speeder [Graviton Gun]
Legion Land Speeder [Graviton Gun]
Legion Outrider Squad [10x Legion Space Marine Outrider, Melta Bombs, 3x Power Weapon, Twin-linked Plasma Gun]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [XII: World Eaters]
+ Lord of War +
Legio Titanicus Warhound Scout Titan [Titan Plasma Blastgun, Vulcan Mega-bolter]
Edited by The God-Potato of Mankind
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I hate Battlescribe. Takes the joy out of list creation. Plus, can you put points by the side of the units of their subtotal. It's hard to continually try and add up points in my head.


First thought, *yay*, another Warhound, but it's not running Turbo lasers. YAY! Genuine, rather than sarcastic this time. That said, a melta pod strike is enough to gib a Warhound, especially on one not able to have its rear protected.


Aside from that... 3000pts, 3 AV11 tanks with no real hitting power of note and unable to get into CC until Turn 3, maybe turn 4, and 10 Bikers eating any spare firepower 3000pts of marines can bring to bear, while forcing you to snap shoot if they have anything remotely AP3 or better and kept out of sight - such as Plasma pods or Medusa. Snap Shot with TL and Relentless Rapid Fire isn't too painful, but you want to have your unit 8-12" away and unleashing 20 Plasma shots onto a target. Which will likely kill a Terminator Squad, or nix it to nothingness. But then what?

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Has anyone considered running 3 10 man squads of despoilers in Dreadclaws with the Berzerker RoW?


I know it's pricy and seems a bit silly, but you get the ultimate assault transport that lets you assault outside your deployment for all the buffs, plus you gain mobility and survivability.


Or hell, even a 20 man squad in a Kharybidis or drop one for a character. It provides a nice anvil unit for your hammer (red butchers in a Raider/terminators/etc) to smash the enemy up against.



Trying to break the mold of 3x20 despoilers or 3x10 tacticals in Raiders :)

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How about POTL "THEY CAME FROM OUTER SPACE!!" Style Red Butchers-in-pods spam?


Granted, this'd only really be worth it in 3k+ Games buuuuuuut the shenanigans could be worth it!

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Considering that the Kharybdis and Dreadclaw deal D6 S6 Ap5 Flamer Striking on Rear Armor and Ignoring Cover, this has the Potential to be pretty Devastating especially since its a D3+3" Bubble measured from the Hull (not the legs) on some pretty HEUG circular models.


You'd essentially have nothing to fear from Cult Levy Spam at that point since you'd just burninate them all.




Then you disgorge 20 capacity worth of Mudereous Lunatics at the survivors.

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Yeah so including the standard PFist/Artificer Armor on the sarge that's like 535 a Claw full of loonies, so 3 of those and a Praetor in one for OA (let's say it's Khârn, who is... 195 with Gorechild?) comes to ~1800 points, so you have 1200 points of 1:1 Dreadnought Talons in pods if you're doing it that way.


Legion Gravnoughts in DDPs are 220? Sooo like 5 of those so it's constantly raining Dreadnoughts. You could maybe upgrade to Contemptors or swap for Dreadclaws & Chainfists here and there but it might bring you down to 4 of them. idk about OA and how Talons deploy but if you're at like 4 Contemptors in pods (this would maybe be 1/elite slot to avoid confusion) and 3 Kharybdis that's probably 2 Kharybdis and 2 Contemptors first turn?


psa: don't drink and army list

Edited by LetsYouDown
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