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[HH1.0] Tactica Chainaxe: World Eaters


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The issue I have faced with stuffing my World Eaters into pods (and this was before we caught the forced disembark, mind you) was that half your army on the first turn sounds like enough to weather the storm and make it into useful combats.


What I consistently found though, was a well made Heresy list at say 3000 points, is decently capable of dealing plenty of damage to whittle my despoilers and pod dreads down to ineffectiveness, when you're podding almost directly into the short-medium range that legion shooting operates best at. 


I'll admit, I haven't tried it with Kharybdis pods though. Maybe being a flying Spartan is enough to tip that equation.  

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Soooo, i picked up a BaC box, Khârn, and a leviathan to start my eaters. I am building towards this 2000pt list...


- HQ -

Khârn, gorechild, orbital assault row


- Troops -

2 tacticals with vexillas in drop pods, sargents with artificer armor and power fists



- Elites -

Contemptor with a kheres in a drop pod


5 Regular terminators with volkites and a couple lightming claws and power fists. Sargent has a chain fist and volkite. Deep striking.


Vet squad with some power weapons and a dreadclaw. Khârn goes with them.


- Heavy Support -

Fire Raptor with the reaper battery upgrade


Leviathan with cannon and claw, volkites instead of flamers, phosphex, dreadpod



I think this is a pretty strong list so I am wondering if it's a good stater list. I feel like it would provide a good bar to build on even in a non pod list. I also plan on waiting to buy the pods until after the new RoWs are revealed.

Edited by Guiltysparc
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It appears our new RoW is basically:


FNP, or +1 to FNP for everyone 

IWND for all ICs. 


Not seen the specifics but seems really good, as we should be running apothecaries regularly and making use of our characters being very killy anyway. 


All I can think of is my despoilers will now get 4+ FNP :biggrin.: Ontop of Zealot with a Chappy, who now has IWND! It's just..amazing. 


Unsure if there are any limitations yet. Confirmation would result in :censored:

Edited by The God-Potato of Mankind
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Well on the RB entry it doesn't list slow & purposeful.


But it lists Cataphractii, which is stated to confer S&P. 


I am however, using the older books. If I can run them I'd squee with glee as I can pretty much just apply FNP/IWND for no cost to my existing list with no drawbacks :D

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Smashing! So basically nothing you would want to take is restricted?

Soooo...all benefits no downsides really? Plus delegatus got cheaper but a WE praetor is Kickass anyway. Still want a chaplain for dat re rolling.




So we also need to secure Attrition and Linebreaker to deny an enemy VP. I mean we should be charging at the enemy so they seem likely, and the swamp of attacks should give us good KDRs. What if the enemy goes PoTL and has far fewer bods tho...

Edited by The God-Potato of Mankind
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So, in theory, I really like the idea of our new RoW.


In short, it is +1 to FnP while we are inside our enemy's deployment zone and our ICs get It Will Not Die regardless of where they are, correct? Followed by the limitations we have to complete a couple of line-breaker-esque tertiary objectives. 


I'm not 100% sure if loosing that offensive power from Hatred on 3/4's of the board is worth the trade off for more resilience inside of 1/4 of the board. It certainly sounds attractive to folks who love those huge despoiler squads since you can theoretically knock out 50% of incoming wounds when you have an apothecary in there. But that long trudge across the center of the board is going to be where you need that additional FnP the most, which it doesn't give you. Then when you've made it to your opponent's deployment zone for that sweet +1 FnP, you aren't going to hit as hard (33% less hard?) without that Hatred re-roll with squads that are going to be every bit as depleted from shooting as those with Berzerker Assault rite would be. 


Now, if you're going the mechanized approach, you can clear that no-man's land in the middle of the board where you haven't gotten your FnP bonus yet, but then you don't have the transport capacity for an apothecary in a rhino or even a Phobos, so you're left with either paying out for a Spartan or just a mediocre 6+ FnP. 


I may be a little (lot) biased but I think that hitting stuff with axes more and more often wins out over not dying 16.7% less often.  

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So, in theory, I really like the idea of our new RoW.


In short, it is +1 to FnP while we are inside our enemy's deployment zone and our ICs get It Will Not Die regardless of where they are, correct? Followed by the limitations we have to complete a couple of line-breaker-esque tertiary objectives. 


I'm not 100% sure if loosing that offensive power from Hatred on 3/4's of the board is worth the trade off for more resilience inside of 1/4 of the board. It certainly sounds attractive to folks who love those huge despoiler squads since you can theoretically knock out 50% of incoming wounds when you have an apothecary in there. But that long trudge across the center of the board is going to be where you need that additional FnP the most, which it doesn't give you. Then when you've made it to your opponent's deployment zone for that sweet +1 FnP, you aren't going to hit as hard (33% less hard?) without that Hatred re-roll with squads that are going to be every bit as depleted from shooting as those with Berzerker Assault rite would be. 


Now, if you're going the mechanized approach, you can clear that no-man's land in the middle of the board where you haven't gotten your FnP bonus yet, but then you don't have the transport capacity for an apothecary in a rhino or even a Phobos, so you're left with either paying out for a Spartan or just a mediocre 6+ FnP. 


I may be a little (lot) biased but I think that hitting stuff with axes more and more often wins out over not dying 16.7% less often.  


Unfortunately, the IWND is in enemy deploy zone too. The RoW is 100% about being there and not anywhere else.

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Are there any other changes?

No. The WE saw like 0 changes in AoD Legions. You'll just have to make due with the two neat characters, awesome new color scheme and the RoW from book VI :tongue.:



Incarnate violence has been changed and Bloodlust has been improved. 

Blood madness is the same.




Hoped for a Caedere fix, but I heard nothing about it...

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Hot damn


So if we factor in that new apothecary (bc damn, why wouldn't we take him?) I can get a despoiler squad with Rage, hatred, Str 5, re-rolling wound rolls of 1 *and* an extra attack if I feel like loosing 1/6 of my Astartes.


It's good to be the (warrior) kings :d

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